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    How to Create Product Pages that Produce the Results You Want

    How to Create Product Pages that Produce the Results You Want

    Reader Comments (32)

    1. Great article.

      I am a professional organizer and know that stories are important, however, I struggle with coming up with them. Tales about organizing things are not terribly compelling!

      • Damaris, you could go all J Peterman about it. I’d buy storage bins and acrylic drawer dividers all day if you told me a story about how you survived a herd of stampeding rhinos in the Serengeti armed only with your fine Italian leather travel document organizer.

    2. This is very timely, thanks for writing!

      I think established companies often put constraints on themselves when it comes to product pages. They think only small niche businesses can “afford” to go off-script and share (what they see as) TMI w the customer. After all, a business nobody’s heard of has nothing to lose!

      There are a few ways around this constraint. I’ve advised large clients to put author’s name on content. That works great w email — the writer’s name is listed somewhere in the heading or body. This way, the company can test and experiment w style and tone w/o tampering with their brand’s image.

      The writer’s name provides the safety net. If anything goes wrong (crikey!) they can “blame” it on the writer and go back to experimenting.

      • That’s great advice, Mike. And for those good reasons you shared. Thanks for taking the time to comment, man!

    3. Thank you for sharing these inputs. I want to tell more stories — and I am excited to turn my landing pages into stories worth reading.

    4. Demian,

      Excellent post with great insights. I particularly like the idea of using engaging stories to connect with people.

      My philosophy of writing includes focusing on the reader or customer. As you mention in your post, potential customers want to know what’s in it for them.

      What role do you think buyer personas have in creating product pages?

      Here’s one of my favorite product pages from Mango Languages: http://www.mangolanguages.com/individuals/

      If you go to the home page, you’ll notice that this site has different categories for their target market.

      On the product page for individuals, the visuals are great, the value prop is strong, the copy is compelling, and the call to action is clear.

      Good stuff you can sink your teeth into like a ripe, juicy mango on a hot summer’s day.


      • Buyer personas play a big role in that they can lead you towards the right kinds of stories to tell.

        And that mango site is so good! Thanks for sharing.

    5. Great article, but how to apply this concept when you have a store where I have the same product repeated more than 2400 times? http://italianspeed.pt

      What’s different it’s the model, all the rest of stuff it’s the same!


      • So the question is what makes each model different? Why would someone choose one model over the other one?

        • It’s diesel chip tuning power boxes, so it just depend of your car. But reading again to your post, instead of the product I can apply the formula for the “brand”.

      • In that case, Luis, do your customers have stories about what the things they’ve bought from you?

    6. It’s funny, all of this is TOTALLY applicable to book description pages too! I have pages on my blog for each of my books, but do any of them convince a reader to buy THAT book, and not any of the millions available elsewhere on Amazon and Kobo? I don’t know, but I’ll be taking another look at all of them!

      • That’s exactly what I’m talking, Icy. Book descriptions are a great example. And after you take a look, let me know what you come up with.

    7. I believe this is probably most true for art. Stories about the artist, and the artwork sell art because people who buy art want to share personal stories about the artist with their friends who admire their painting.
      I am an artist and a writer and haven’t yet put this strategy into action, but I am finishing up my day job tomorrow so that will be one of the first things on my to do list!

      • That’s so true. I often think about the artists and philosophers and musicians and writers that I admire and it’s not just their work, sometimes it’s more than their work, I actually love their lives … like Emily Dickinson, Kafka, van Gogh, Camus …

    8. I love the opening sentence. Yes, read this book (You are a writer) and it catches my attention to read this full article.

      Thanks for sharing eye opening facts about page ranking in google search results. For the new writers/content creators, it is really difficult to get so many backlinks to the product page.

      • It is tough, but you have to start somewhere and trust me when I say it’s a matter of time and you have to put in the hard work, the long work but eventually you’ll start to accumulate more and more links …

    9. Great reading, thank you very much.
      We are working on our website now so will be trying to put this in to action.

    10. Sometimes its not coming up with stories that have already happened, but the potential stories that products could create. That’s exactly what beer advertisements feed off of. Is the idea that without this item, you will not have fun. That idea could get you results!

    11. Hey Chief,

      I am intrigued by this notion that the stories do not have to actually be real…I do not recall hearing this advice before. Unless it’s for satirical purposes, do many brands tell stories that aren’t actually real? How does this work with the whole principle of being “authentic” and trustworthy?

      Hey, I’m all for this as long as customers don’t mind if they’re real or not….this opens up a lot of possible copy changes for me.

      Can you help me understand how this fits together, Demian? (I get story telling, I just always figured the stories were real or based on a semblance of reality, unlike your trinket business example.)



      • The stories do need to be real. At least if they are not, the readers need to understand that. The Significant Objects project was just one example where the stories increased the value, but happened to be fake.

    12. Hi,

      Thanks so much for sharing this great amazing tutorials. I’m trying to create a product page for my website, this post is very helpful.

    13. The main way I ensure the user understands the value of the product is not to add more text to a product page, rather assume that if a user doesn’t know what the product does for them by time they get there, I already lost.

      Taking a page out of the affiliate marketers handbook, you want to create long style sales pages with great copy that explain a product for a user to read before the user gets to the product page in question with a call to action to visit the product page in question on that page, and maybe even create a funnel of general information about a particular topic (birdseed buyers guide) to get the person to convince themselves they want to buy that particular item and read my sales page as the goal of that piece of content.

      3 layers of funnel works great for selling items that need backstories behind them to get the point across in campaigns I run, and commonly drive traffic at the entry point using PPC to drive sales.

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