Let’s start with a question you know the answer to:
What do you need to build a successful online business today?
Well, you start with a growing, loyal audience who views you as an authority. Content Marketing 101.
Now another question you probably can answer:
How do you stand out from the crowd, cut through the noise, and build an authentic connection with an audience when there is already so much content out there and more coming every day?
Isn’t it too … late?
No, it’s not too late.
But the reality of the content abundance all around us does mean that we cannot blend in and expect to stand out.
We must attract attention, be useful, and build trust.
In other words, we need to be remarkable.
And there is no better way to create an authentic connection with an audience than through a remarkable podcast.
Now I’ve got a question I bet you don’t know the answer to … yet.
If you launched a podcast today about your favorite topic in the entire world, where could you be five years from now?
Think about it for a minute. Let your mind wander.
While you’re thinking, I’ll quickly share my story.
Five years ago, I did launch a podcast about my favorite topic in the entire world: Indiana Hoosiers basketball.
I didn’t really know what I was doing — I was nervous and a little afraid — but I launched it anyway. And somehow I convinced a couple of guys I’d never met to co-host with me.
Five years later, The Assembly Call gets hundreds of live viewers, thousands more on the podcast, and is simulcast live on terrestrial radio.
Yeah, I host a radio show now. Who’da thunk? (That was fun to type.)
We also have an official internship program with the IU Sports Media school, and we are entirely listener supported.
Imagine if I hadn’t made that choice to launch the show five years ago, well before I was ready.
Actually, I’d rather not. I’m quite fond of what has transpired since.
So … did you come up with an answer?
Where could you be in five years if you launched your podcast in the next 30 days?
You know, come to think of it, five years is a long time to wait.
Let me rephrase that question.
If you launched a podcast today, about a topic strategically chosen to help you build an audience that could build a business, where could you be 18 months from now?
Think about it for a minute. Let your mind wander.
While you’re thinking, I’ll quickly share my friend Jonny Nastor’s story.
Eighteen months ago, he did launch a podcast about a topic strategically chosen to help him build an audience that would build his business: the entrepreneurial mindset.
He didn’t really know what he was doing — he was nervous and a little afraid — but he launched it anyway. And somehow he convinced a sponsor to support him before he’d even published an episode.
Eighteen months later, Hack the Entrepreneur is one of the top business podcasts in the world, gets tens of thousands of downloads every episode, and Jonny was able to repurpose material from the podcast into a book that became an Amazon bestseller.
Yeah, he went from unknown podcaster to bestselling author in 18 months. (I bet that was fun for him to read.)
Jonny also recently launched a paid membership community and has now interviewed more of his business heroes than he can probably count.
Imagine if he hadn’t made that choice to launch the show 18 months ago, well before he was ready.
Actually, I bet he’d rather not, as I know he’s quite fond of what has transpired since.
So … did you come up with an answer?
Where could you be in 18 months if you launched your podcast in the next 30 days?
You know, 18 months is a lot less than five years, but it’s still a while to wait.
Let me rephrase that question.
If you launched a podcast today, about a topic you are passionate about and that was chosen strategically to build an audience that could build an online training business, where could you be six weeks from now?
Think about it for a minute. Let your mind wander.
While you’re thinking, I’ll quickly share my story of working with Jonny.
On April 1, 2015, we launched a podcast about a topic that we are passionate about, and that was chosen strategically to build an audience that could build an online training business: podcasting.
At this point, after our individual podcasting successes on our own, we had a much better idea of what we were doing, but neither of us had ever built a course before. So, we were still nervous and a little afraid. But we launched anyway.
Less than six weeks later, on May 8, 2015, The Showrunner was one of the most popular Management & Marketing podcasts in the world, and our course, The Showrunner Podcasting Course, had grossed more than $75,000.
Yes, we had gone from nervous, sweaty-palmed novices to respected podcast instructors. (It wasn’t easy, but it was incredibly rewarding.)
And both the podcast and course kept growing. The Showrunner Podcasting Course would gross nearly $175,000 by August 20, when we closed new registrations for 2015.
Imagine if we hadn’t made that choice to launch the podcast on April 1 and launch the course just a few weeks later.
Actually, we’d rather not. We’re both quite fond of what has transpired since.
So … did you come up with an answer?
Where could you be in six weeks if you launched your podcast in the next 30 days?
That’s not a long time to wait.
What will your story be?
Those are just three podcasting stories. My story, Jonny’s story, and our story together.
But the subtle secret about this post is that it’s not about us — it’s about you.
I told you those stories because I want you to understand the podcasting paths that Jonny and I have walked, while also realizing that there isn’t much separating you from me or you from Jonny.
And if launching a podcast can have that big of an impact on our lives, creating relationships and business opportunities we never thought we’d have, then it can do the same for you.
- Yes, you’ll probably have to be willing to overcome some nerves.
- Yes, you’ll likely have to face a few fears.
- Yes, you’ll have to learn as you go.
- And yes, you’ll surely make a few mistakes along the way.
But so did we.
The difference is that we did it mostly on our own, especially in the beginning, so it took longer for us to succeed than necessary.
We don’t want you to go through that.
- We’ve developed processes and templates to help you be more efficient.
- We’ve recorded lessons and interviews with experts to teach you the skills and knowledge you need to succeed.
- We’ve uncovered tips and tricks to help you be more confident and natural behind the mic.
- We’ve committed to hosting regular online get-togethers where we can answer your questions and provide specific, tailored feedback to you about your show.
- And we’ve gathered an incredible group of Showrunners into one community to offer feedback, answer questions, and provide support when you need it most.
Which you will. And it’s okay.
Podcasting is fairly simple, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Nor will we sugarcoat it and tell you it is.
But you know that. Nothing truly rewarding is easy. Anything worth having requires plenty of blood, sweat, and tears. And maybe even a little delayed gratification.
That’s what it will take to build the podcast audience that can build your business.
But boy is it worth it.
And you’re less than 30 days from getting started, if you choose to be.
Take the first step right now — but don’t take it alone. Join us in The Showrunner Podcasting Course.
Jonny and I relaunched it this week, and we’d love to have you join us.
Let’s answer the question together …
What could happen if you launch a podcast in the next 30 days?
Are you ready to find out?
Don’t wait. We’re only accepting new students until Friday, February 19, 2016.
Reader Comments (11)
WOW!!! Well I’m fired up… You’re the real deal Jerod and I’m so glad I decided to take the course… Looking forward to the next 6 weeks, 18 months, and 5 yr time frames!
Heck yes Jarmar! Thanks for reading, and for being such an enthusiastic member of the course.
Great article Jerod. I love the challenge and the future thinking of possibilities. I can vouch for the value of the Showrunner course. I couldn’t, no, let me say, I wouldn’t have started my podcast without the training and support of the community inside the Showrunner course. Keep up the funk.
Thank you Geoff! You’ve been such a great, valuable member of the course, and an inspiration for your determination and persistence to get your message out there.
Nice way to bring perspective. I started my podcast recently, without hesitation. It’s been fun. I delivered relevant content to get it started and build momentum. Now, the content ideas are improving in quality and consistency. Let’s see how the end game plays out.
Thank you for your inspiring article on just getting on with the launch of a podcast! We’ve been planning our podcasts for the last 2 months, so action is the aim of the game here – we will be moving into action in the next few weeks. So exciting putting ideas together and wanting to share our message with the world – the internet certainly is a place where you can learn so much, so easily and for such a small investment! Cheers
Hi Jerod,
Very interested topic, few days ago it was a related post about this and I’m very excited about it. I am planning on jumping into the podcast world and all these heplful tips are going to make a huge impact to my cast. I would love to have my own radio show and help people at the same time, just thinking of it make me feel super excited.
Learning in the process will be the real deal I don’t want to be an expert to do it because I will not do it, the classic excuse “I need more training before ….”. Facing some fears too, I don’t think I’m good to express myself live but with some training and experience I will defeat any obstacle.
Do you think I would require some cool hardware to start with? Or I can do it with my poor microphone?
Thanks for your content Jerod I truly appreciate
Nice article.
I also thinking about making some videos for my blog readers with some information, can you tell me about video is perfect or some podcasts?
As I can record video and don’t know ABC of podcasting. Waiting for reply
Thanks, Umer
Thanks for this article. It’s a reinforcement of what I’ve known in my heart; I CAN do this!
I’ll be launching my podcast in about 20 days, March 1 2016.
Wish me luck
Hi Jerod,
Thank you for considering a problem that is being faced by a lot of people and converting it to step by step course. I would love to attend the course, But unfortunately I come from a part of the world where this is a huge sum. So maybe some other time but will definitely do join the course.
I’ll echo a previous comment above in that ‘I’m fired up!’
I’ve had several online businesses and still do, and I’ve NEVER podcasted.
But that is going to change this year. I may do two different podcasts, in totally different niches.
And…can’t wait to get started. Thanks for the good read!
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