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    A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Self-Hosted WordPress Website

    A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Self-Hosted WordPress Website

    Reader Comments (37)

    1. Wow! What perfect timing as I’ve been thinking about moving from wordpress.com to wordpress.org and getting rid of my static website all together. Can’t wait to take this course and learn how to do it! Thanks.

      • Christina, I’m glad it’s helpful! It may seem a little confusing, but it’s a once-and-done thing. And when you use self-hosted WordPress you have more options available to you on your site. You’re going to love it.

    2. Thank you for sharing this step-by-step guide. This would be really helpful to me. For my website, yes it’s wordpress but I don’t personally host it on a web hosting site. Therefore, thanks for this guide.

    3. What a serendipitous post, Brian.
      I’m preparing a webinar called “Blogging for Architects” and this Infographic is a great resource.
      I’ve already promoted it on my blog this morning!

      Thanks for introducing us to Pamela and Wendy.


    4. Thanks for the info. When I was setting up my website, I went to Youtube and searched “Setting up a WordPress.org site” After that it took me about 1 to 2 hours to have my site up.
      Visual learners should use Youtube in conjunction with this blog post.

      All The Best Pamela

      J. Delancy

    5. so how do you find a web host that manages WordPress? besides just googling for it, of course.

    6. I use WordPress to run all of my websites and could not be happier. I self-taught myself how to utilize the program via articles like this and YouTube videos. If I can do it, anyone can. Great illustrations by the way!

    7. Some people are charging $300.00 to teach Word Press set-up. Thank you so much! Looks easy seeing it laid out like this. I’m afraid of losing what I already have on my .com blog. Will that happen? Wish me luck.

      • Hi Mary,

        You won’t lose the information (text and images) if you migrate from WordPress.com to self-hosted WordPress. You won’t be able to migrate the appearance of your site, but that’s what WordPress themes give you. Does that make sense?

    8. Hi Pamela!

      Great post and great timing this post have come up. I was looking to have some course on wordpress theme customization can you suggest me any usefull resource where I can get the little advance level of wordpress theme customization material. Thanks for sharing a great post 🙂 though

      • WPBeginner has lots of great tutorials and NetTuts has a special section just for WordPress. My favorite site for tutorials to customize the 2010 or 2011 themes that “ship” with WordPress is Digital Raindrops. And of course for premium themes my choice is StudioPress. Not only are the themes easy to customize, they have a great support section for theme owners.

        To Pamela, thanks for sharing the graphic and info. I appreciate you offering the free course, it is definitely in the spirit of the WordPress open source community!

    9. Nice infographic, but a post with this title is likely to draw in WordPress beginners, and I’m not sure these steps are that helpful to beginners because their not basic and detailed enough. Also, I know you guys offer great managed WP hosting with Synthesis, but for most beginners, I think dedicated managed WP hosting is probably extreme overkill.

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