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    The Top 10 Blogs for Writers

    The Top 10 Blogs for Writers

    Reader Comments (72)

    1. Ha – I looked at the title and then the list quickly (before reading the whole post) and thought you had put yourself at #1 (which would have been deservedly so) 😉


    2. Brian,

      Congratulations. I love visiting your site. I find all sorts of useful stuff here that helps me on my blog, and in my real estate business. Keep up the good work!

    3. Well done.

      The fact that you’ve listed and linked the other 9 shows a little of why you’re number one. You seem more interested in giving other people the tools they need than trying to keep readers all to yourself.

      • I’ve been searching for interesting blog sites to read; Then when I search; I sometimes wind up with people trying to ell me things; Mainly porn; I am pleased to see the bloggers selected as teachers and guides; Now could we have list now and then of, “The Good Reads?” Some of us are looking for Soul Food, writers from the heart, and I welcome suggestion; No porn, please; I am 61; “My Heart; My Heart;” needs interesting, not creepy. Barb Heintz, Pinkhoneysuckle Blogger!

    4. Congrats! You have my vote. 🙂

      In fact, I just did a post on my blog about how your blog helped me with my college application essay.

      I’m sure I’m speaking for all of your readers when I say this: thanks, Brian!

    5. Congrats Brian. Not surprised at all to see you at the top. I’ve followed your blog for a while to improve marketing copy on my websites. I’m now using it as I jump into the blogosphere.

    6. You are number 1 on my list, Brian, and thanks for the list, I’ll check the others out and give my readers a heads up too. I know a couple of these, but not all; I’ve been searching for other blogs on writing and didn’t come up with these… Thanks, and congrats!

    7. Congrats on a well desrved honor.

      Hard work, gone about in a smart, methodical manner makes luck obsolete.

      Having me as a reader doesn’t hurt !

    8. Hearty congratulations!! It’s been an honour to know you, sir!

      (takes pen out of pocket, puts it on Brian’s table)

      And as for writing something, well, you needn’t worry about it. You know the spot man, just hit it!

      Shrikant Joshi

    9. Good stuff! I regularly visit three of the blogs mentioned and can tell you that they each deserve Top Ten status. Two you have listed are new to me, so I’ll bookmark them and check them out later.

    10. I would suggest ConsultantJournal.com as a good resource for professionals who are looking to go freelance. I found the section on setting fees very helpful.

    11. Interesting list. I’ve got some serious learning to do. Nonetheless, I am delighted at the traffic I get on my blog (stimulated largely through a daily newspaper column).

      Thanks for the guidance gained through reading your excellent work.

      Rod Smith

    12. This website is very nice and colorful too. Its nice to have something to show others where you attend church and to show all the smiling people filled of the goodness of the Lord. You have a wonderful website here. May God rich bless you always..

    13. Congrats Brian. You deserve to be on the top. I have been a regular reader of your blog for sometime and its awsome. I wish you all the best and let many more laurels come your way.

    14. Brian, a hearty congratulations. Hear me clapping?
      I only recently discovered your blog, so it’s like a kid peeling frosting off the cake to eat later.

      Gonna visit it a little at a time. Good stuff.

    15. I write about writing too!

      Why am I not on that list?
      Because nobody ever visits my site!

      If you want to really make me happy, and you are bored, drop in on my site. It’s new, but I think it has really useful content…

    16. This is an amazing site. I have been writing all my life but I am rather new to blogging and am learning quite a bit from your site. Thanks Brian.

    17. I searched for the best writers’ blog, and found this wonderful list. Then I looked at the date, oh my God, it dates back to 2006, but still looks great! Writers leave a deep imprint on time. Check out my blog at http://www.freelancewriter.co/ ; a drop in the ocean for all the blog thirsty readers 🙂 . Thanks Brian.

    18. On Googling “The best blogs for writers” I came across this post. Thank you so much for this. Time for me to follow some new blogs! Thanks again!

    19. AHhahaha I went to go find this Copyblogger blog and see what all the buzz was about and realized I was already there. Story of my LIFE. No, really.

    20. I agree with you on this list though there are a few other very good blogs i have read including Procrastinating Writers Blog, Dana Prince’s Blog, The Writer Blog by The NextGen Writer… but obviously you cannot include all of them as there are countless blogs
      Thanks & Regards,
      The writer.

    21. Well, IF you are planning to Browse these top ten blogs, beware:
      I just browsed all of the ten blogs but there are a couple of broken links like you will get a “page not found” error on Debora’s Ng’s Blog as well as Inkthikner (but you will be redirected to the blog as it has been moved).

    22. I am a newbie blogger and as I was searching for best blog sites on net ..I spotted this site.. and started to read on..so informative and full of enriching ideas and tips that will greatly help my writing endeavor to be at next level…thanks for making this site, keep it up men 🙂

    23. Congratulations, that’s great to hear! I just discovered your blog, but am excited to put some of your articles to use to help my site and blog, which can seem like little ghost towns in cyberspace! 😉

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