The votes are in and the scores have been tallied. So, I guess it must be time to reveal the three winners of the first ever Copyblogger Copywriting Contest.
First off, I’d like to thank everyone who submitted an entry. We received a lot of great submissions, and it’s almost unfortunate that we can only have first, second and third place winners.
Secondly, I’d like to thank Darren Rowse and Seth Godin for volunteering their time to judge. They both shared great insights on their top choices, which we’ll see below.
And last but not least, I’d like to thank Squidoo for providing the $10,000 in free advertising that will be divided up among our winners. I’d especially like to give a shout-out to Megan Casey at Squidoo for her assistance behind the scenes.
OK, enough of that. Here are the third, second and first place winners, their ad copy with a link to the landing page, and commentary on each.
Third Place: Andy Wibbels
Screwing Up Your Blog?
Learn the Top 5 Blogging Blunders (And How to Stop Doing Them Right Now!) Get instant free access…
Judges Commentary:
Seth: This is clear and actionable and the landing page won’t appeal to all but will move a decent number.
Darren: Simple, to the point and will get results with many.
Brian: This is a classic “squeeze page” technique that will put some off, but is actually great at connecting with your most motivated prospects.
Andy wins $2,000 in SquidOffers advertising for his third place finish.
Second Place: Ian Lurie
Create a Successful Internet Marketing Plan in 4 Weeks
You’re smart. You’re on Squidoo. But your internet marketing efforts make you hang your head. Maybe pop an antacid or two. You need some help: Time with an experienced internet marketer. Work with Portent Interactive CEO Ian Lurie, and make tangible steps towards more sales, more leads, more attention, or more of whatever it is you need from your online audience.
Judges Commentary:
Seth: Ian did my favorite one. Touches all thee usual buttons, but in a more original way. (a picnic table?). The only 10 on my list.
Darren: Not bad. The headline was the best part of the ad—the copy of the ad was strong at points—the landing page was good although dragged a little.
Brian: This is a nice all-around effort. He speaks to the audience in his ad copy (but might try a stronger call to action), and the landing page is cleanly eye-catching, well written and sprinkled with intermittent calls to action.
Ian wins $3,000 in SquidOffers advertising for his second place finish.
First Place: Michael Furniss
Badly Drawn Stickmen Reveal How to Attract and Convert Filthy Rich Customers
Filthy rich customers are great, because they’ll pay more, buy more often and complain less. They’ll make your business more profitable and you richer, while competitors are left fighting over the penny-pinching scraps you throw aside.
You’ll discover the 86 steps to getting filthy rich customers, including:
1. How to identify your perfect rich customer
2. How to tweak your product to attract the rich
3. How to seduce the rich before the saleWin a free 15-minute consultation, request this FREE guide now.
Judges Commentary:
Seth: I like a lot about this one. I like the clever headline and the shameless appeal to the opportunity seekers.
Darren: This was the first one that I actually wanted to read all the way through and click on.
Brian: Unique approach causes curiosity and the concept is smartly woven throughout—from ad copy to landing page headline, visual and body copy. The integrated approach makes the “stickmen” more than a gimmick and keeps you moving to the call to action.
Michael wins $5,000 in SquidOffers advertising for his first place finish.
Entries were evaluated by assignment of a score of 1 (terrible) to 10 (exceptional). The first and second place winners pretty much left the crowd behind when their scores from each judge were combined, and yet Michael only beat Ian by one point. Andy led the rest of the top tier pack to finish third.
Congratulations to the winners and thanks again to everyone who entered! Megan Casey will be contacting the winners to arrange for delivery of the prizes.
Reader Comments (23)
Impressive entries: And a great contest — is there a place to visit all of the entires that entered the contest?
It is true that titles make a piece. I clicked on the winner’s link because I wanted to see what he had to say about stick people.
Thanks for sharing the top three with us!
At the risk of severe blows to our self-esteem, can we non-winning entrants find out how we did? If nothing else, we can think about how to do it better…
Will you list all submitions?
Time to get reading through the winners entries! Great contest
YIPPY! I fretted about being so minimalist – but so far it is working. Thnx guys. Going now to check out the others…
My boss was beat out by one point by someone with my same last name… coincidence?!
Great entries!
[…] Strike up the band! Break out the champagne! Copyblogger has announced the three lucky winners of its copywriting contest! And the winners are: […]
Some good stuff there. It would be nice to see the other submissions too, maybe a top 10 apart from the winners.
Congrats to the winners.
Hey everyone… based on the number of submissions and the surprisingly large amount of work this took, I’m going to leave it at posting the winners. However, I have come up with some other ideas that are true “group writing projects” where everyone will be featured.
Congrats to the winners!
I really liked the 2nd one, made me want to click on the link, and really found the landing page was well-written, clean, liked this one a lot.
Mr. Furniss had better hope his “opportunity seekers” are in such a rush to make money that they don’t notice he can’t spell.
Wibbels is Darren’s business partner (Six Figure Blogging). Isn’t that just a little bit weird.
Wow, I’ve been out of the country without internet access until now and only just found out I’ve won. Thanks for those of you who liked it.
I like very much number three.
It’s simple and straight to the object.
Number one looks very unprofessional web 1.0 and number two is to long and doesn’t lead the eye to the desired action. The only good thing was the action forms well inserted in the long copy.
I find 17 troubling if true. Next time might I suggest that the panel judge the entries without knowing the identity of the entrants. Also, how about making your scoring criteria public? For example, one of the winning landing pages requires scrolling, which surprised me.
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