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    101 Ways to Make More Sales Online

    101 Ways to Make More Sales Online

    Reader Comments (125)

    1. Hi Sonia,

      All I can say is WOW, WOW, and WOW! What a list you put together. Conversion is something that I’m constantly tweaking and working on. Thanks so much!

      Chat with you later…

    2. This is a another post reminding me to do the basics. There are so many of these points that I have overlooked. Now I have to go over the list again to reinforce all these points.

      Great post thanks.

    3. I don’t know how you did it. I actually read through the entire list 🙂

      I have found that video works very well for demonstrating products (especially software)

      Also, I think I’m going to add a picture of my dog now 🙂

    4. Hi,

      Thanks a lot for writing this epic post. Conversion is a hot topic and it should be, since your sales depend on it.

      Many people have problems in this area. I think this is too much information to be read in one go. So I will read this in pieces and breaks. But it will surely help a lot in increasing conversions!


    5. Have you tested including a picture of your cat?? 🙂 My Birman will be featured on my home page (web site under construction). Great post! Going into my “save” file!

    6. Great points Sonia.

      “What kind of tasty bonus could you offer? Peanut butter is good; peanut butter with jelly is great. Find the jelly for your peanut butter, the bonus that makes your good product even better.”

      Why do GURUs offer Peanut Butter and Mayo ? LOL

    7. Fantastic post! Definitely bookmarked and passed around.

      One thing that I would add – read your logfiles and Analytics; analyze what people are actually searching for on your site, and also take a look at referral strings, to see what they’re passing around on their own. If you have a good idea of what they’re looking for in the first place, you’ll have a better shot of providing it. And converting.

    8. So this is the opus that kept you up late into the night 🙂

      Can I be so cheeky as to add 102 (and screw up the space-time continuum)?

      102. Help your reader experience your product’s “hidden benefit”. The hidden benefit is that deeply personal passion, fear, desire, or dream that your prospect is really itching to satisfy.

      For example, my wife convinced me to buy our Golden Retriever because it would “make our family complete”. Shazam.

    9. This a great check list! I picked up things I had not thought of before.

      When testing headlines I like to use Google- Website optimizer. It makes testing really easy.

    10. Hi Sonia,

      I really appreciate this post because it tells all we need to do to gain sales on the internet.

      I do agree most of your points especially “bring traffic to your landing page instead of sales page”.

      Well, from my experience, it converts more than we think and the best thing is, now ‘customer is on our list’.

      It will help to generate revenue for the long term.

      By the way, I would really appreciate if you can make a new post discussing about generating effective free traffic to landing pages.

      I know you have done that before, but why not all of us refreshed back our skill about best traffic generation method once again?

      Perhaps we can share brilliant idea from all the Copyblogger readers.

      Just my 2 cents. Thanks a lot once again Sonia! 🙂

    11. @Josh, have fun with it!

      @Carl, I’m impressed, even I had a hard time reading all of it. 🙂

      @Aqif, so you think we should do a follow-up, 101 Ways to Get More Traffic? Not a bad idea.

      @Stanford, thanks for the 102! Yes, absolutely, additions are very welcome.

    12. I thought #16 was funny. But then I got to #36. (I can see it being useful in a few years when I’ll have 4 teenagers in the house.)

    13. Great tips. It’s always hard for me to find the balance between what to give away and what to sell. A year or so ago, a friend asked if I was running a library or a bookstore? It was tough love because I thought I was running a bookstore, but it was acting like a library. Continuous testing and tweaking has moved me closer to the bookstore side. Thank you for helping me along the way.

    14. Sonia,

      this what I call an epic, killer cornerstone evergreen article on kick-ass marketing.

      I’m bookmarking this page and I will read it again, and again, and again, again and again,again, and again, and again, again and again

      Seriously, epic work !

    15. Holy, cow, Sonia, this is amazing! I’m sold! 🙂

      Seriously, you hit on a couple of soft spots for me: I do not do testing and have a real blind spot about it. Thanks for illuminating it and pointing out specific ways to do it.

      I think I’m getting better with my emotional headlines.

      Dog photos?! Hilarious! Do cat photos work, too?

      I love the reminder to lighten up. Thanks for that, and for all this great advice – perfect checklist for my next promo letter, going out this week!

    16. Hey Sonia,

      OMG What a post PHEW!

      Packed with tips to help increase sales, I had to bookmark this post as I will be sure to refer back to it again, and again AND again!

      Wonderful content, wish others would share as much as you.

      Many thanks Sally 🙂

    17. Impressive.

      I tested each idea with the principal of contrast and sure enough, if you want to fail, just do the opposite of each lesson.

      You had me at “Does your product or service solve a problem people actually care about?” … and somehow you maintained your momentum and stayed insightful the whole way through.

      Beautifully done.

    18. Back to the drawing board. I was just about to launch a product this week, but after reading this post I realize I’ve neglected to address about a third of the points you’ve mentioned.

      You’ve made my day. Thanks for sharing this awesome stuff.

    19. Is a horse ok? Can I use a horse? He’s a very gentle horse, and an excellent trotter (he won’t break your *ss on a trot, so rare).

      And his name is Blackie.

      Who could resist such a creature?

    20. Hi Sonia,

      My dog is looking at me saying “what does this idiot want with me now” your going to be famous pooch.



    21. Great list Sonia! This is a great roadmap for anyone looking to increase their conversion rates.

      If I may, I’d like to add one to the list…

      103. Check with your web host and shopping cart provider to see if there are any traffic limitations on your account. There’s nothing worse than putting an offer online and having your website or shopping cart go offline because you exceeded your traffic limits. Believe it or not, I’ve seen this happen to even the most experienced Internet marketers, so it’s always best to check beforehand.

      This is one that’s easily missed because those services are ones most people don’t think about once they’ve paid for them. Knowing the limitations on your account can help you avoid lost sales and prevent problems before they happen.

      Again, awesome list Sonia! Thanks!

    22. I’m surprised ‘buy now’ has been shown to lower response. It seems so clear and to the point, not to mention it’s a call to action. I’ll ponder this.

      This post is awesome and a great piece of literature to review now and again.

      Truthfully, its inspired me. And its convinced me to pursue a long time goal of mine which is to become a professional psychic. There are certainly some desperate people out there willing to part money to get someone to tell them utter b.s.! I love it!

      Ms. Cleo’s reign of dominance is behind us. The era of Bamboo Forest and his psychic readings has just begun.

      I’m excited!

    23. A lot of online entrepreneurs were dismayed when they see a lot of traffic on their site but no sales at all. Your list says it all on why this happened. Selling online is much more difficult than selling your product offline. Your customer does not feel the product and so the sales pitch must be utterly convincing.

    24. @Shane, great idea! It’s $97. 😉

      @Joe, laughing. We always try to provide advice that works in a variety of contexts, after all.

      @Dave Doolin, I think Blackie sounds like excellent sales letter material.

      @Hashim, I would say so, yes. Drayton Bird would probably tuck that into “feel secure,” but as you know, I think there’s a lot of benefit in exploring the control driver.

    25. You’re such a copywriting nerd. 🙂

      Seriously though, this is a great list. You could read it and skip about 90% of the books and courses on sales letters.

      It’s like Cliff Notes for copywriters. Love it.

    26. Unbelievable, Sonia. Bookmarked for review and for a warmup before sales letter writing. Thank you so much for this post.

      What could I add? How about “Make your buy button bigger”

      Unless you’re a little nervous about its size, you could probably make it bigger. Either way, test it to see what gets better conversions. Thanks again for this heroic list of a post.

    27. Thank you for this post. I feel like my business has hit a road block and conversion is a key to removing it. So I’ll be absorbing all this information now and in the days to come.

    28. Great list – the challenge is to apply it on all the websites. Does the list apply to a blog too? If so, my concern is when I look at this blog and the opinions of others, the format seems different. I am struggling with all the info and “experts”

    29. WOW. Thanks so much for this great list.

      Ive been working really hard on getting the design and layout for my site right, I have actually been trying to avoid the salescopy because its one of my weak points.

      Im going to go work on it now!

    30. Sonia, Great post as usual. Funny thing is that I have applied many of the strategies you mention and are just not selling the click at the rate I thought. Back to the testing board!!

      Deb DiBiasie ND
      The Adz Dr

    31. Wow long post, and I am surprised I read the entire thing. Either way it was worth the read. I really liked number 86, don’t sell products or services, sell ideas. That’s what gets viewers more intrigued to purchase.

    32. This is an epic post.

      When I read “101…” I always think it is going to be watered down nonsense but it was quite incredible.

      Thanks for doing this – its like a checklist we can re-visit over time.

      The Tyrant.

    33. Thanks, all, for the kind words.

      @Roberta, I would say that a blog has a different purpose than a sales page — these ideas are mostly (but not all) about sales pages. A blog isn’t as focused, there’s more room to browse and look around. It’s about building the connection rather than getting the person to take that one action. But there are a lot of “selling” and direct response copywriting techniques that also do work brilliantly with blog content.

      @Conrad, I think you have the kind of persona that goes very well with a cat. You have my blessing.

      @Ellie, no worries, we’re not going anywhere. Come back and re-visit any time! 🙂

    34. #4 is my ultimate pet peeve! Is everyone illiterate in this country? Doesn’t anyone know the difference between their and there? Mistakes like that drive me nuts.

    35. Wow! That’s a lot of great tips. Too much to read at once… Aha! That’s your “evil” plan -bookmarking!

      (OK, I bookmarked it. “Evil” plan successful).

    36. Wow! What a list!

      I particularly liked the one about adding a photo of you with your dog 🙂 We’ve just recently got a new cocker spaniel puppy, so I think I might add a few photos of him in some of my sites and see what happens 😉

      Thanks for compiling such a comprehensive list!


    37. I think I ever read this type of post in my blogging days. Really superb post. I’m going to share this post has much as I can.

    38. Man oh man, Sonia – you always give great “cookies” to your readers, but you’ve really outdone yourself today: this is a whole banquet in one blog post! (Creating a checklist postie-note now!)

    39. Wow, so much to do! I had no idea on many of the items on your list. I think it pushed me back a step or two, but thank you! I am glad that I read this and thank you for your infinite wisdom on the subject! I will definately be bookmarking this.


    40. @Jodi, we specialize in high-quality evil! 😀

      @Rebecca, aw, thanks. I wanted to do something a little special for folks.

      @Keith, definitely try it! Let’s face it, no one can resist a cocker puppy.

      @Darcy, no worries, it’s an evolutionary process. You definitely don’t want to try to do all of these in one fell swoop, you’ll give yourself a strain. 🙂

    41. Thanks Sonia, for this awesome information all in one post! I will definitely be referring my clients to this site as this is always a ‘sticking’ point when writing a compelling sales page or email.

      People become overwhelmed by the process and what to say… is it too much? too little? too smart? too dumb? too personal? too vague?

      These tips now offer the ‘no excuse’ for getting it ‘just right!’

    42. Great info, Sonia! We get so caught up in the latest trends in social media, that we tend to forget the basics: know our audience, make sure our product/services meets their need, use a call to action, and always, always, always, proof your copy. Bad grammar and typos are such a no no!!!

      Love your writing, Sonia; keep ’em coming!

    43. Wow, this article is a keeper for sure, I’m booking time to review my sales landing pages step by step for each and every one of the 101 suggestions!

    44. Hi there Sonia,
      I must be dreaming, wow these are so many tips in one place itself. I think this is certainly going to help my improves sales of my products.


    45. Probably the best online marketing list post ever. I know I want to add something meaningful and insightful but sometimes it’s all been said. Definitely a post to come back to and use as a prelaunch or post launch check list.

    46. Very powerful and very generous.

      Surely this is intellectual property that warrants being sold rather than given away??

      Best to you,


      Helping you succeed in business

    47. @annabel – pretty much the last word, to be sure. Sonia went all Bruce Lee on us here: To the master, a punch is just a punch.

      @Robin – yeah, I’d pay a few ducats for a spiffy, fill-in-the-blanks workbook. It would save me time from making it myself (’cause I’m bound to otherwise).

    48. I printed this article so that I could highlight all the strategies that I need to implement immediately, there were too many to just jot down. One and a half highlighters later… I have my homework cut out for me today. Thank you for an article that points out so many ideas that we all probably know but aren’t doing on a consistent basis. Your insight is incredible, thank you for this great article.

    49. @Robin, we do pretty well selling our information as well. 🙂 If you haven’t seen my cookie content philosophy (which is of course not unique to me, though I don’t think anyone else calls it that), it’s important to me to make sure that the Copyblogger readers always get something valuable when they get that post each morning. And once in awhile we like to package up something a little extra special. 🙂

    50. Wow, what a post! I would have been happy with 11 but you managed to insert a “0” in the middle of the 1’s. You should do a post on how to get that sort of ambition.

      And I have one question, one that will probably get ignored but I’m going to subscribe to just in case. On number 15:

      “If you have a dog, use a photo of you with your dog instead. There’s something about a dog that lowers nearly everyone’s defenses.”

      Does that advice also apply to CATS?


    51. I do not think I can follow all of these ways but there are two ways that can boost my sales online is review and free support to those who buy through my affiliate links.

    52. @Wendy, @Greg, @Tinh and others, that’s awesome — don’t try to implement all 101 at once. Experienced copywriters do, but that’s because these have become second-nature to them. But if you see a few or even a dozen that apply, get them in there, and then you can keep adding over time. It’s all a process. 🙂

      @John, many people are curious about that! I think last time I heard there were actually more pet cats in the U.S. than dogs. Some people actively dislike cats, but for me it would depend on that one perfect customer I’m visualizing. If that customer likes cats, I’d go for it. Cats don’t seem to bring out the warm heart-melting trust that dogs do (at least not for everyone), but it’s definitely worth testing.

    53. This is a lot to think about, but you have created an informative list. You have told me what it is that I should be thinking about, and you have given me the tools to make changes. Great job.

      Thank you so much.

    54. Sonia,
      Amazing information, thorough and concise. Printing the list out and posting it right on the wall as a constant reminder and check-list. I’m going to stay up tonight and watch an infomercial.

      Thank you for sharing

    55. Thank you so much for the very comprehensive tips.
      I like the point:’does the first line make the reader want to read the second line”.
      It was also good to read the tip on increasing your font, since it is something I have been doing.

      Much appreciated!
      Have a great week.

    56. Wow, another cracking post. The only regret I have is not finding it sooner.

      When it comes to improving the bottom line, I believe that perceived scarcity, a solid guarantee and a cool bonus are three great ways to boost sales conversions.

    57. Hi Sonia,

      These are great tips.

      I like using similar lists as inspiration, before I start to create a new campaign. And then, I use them again as a final checklist.

      The above is obviously a huge list of ideas – but even starting with one or two of them can improve sales. It’s all about baby steps…

    58. Great Tips , i will make sure i use them on my website to boost the Awesome product that i am selling

      Thanks the the tips

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