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    3 Surprising Stages of Successful Landing Pages

    3 Surprising Stages of Successful Landing Pages

    Reader Comments (28)

    1. You have hit every nail on the head here. I knew all this. But have never seen such a coherent and clear presentation of all these elements in one good article before.

    2. Excellent advice Aaron! While I’ve started and run several traditional businesses, I am somewhat new to the online marketing arena. I have been challenged with gaining conversions on my landing pages and now I have a better understanding as to why. It appears that I’ve been focusing on just one part of the equation (the opt in), while neglecting the before and especially the after parts.
      Thus piece forced me to refocus and retool to better meet my goals in this area. Thanks for the information and supporting links within. You’ve provided a little “golden nugget” of advice from which nearly all marketers can learn. Thanks for putting this together!

      • YES!

        That’s exactly what I was hoping for … esp by highlighting the two neglected elements.

        Let me know if you put together a “before and after” version of your own landing page. I’d love to check it out.

    3. Amazing article Aaron

      I love the 3 stages you’ve highlighted, its more personal and specific.

      Giving visitors immediate access to whatever they want, can really boost trust and loyalty towards your blog.

      Great Job Aaron


      • Thx Bill … naturally, I whole-heartily agree.

        I HATE when I have to jump through hoops (wait for the first email … confirm … wait for another email … follow a link … then click “Download”).

    4. Landing pages are a huge part of successful content marketing. Pulling potential readers and clients is what it’s designed to do. I think stealing some great ideas is always a good idea however, make the content your own.

    5. I’m adding my kudos to the pile: what an informative, yet easy-to-read article!
      (Re: headlines and copy: I’ve always known there are no new ideas under the sun, but I need to be reassured once in awhile.)

      Also, I applaud your practice of giving prospects that handy checklist, even if they may not use your services.

    6. Awesome stuff as always Copyblogger and Aaron!! And really cool seeing Carrot mentioned in here!

      I’ll tell you what, the part about not stopping at the opt in and delivering a great post opt in experience is HUGE. Too many people stop at the opt in but the money is really made after that happens. Great insights as always.

    7. Great post, Aaron. I love how you’ve focused on the three stages – especially the after stage seems to be forgotten so often; but that’s where you start building a relationship with a email subscriber or customer.

      • Wow … I’m always happy when I see a comment from you, Henneke.

        That simple trick you provided with the “So what?” questions is incredibly helpful.

        And yes … totally agree about the after process.

      • Hmmm … I think there might be a great title in that comment: A Concise Script for Conversion Strategy.

        I’m gonna play around with that. 😉

        Oh, and thanks for the compliments.

    8. Wow this is a really great post! I think the “Stealing Headlines” idea is so good. It really makes you think.

    9. I agree with Bob, things we know but an absolute awesome presentation. Totally solid work Aaron, thanks for the hard yards in delivering quality, helpful and usable information. 🙂

      • Well … speaking of “as per usual”: thanks as always for your awesome support and kind comments.

        Huge encouragement to have people like you in my (digital) world. 😀

    10. Hey Aaron

      As someone who has never ventured into the world of ‘landing pages copywriting’, I enjoyed this insightful, inspiring, and information-rich article – this has to be one of the best introductions to the world of landing pages!

      (I especially loved your examples….)


      Thanks a lot 🙂

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