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    And the Winners of the Copyblogger Copywriting Contest Are…

    And the Winners of the Copyblogger Copywriting Contest Are…

    Reader Comments (23)

    1. Impressive entries: And a great contest — is there a place to visit all of the entires that entered the contest?

    2. It is true that titles make a piece. I clicked on the winner’s link because I wanted to see what he had to say about stick people.

      Thanks for sharing the top three with us!


    3. At the risk of severe blows to our self-esteem, can we non-winning entrants find out how we did? If nothing else, we can think about how to do it better…

    4. Some good stuff there. It would be nice to see the other submissions too, maybe a top 10 apart from the winners.

      Congrats to the winners.

    5. Hey everyone… based on the number of submissions and the surprisingly large amount of work this took, I’m going to leave it at posting the winners. However, I have come up with some other ideas that are true “group writing projects” where everyone will be featured.

    6. Congrats to the winners! 🙂
      I really liked the 2nd one, made me want to click on the link, and really found the landing page was well-written, clean, liked this one a lot.

    7. Mr. Furniss had better hope his “opportunity seekers” are in such a rush to make money that they don’t notice he can’t spell.

    8. Wibbels is Darren’s business partner (Six Figure Blogging). Isn’t that just a little bit weird.

    9. Wow, I’ve been out of the country without internet access until now and only just found out I’ve won. Thanks for those of you who liked it.

    10. I like very much number three.
      It’s simple and straight to the object.

      Number one looks very unprofessional web 1.0 and number two is to long and doesn’t lead the eye to the desired action. The only good thing was the action forms well inserted in the long copy.

    11. I find 17 troubling if true. Next time might I suggest that the panel judge the entries without knowing the identity of the entrants. Also, how about making your scoring criteria public? For example, one of the winning landing pages requires scrolling, which surprised me.

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