Do me a favor, dear content marketer. Type this phrase into Google: “You Are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One).”
I’ll wait.
Okay, did you do it? What is the top result?
It should be the product page for Jeff Goins’s ebook on Amazon.
In fact, the first entry should be the Kindle version and the second entry should be the paperback version — both on Amazon.
The third entry should be the author’s own product page dedicated to this book.
So, here’s a question for you: Why do you think Amazon has the top result and not the author’s own product page? Got any guesses?
If not, let me explain.
3 reasons certain product pages dominate in search results
The first reason why Amazon dominates the search term for someone else’s book is the age and authority of the site.
Amazon has been online since 1995 and has established itself as the go-to place for many products, particularly books. Moreover, millions of transactions over the last 11 years have helped establish Amazon as a site that can be trusted.
Jeff is a good guy who’s been killing it for the last five years, but he’s no Amazon.
Second, Amazon’s product page has the most links pointing to it (an affiliate program has something to do with this). How many are we talking about? According to the Majestic SEO tool:
Compare that to the product page on Jeff’s website.
Google interprets all those links to Amazon as a sign that it is the most authoritative page for the search phrase “You Are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One).” Granted, Jeff’s page also drives traffic to the Amazon page.
Third, Amazon’s page is loaded with relevant keywords, and those keywords can be found in the:
- Title
- Description
- Editorial reviews
- Product details (which are lower on the page)
- Customer reviews (testimonials)
Of course, Google considers many factors when evaluating the content of a web page. But these three factors provide a dramatic boost over other pages about the book, including the one on Jeff’s own website:
- Age and authority of a site
- Links
- Keyword-rich content
The Amazon page is an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to buy the book. The product description is rich in tantalizing detail, as are the editorial reviews, which are essentially third-party endorsements. The strong customer reviews are user-generated content.
Each of these features contribute to keyword-rich copy and build trust with a prospect.
While not everyone will read every single line on the page nor sift through every single review (Jeff has 566!), there is more than enough content to present a clear, accurate product description.
Not to mention, the more you tell, the more you raise the perceived value of a product while lowering the prospect’s resistance to buy. Now, pay attention to discover what you can learn from Amazon’s copy to improve your own product pages.
Here’s why this is important
About three or four times a year, I get the privilege of participating in one of our Authority Business Coaching calls, where Pamela Wilson, Sonia Simone, and I evaluate people’s businesses, websites, and (sometimes) product pages.
In addition, I sit on the review committee for our Certified Content Marketer program, where I critique three pieces of content from an applicant — one of which is a landing page.
Product pages and landing pages share a lot of the same features. Over time, I’ve seen detrimental patterns among applicants when it comes to landing page copy, which are also problematic for product pages.
One such pattern is what I call the “short copy trap.” It can happen in any type of content, but many copywriters make this mistake when writing copy for free opt-in content. In other words, copywriters and content marketers fall into this trap when they believe that “free” is enough to convert a prospect.
Our thinking goes something like this: because we understand the value of the headline, introduction copy, three bullet points, and call to action, we assume our visitors have that same knowledge.
But when your prospect visits a landing page that’s light on copy, something entirely different happens. Your prospect examines the copy and assumes that if the copy is thin, then the free content is probably thin, too.
Paid products fall into this trap, too
I’ve also seen this mistake with paid products. Here are two examples we recently evaluated during Authority sessions (both companies gave me permission to use their pages as examples).
Mike Cerio said he wanted to start his own business, but he just wasn’t sure what it would be. Then he decided, “Hey, if I can make it selling bird seed, I can make it selling anything.”
He’s off to a good start, but his product pages could be improved. Here’s one for a premium mix called Woody Worm – Woodpecker Blend.
Mike’s site looks professional and there is a clear image of the product, but you aren’t presented with a reason why you should buy this bird seed over a competitor’s product. All you see are a few sentences on how much your woodpecker is going to enjoy this blend, other types of birds the seed will attract, and the ingredients.
Here are a few questions I have:
- Do I just put the seeds out and they attract woodpeckers?
- Do I need a special type of feeder? (If I do, this is a chance to offer me another product)
- What makes this worth $17.88? I’m going to check to see if I can get it cheaper. If I can, why should I pay more?
- What’s the source of your ingredients? Is there a unique source you use that provides an advantage over the competition?
- What’s the story behind your blend? Did you get a scientist, ornithologist, or another expert to help you mix it?
- Where are the reviews?
- Who has endorsed this product?
- Has the blend won any awards?
As you can see, this product page offers many opportunities to illustrate why someone would choose Mike’s product over the competition.
For the moment, let’s move on to our next example, Middle Mountain Mead.
The wine market is glutted, so you have to stand out — particularly if you are selling a $68 bottle of wine.
In Middle Mountain Mead’s copy, we get a sense of what it takes to make such a wine and when you could use the wine (celebrations, honeymoons, etc.).
Unfortunately, strangers usually don’t care about all the hard work you put into your product … but in this case, the copy tells a story of how this wine evolved. It’s a pretty elaborate maturation process, years in the making. So that’s something special.
But why should potential customers care? Why should they choose this $68 mead over a less expensive one?
- Will it give them prestige? Bragging rights? Help them throw the best parties?
- Will they feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves? Will they feel like they are trendsetters? That they are making history?
- Will the mead take them to a new dimension of intoxication?
Ultimately, it comes down to this: Why should we buy wine from this company and not another one?
Later in this article, I’ll summarize how to write product pages that produce the results you want. Next, however, I’m going to focus on one of the most powerful features of effective selling on product pages: stories.
And I’m going to start by talking about another wine merchant.
How to turn the ordinary into the irresistible
Consider Garagiste’s email newsletter.
Jon Rimmerman is the founder of Garagiste, the world’s largest email-based wine business. That line should cause you to pause.
You can sell wine through email? Indeed. Keep in mind, he hasn’t advertised since 1996.
So, what is Rimmerman’s secret? He is the author of one of the most popular email newsletters on wine.
In the latest numbers I could find from 2012, he boasted an email subscriber list of 136,000 and annual sales of $30 million. I’m sure his subscriber numbers and sales have grown since then.
And let me be clear on this. Rimmerman sells cases of wine through an email newsletter. Once he procures a new stock, he sits down, writes an email, and hits send.
In this case, his emails are product pages. You purchase through a link to his website. And he never fails to move all the cases. Even at several hundred dollars a case.
What makes his emails so great?
His meandering missives are part salesmanship in print, part trivia junk-drawer on topics like vintage 1960s tube amplifiers or 100k bike rides in the high-hills of France (after two bottles of Beaujolais).
According to a story in The New York Times on Rimmerman:
“Rimmerman has built his reputation by differentiating his tastes from those of other critics, favoring the austere, eccentric and putatively authentic over what you might call the merely delicious.”
Then there are the stories.
Stories about dealing with a flat bicycle tire in the French countryside. Chasing down an elusive contact in a remote European village who simply screams “The Quatre Saison!”
It makes for compelling reading (and compelling wine). Rimmerman sees his purpose as the intermediary for wine visionaries.
Here, he’s talking about a certain Washington state winemaker’s products:
“What I’m trying to uncover is something that is culturally important or of the moment, which this definitely is. This is cutting-edge Washington State winemaking. So, first: Are the wines sound? And then, would people that read everything that I write every day be interested not just for the wine but for the story, the cats, the meth lab, the geologist, the maybe-no-woman-in-his-life. Would they like to kind of taste that story in the bottle.”
Rimmerman feels many wines can be good, even great. But not all wines can boast a history that involves cats, illegal drug production, an EPA agent, and the monk-like dedication to winemaking.
That’s the difference, which unfolds through Rimmerman’s stories.
But just in case I haven’t convinced you of the power of stories to increase the value of a product and actually sell it, let me take you on another journey.
More proof for those skeptical of stories
The quasi-anthropological Significant Objects project started with the hunch that “stories can add measurable value to near-worthless trinkets.”
Journalist Rob Walker and writer Joshua Glenn bought cheap trinkets at thrift stores and garage sales. Then they paired each object with a writer (such as Jonathan Letham or Nicholson Baker) who wrote a fictional story about the object.
A photo of the trinket and the story were then published on eBay.
Let’s look at a Utah Snow Globe. A story about it was written by Blake Butler:
My granddad’s granddad had a box under his bed. If you got to open the box (you had to beg) you would find a little door. The little door had a combination on it that you had to know to get inside the second box, which I did. I had the combination tattooed on my spinemeat when I was four while on a trip to see the circus. The tattoo was free. My granddad’s granddad was very powerful and rich.
You can read the rest of the story here.
This mundane item was originally bought for 99 cents and sold on eBay for $59.00.
A silly story increased its value by $58.00.
Here’s how some of the other items fared.
- Birthday candles, an item that was donated, sold for $21.50
- Seahorse lighter, originally bought for $1.00, sold for $36.00
- Miniature pitchfork, originally bought for 69 cents, sold for $19.50
- Ball of flannel, originally bought for $1.50, sold for $51.00
Why were people bidding on these insignificant objects on eBay?
How to write stories for a product page
The stories you include on your product page don’t have to be linear like Jon Rimmerman’s.
For instance:
- You can tell one story in the product description and tell several other stories through testimonials.
- You can tell a story through photographs of the product, like Saddleback Leather (one of Sonia’s favorite places to shop) did for their classic briefcase. And notice the customer photographs.
- You can tell a story about a unique product-creation process. Each fountain pen in this series by Goulet is hand-torched to get a distinctive look. In other words, each pen is one of a kind.
Check out these resources that will help you write great stories:
- The 5 Things Every (Great) Marketing Story Needs
- How To: Tell A Story Like A Stand-up
- How to Build an Audience with Story (From America’s Greatest Living Playwright)
- How To Tell A Story — Right Now — From A Master Of Improv
Now let’s summarize how to create a product page that produces results.
6 essential qualities every product page needs
A product page that dominates search engine results and makes sales has these six qualities:
- Noteworthy age and authority (both the website and the page). This is why it’s important to launch your site as soon as possible. The longer it is online, the more trust it earns.
- A growing list of links pointing to the page. One of the best ways to encourage people to link to a product page is through an affiliate program. But if that’s not your cup of tea, then build a product and page that becomes a resource people want to share with others. Each link is another way to drive traffic to your product page.
- Keyword-rich copy. As I’ve said before, the more you tell, the more you sell. And all of this content doesn’t have to come from you. You can publish great stories with relevant keywords through testimonials and reviews.
- Engaging stories. See above.
- A variety of photographs. Encourage customers to share their own photographs to continue the tradition of storytelling through pictures.
- A video demonstrating the product’s benefits. You could even interview customers. And don’t forget the transcript! It satisfies those who prefer to read and provides more keyword-rich copy.
These essentials are part of winning product pages whether you sell physical objects, services (consulting), or digital products like software, online courses, or ebooks.
We covered a lot of material today, so let me know if you have any questions. Just drop a note in the comments section below. And while you’re at it, share your favorite product pages. I’d love to hear from you!
Reader Comments (32)
Great article.
I am a professional organizer and know that stories are important, however, I struggle with coming up with them. Tales about organizing things are not terribly compelling!
Damaris, you could go all J Peterman about it. I’d buy storage bins and acrylic drawer dividers all day if you told me a story about how you survived a herd of stampeding rhinos in the Serengeti armed only with your fine Italian leather travel document organizer.
That would be a divine story.
Excellent article Demian. Thank you
This is very timely, thanks for writing!
I think established companies often put constraints on themselves when it comes to product pages. They think only small niche businesses can “afford” to go off-script and share (what they see as) TMI w the customer. After all, a business nobody’s heard of has nothing to lose!
There are a few ways around this constraint. I’ve advised large clients to put author’s name on content. That works great w email — the writer’s name is listed somewhere in the heading or body. This way, the company can test and experiment w style and tone w/o tampering with their brand’s image.
The writer’s name provides the safety net. If anything goes wrong (crikey!) they can “blame” it on the writer and go back to experimenting.
That’s great advice, Mike. And for those good reasons you shared. Thanks for taking the time to comment, man!
Thank you for sharing these inputs. I want to tell more stories — and I am excited to turn my landing pages into stories worth reading.
Good to hear, Jef! Glad I could help.
You nailed it. Stories is the sauce.
That’s the secret, right?
Excellent post with great insights. I particularly like the idea of using engaging stories to connect with people.
My philosophy of writing includes focusing on the reader or customer. As you mention in your post, potential customers want to know what’s in it for them.
What role do you think buyer personas have in creating product pages?
Here’s one of my favorite product pages from Mango Languages:
If you go to the home page, you’ll notice that this site has different categories for their target market.
On the product page for individuals, the visuals are great, the value prop is strong, the copy is compelling, and the call to action is clear.
Good stuff you can sink your teeth into like a ripe, juicy mango on a hot summer’s day.
Buyer personas play a big role in that they can lead you towards the right kinds of stories to tell.
And that mango site is so good! Thanks for sharing.
Great article, but how to apply this concept when you have a store where I have the same product repeated more than 2400 times?
What’s different it’s the model, all the rest of stuff it’s the same!
So the question is what makes each model different? Why would someone choose one model over the other one?
It’s diesel chip tuning power boxes, so it just depend of your car. But reading again to your post, instead of the product I can apply the formula for the “brand”.
In that case, Luis, do your customers have stories about what the things they’ve bought from you?
It’s an excellent suggestion. Thank You Erika Zeitz!
It’s funny, all of this is TOTALLY applicable to book description pages too! I have pages on my blog for each of my books, but do any of them convince a reader to buy THAT book, and not any of the millions available elsewhere on Amazon and Kobo? I don’t know, but I’ll be taking another look at all of them!
That’s exactly what I’m talking, Icy. Book descriptions are a great example. And after you take a look, let me know what you come up with.
So well written. Thank you!
I believe this is probably most true for art. Stories about the artist, and the artwork sell art because people who buy art want to share personal stories about the artist with their friends who admire their painting.
I am an artist and a writer and haven’t yet put this strategy into action, but I am finishing up my day job tomorrow so that will be one of the first things on my to do list!
That’s so true. I often think about the artists and philosophers and musicians and writers that I admire and it’s not just their work, sometimes it’s more than their work, I actually love their lives … like Emily Dickinson, Kafka, van Gogh, Camus …
I love the opening sentence. Yes, read this book (You are a writer) and it catches my attention to read this full article.
Thanks for sharing eye opening facts about page ranking in google search results. For the new writers/content creators, it is really difficult to get so many backlinks to the product page.
It is tough, but you have to start somewhere and trust me when I say it’s a matter of time and you have to put in the hard work, the long work but eventually you’ll start to accumulate more and more links …
Great reading, thank you very much.
We are working on our website now so will be trying to put this in to action.
Sometimes its not coming up with stories that have already happened, but the potential stories that products could create. That’s exactly what beer advertisements feed off of. Is the idea that without this item, you will not have fun. That idea could get you results!
yes, that is how they trick you into drinking their beer.
Thanks for this excellent article Demian! It was really worth to read
Hey Chief,
I am intrigued by this notion that the stories do not have to actually be real…I do not recall hearing this advice before. Unless it’s for satirical purposes, do many brands tell stories that aren’t actually real? How does this work with the whole principle of being “authentic” and trustworthy?
Hey, I’m all for this as long as customers don’t mind if they’re real or not….this opens up a lot of possible copy changes for me.
Can you help me understand how this fits together, Demian? (I get story telling, I just always figured the stories were real or based on a semblance of reality, unlike your trinket business example.)
The stories do need to be real. At least if they are not, the readers need to understand that. The Significant Objects project was just one example where the stories increased the value, but happened to be fake.
Thanks so much for sharing this great amazing tutorials. I’m trying to create a product page for my website, this post is very helpful.
The main way I ensure the user understands the value of the product is not to add more text to a product page, rather assume that if a user doesn’t know what the product does for them by time they get there, I already lost.
Taking a page out of the affiliate marketers handbook, you want to create long style sales pages with great copy that explain a product for a user to read before the user gets to the product page in question with a call to action to visit the product page in question on that page, and maybe even create a funnel of general information about a particular topic (birdseed buyers guide) to get the person to convince themselves they want to buy that particular item and read my sales page as the goal of that piece of content.
3 layers of funnel works great for selling items that need backstories behind them to get the point across in campaigns I run, and commonly drive traffic at the entry point using PPC to drive sales.
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