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    Copyblogger Weekly Wrap: Week of May 31, 2011

    Copyblogger Weekly Wrap: Week of May 31, 2011

    Reader Comments (11)

    1. I’ve found Columbus to be more painful to bear than Cleveland. At least Cleveland has some semblance of stuff to do. Columbus is the purgatory of the modern soul.

    2. Cleveland always gets bashed, mostly by people who’ve never lived there. I’ve been to and lived a lot of places, and I love Cleveland. But to be fair, you actually have to live here to appreciate how amazing this city is.

      Anyway, Brian is speaking at Content Marketing World in Cleveland in September, so that’s good, right?

    3. Hi Johnny!

      You’re really great with words. What can I say? hahaha Good luck with Cleveland!:)

      Anyway, I’ve missed a lot from Copyblogger this week and this weekly wrap-up is a great way to toggle into posts and links that I really need to read. 🙂

      Thanks and a great weekend to you!

    4. Johnny,

      Thank You.

      You are a magician with words. So, keep on writing this wrap-up series.

      Also, write for your own blog. And consider more guest posts for other blogs too. It would be fun to read your articles.

      However, you have not made it clear why Ohio sucks. What is so repulsive about Cleveland?

      Just out of curiosity: give reasons, please, so we know the truth. Why do you want to move out of there?


    5. North East Ohio is a great place to be from.

      That’s what I’ve been telling people down here in North and South Carolina for 12 years. That and Cleveland was a great place to go see concerts in the first half of the 90’s.

      Notice that I said “from”, which means no longer stuck there!

    6. Ok, I have to chime in as someone who was born and raised in Cleveland and then left for 12 years only to return 5 years ago. There are far worse places to be than here – DC I am looking at you!

      So if you don’t appreciate it here, then why don’t you move instead of bashing it? We have enough outsiders giving us a bad rap that we certainly don’t need any more locals doing it too.

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