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    Here’s How David Meerman Scott Writes

    Here’s How David Meerman Scott Writes

    Reader Comments (42)

    1. I really liked the desk. Great Interview Kelton.
      Don’t think of a book as 60,000 words. Instead think of a book as 120 blog posts of 500 words each.
      This is the best part of the interview.
      Thanks again Kelton and waiting for more interviews. I hope you interview THE AMAZING Jon Morrow and also James Chartrand.

      Thanks again for this great post.

      • Great to hear that you’re enjoying the series,thank you for tuning in! Mr. Scott is a true innovator. More great Q&As to come, and I’m always interested to know what writers you’d like to see up here. Cheers.

    2. I have to confess that I’d never heard of David Meerman Scott before but I really enjoyed reading the interview; plenty of straightforward and practical advice in there. My two favourite answers were:

      What makes a writer great?
      The ability to connect with an audience.

      What do you see as your greatest success in life?
      When my ideas spark people to be more successful.

    3. Great interview. It’s always interesting to see how other writers work. I think we have some things in common. I get up n the morning and check emails and do social networking. I write daily, and use the 500 words per day method. That makes for a book per year. One thing I need to work on is to out away the Mac Air and iPad Mini more often.

    4. Great interview – I love these “behind the curtains” stories 🙂

      The one thing I’m going to take from this post is the idea of sourcing blog posts from popular tweets. I’ve always heard how writers should pull topics that their readers have demonstrated an interest in, but that advice is rarely ever tied to an actionable strategy on how to do so. Much appreciated, and thanks for sharing!

      • Sarah – that strategy led directly to Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead, the book I wrote with HubSpot CEO Brian Halligan. We both found that our Grateful Dead related tweets were generating big interest, same with blog posts. So we decided to do a Webinar together and it was one of the most popular at HubSpot at the time. So we turned to one another and said “BOOK!”

    5. After reading “New Rules…” in each of the 3 editions, and his blog, I came to know David’s writing very well. I would recommend every one of his books, as David teaches really well through his writing.

      Breaking the writing of a book down into manageable pieces, love it.

      And, it’s always cool to see the office of a fellow writer, the dog on the printer is a nice touch. 🙂

    6. Very interesting interview, and this is coming from someone who normally skips interviews unless they are of people I am a fan of (they rarely are). I Googled my name back in 2001 and discovered I’m the only person in the world called Dean Saliba – score! 🙂

    7. Hey Dave,

      You strike me as a man of passion and persistence; two traits that will garner success in any arena. I admire writers with a proclivity to ‘think outside the bagel’. Unfortunately I succumb to the occasional onslaught of writer’s block but combat that by reading material from people such as yourself with a firm grasp of the essentials and a slight twist of lemon. Not to mention I’m a supersized Grateful Dead fan.

      I’m exceedingly grateful for being introduced to your POV and look forward to furthering my affiliation with your work.

      Till the ink runs out,

    8. I share his fear that someone else will see what I’ve seen and write what I want to write before I get a chance to write it. Good post! Love this series.

    9. Fantastic interview with David. Mr. Meerman Scott was the person who first got me into online marketing around 2007 with the book New Rules of Marketing & PR. A great insight into the mindset of a true marketing thought leader. Thanks!

    10. Awesome, awesome, awesome!

      Thanks for sharing this and the writing ladder idea is inspiring and such a helpful progressive approach to coming up with something.

    11. Oh wow what a great interview! A glimpse into how one of my role models works 🙂
      Been a fan since edition 1 of new rules.
      Like your day routine. Have shifted towards those times but need to do more. This inspired me to do so. Thanks!

    12. I love this series. It’s very helpful to hear about other writer’s rituals and habits. Thank you for another good installment.

    13. I agree with your statement
      “each is responsible for his actions”
      I would say it is also responsible for the results.
      good interview, congratulations

    14. I am a newbie to copyblogger, love the emails everyday! Especially the writer interviews. I met David Meerman Scott in Sydney, Australia! Great interview. Good stuff.

    15. David’s interview was awesome. This is one of the best things about Copyblogger. You guys go the extra mile. It is fun to read about other writers and their rituals and routines.

      David inspires me. It takes great discipline to keep regular hours. Early to be, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise is the old Ben Franklin formula and David personifies it. No wonder success has arrived at his door.

      Please keep up the good work and let us know about any links. If they are worth sharing, we can gain a lot from them, especially about new writers and intellectuals and artists. It is a pleasure to read your blog, as usual.

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