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    These Bloggers Rock

    These Bloggers Rock

    Reader Comments (43)

    1. i’m trying to brand 8wishes.com but i will take soloride.org I have forward soloride to 8wishes.com soloride is not running! You are a god to me so I can’t believe that you linked me! My electricity is about to go out so i can’t write a good comment…. You don’t know how much I love your blog…this makes the whole electricity thing not seem that bad…better hit submit before lights go off….

    2. I can already see the how grey/blackhatters will jump on this meme. Quality outgoing links in a healthy chain.
      Oh I don’t have to explain you this, you know this. 😉

    3. Cheers mate for tacking me on the end there Brian. I had no real idea what this whole campaign was all about till you put a clear spin on it for me. Consider me a new subscriber of your scribbles…

    4. Hi Brian,

      I guess this particular meme works BOTH ways. Before Mack concocted his special potion I was not familiar with your BLOG either. When the “Google Alert” for “Creative Think” popped up, I followed the link to your site. As a result you’ve gained a new subscriber. Thanks Mack!

      Best wishes,

      Roger von Oech

    5. Great list! Wait, I thought lists were dead?
      Still digging through it to find gems to add to my reader that aren’t there now.

      Maybe someday I can ROCK too! 🙂


    6. Brian. Thanks for the link love. Your blog has a fantastic and helpful niche.

      I will definitely return after this first time experience.

      Cheers…and spread the word.

    7. Hi Brian,
      Thank you for the mention. The Z-List is indeed working both ways (agree with Roger). Your site is now in my RSS reader as well.
      Best wishes from mindblob. 🙂

    8. Hey – Viaspire is honored to have your “blogs that rock” endorsement! The Z-List is quite an amazing phenomenon bringing us together with some amazing, well-followed fellow bloggers. We’ve enjoyed your feed all year and love it! Thanks!
      PS – We also share your love for MidPhase! They rock too! 🙂

    9. Gosh, thanks! I am just getting around to thanking folks for keeping the meme alive and giving my blog some new traffic and readers. Now I’m working on doing some blog cleaning and will have new content coming, new contributors and freshened up links.

      Thanks again,
      Tim Jackson
      (Shut Up and Drink the Kool-Aid!)

    10. Thanks for spreading the good news on these blogs Brian. The discovery of new blogs is part of what makes the blogosphere fun. Have a great 2007!

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