So today will be the last Wrap until summer ends, the kids go back to school, and Brian puts his shirt back on. So in honor of this being our season finale, I’m throwing the BIGGEST, BADDEST, ROOTIN’-TOOTIN’EST PARTY YOU’VE EVER SEEN IN A BLOG POST!
Of course, because we’re confined to a blog post without multimedia, the party won’t actually feature any alcohol or dancing. Or refreshments. Or music. Or, actually, any social interaction other than in the comments.
And truthfully, there’s no live entertainment. You can’t really sneak into the bathroom to hook up with anyone, either. And I guess the poolside fun is out, along with that extreme magician I wanted to hire.
So really, we’re pretty much limited to you reading words on this page, and then commenting below. But you can do it HARDCORE EXTREME DRUNKEN IRRESPONSIBLE STYLE, YO! So, you know, have fun with that.
Here’s what happened this week on Copyblogger:
The Charles Darwin Guide to Writing and Selling an Effective eBook
This post scared the hell out of me. It’s actually about how your e-book needs to have evolved and grown if it’s to survive in the marketplace, but it made me think of how e-books will surely continue to evolve and will one day become sentient. From that point, you know the drill: machine war, scorching of the sky, enslavement of mankind, and so on. To all of you e-book creators out there — I hope it was worth it, you butchers.
3 Simple Steps to Finding More Clients on Twitter
Don’t like cold calling? Me neither. But if you do it on Twitter, it’s not nearly as intimidating and, according to this post, pretty useful. I’d never thought of using Twitter in this way to get more clients, but you should definitely check it out because it’s pretty swanky. In fact, it’s almost as swanky as THIS SWEET PAAAR-TAY WE’RE HAVING UP IN THIS WRAPUP, am I right? Word up!
Are Social Media “Experts” Worthless?
Just when I thought Monday’s post was frightening, this one came along and scared the living crap out of me. Just read the first sentence: 99.5% of social media experts are clowns! How terrifying did online marketing just become? Oh, and apparently this post also talks about how to be a reputable social media expert, but I was too busy having nightmares about maniacal grinning sociopaths with squeaky horns and giant red shoes.
Two Stunning New WordPress Themes
ARE WE HAVING FUN YET? (Sorry for the yelling; I can barely hear you over all of this fun we’re all having in my head.) But while we’re getting crazy up in this par-taaaaay blog post, why not swagger over and check out the hot new stuff that’s going on at Studiopress? Those crazy party people have released two new themes, and they’re tearing up the dance floor with lampshades on their heads. Look out!
Summertime and the Living’s Easy …
This is the “school’s out!” post that closes up manic mode here at Copyblogger as the crew relaxes into an easier, more summery editorial schedule. Because we’ll have fewer new posts, there’s suggested reading material, but in general Robert suggests that everyone simply head over to when you’re ready for more awesomeness. What? He didn’t suggest that? Well, too late to edit it out now.
This week’s cool links:
- How to Create a 5 Step Facebook Marketing Strategy for Your Blog: Confused by how to use Facebook to market your blog? Well, you no longer have any excuses.
- How To Grow Your Twitter Audience With Smarter Questions: Apparently, if you answer questions, people will buy from you. For that and other questions-work points, read this post.
- The Five Rs of 21st Century Content Curation: Yeah, I thought that said “creation” too. It doesn’t. Read this post, because proper curation is pretty powerful.
- Mobile Social Media Use Nearly Doubled in Past Year: This one doesn’t surprise me in the least, but it does point to a need to refocus your marketing. Read on to see why and how.
About the Author: Johnny B. Truant invites you to come and continue the party at his crib, and also bids you a pleasant summer free of clowns.
Reader Comments (7)
Those are some cool links Johnny. Hope you have a great time at the crib. Have a great vacation Copyblogger team 🙂
That two minutes I spent reading it was a rockin’ bash!
Thanks for the free tickets.
Now I have to get back to my chores and cleaning the bathroom.
Enjoy your casts. Keep up the great work. I do have to say that starting every comment with the word “So” is getting a bit dog-eared. You know you’ve really reached a chronic level when you start typing your comments starting with the word “so”. 🙂 Might want to tone that one down, it’s becoming a habit. 😉
I’m already hung over. Belligerent shenanigans…there, I said it!
I know… quite a bash, huh?
Hi Guys great parrrrrrtaaaay
but I suppose we should have the compulsary drunk conversation about work.
I dont know about you guys but, the best thing about blogging for me anyway is the actual creating and building of the blog site, getting stuck into all the plugins and themes whilst discovering new and exciting things that we can do with wordpress. Just as I was feeling a little stale with my two sites I discoved how good the Genesis framework is and imediately purchased the Lifestyle theme and installed it on both of my sites. I’m now about to embark on a third site which I plan to get another theme for. All this keeps me excited, but how to keep motivated to write on them is a differnet ball game.
How do you guys keep motivated to write as much as you do?
My blogs are not huge YET! but one day….one day?
Man, this is what I live for. It’s not hard for me to stay motivated to write… it’s just… what I do, you know?
Glad you had a blast at the party, dude!
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