Find out what people want and help them get it.
Thanks, Gary.
It’s amazing how many people don’t get this.
Brian Clark is the founder of Copyblogger, the midlife personal growth newsletter Further, Unemployable, an educational community that provides smart strategies for freelancers and solopreneurs, and Creative Affiliate, affiliate marketing advice for creators.
Reader Comments (37)
Thank you for great link. 🙂
The simple answer is sometimes the best answer.
It’s always about “YOU” meaning customers. It’s about figuring out what customers want and meet their needs.
A Dawn Journal
I love his bullets. One a month, simple and right on target.
Yeah, but mr/mrs customer, let me tell you what I have for you, and how great what I have for you is, and how much you’ll like what I have for you.
Gary’s bullets are the BEST. Love ’em.
Gary’s bullets are really powerful… I was stuck when I discovered this.
It’s one of the best thing I read about copywriting.
Great simple tip even a child could love.
Nice. I was going to blog this, but would have waffled on a lot more over it.
I love Bencivenga.
yeah a lot of people both on online and offline world are having difficulties getting it…
Gary Bencivenga isn’t just the greatest living copywriter. He’s maybe the best copywriting teacher… ever. If you guys think his bullets are good, check out his seminar product. I’ve gone through just about every copywriting product there is, and in my opinion, his seminar is the best.
That is probably the most simple secret there is. It is actually common sense but a lot of times people overlook those kind of things.
…and just think-the last COPYBLOGGER e-mail said to keep things simple. I am unsure what these jargon words mean..robust? I am robust but I am trying to lose weight. As for bullets-I have barely learned that they are the unnumbered items in a list. So Gary’s unnumbered list items are profound, yes?
Just below this form are html notes. I am unclear what they are for. I have been filling out forms for 40 years without html. What purpose does html serve in these forms and in such arenas as craigslist? I am learning a lot with COPYBLOGGER, so any help is appreciated, thank you.
Such brevity is music to my ears. Thank you for pulling the gem out of that way-too-long-for-my-eyes post.
You told me so.
We can only learn from masters.
What is missed in this brevity is that usually you have to show them what they want without them realizing that they want it.
The Secret of Fundraising:
Find out what they have and get it from them.
Perfect. The NPO version
This is a perfect example of why I think copy writers produce boring and annoying work. They seem to believe the most important achievement is to drag readers into pages and pages of irrelevant topics when the only thing they want to say is: “Find out what people want and help them get it!”
To me every single copywriting product smells like a scam for this reason.
Good article, but what a bad headline.
This is actually from Harry Brownie who died and his book “The Secret to Selling anything.” Garry recommends reading his book which is very powerful indeed.
Just find out what they are looking for.
John, keep in mind that “help them get it” often requires lots of information, proof and a good story or two. 🙂
Thanks for the link, I think I have just come across something great.
lol, thanks for the reminder!
Anne Wayman, now blogging at
Most people buy what they want and not what they actually need.Problem solved.
That was a great read, Brian. It gave me some new knowledge as to how I could write my blog titles. I’ll be checking out his other bullet points.
thanks for sharing the secret…… I will visit the link now
I always wondered what was in the secret sauce…
Short and to the point
Now I don’t feel so bad about publishing short posts.
Yes, thanks Gary. But thank you to Harry Browne even more. I purchased his ebook “The Secret to Selling ~ Anything” based on Gary’s recommendation and it is seriously right up there with “Scientific Advertising” and “How to Win Friends and Influence People” as far as practical sales and marketing advice goes. Truly great stuff!
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