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    Tell a Tantalizing Story to Kick Off Your Blog Post

    Tell a Tantalizing Story to Kick Off Your Blog Post

    Reader Comments (39)

    1. Amelia stood at the mouth of the long, dark hallway, one slender hand clutching at her heaving breast. The bodice of her ivory lace nightgown was soaked with sweat. Emboldened, she walked on, her bare feet cold on the stone floor.

      You mean like that?

    2. Hi Brian – What book would you recommend to someone who is interested in learning about incorporating the art of storytelling in their writing?

    3. What book would you recommend to someone who is interested in learning about incorporating the art of storytelling in their writing?

      The Story Factor: Inspiration, Influence, and Persuasion Through the Art of Storytelling by Annette Simmons

    4. I likey.

      Brian, Make that book title an affiliate link and I’ll buy it today. Create a “Copyblogger Library of Recommended Books” and I’ll continue to do so. 🙂


    5. Brian, thank you for that. Just purchased the Story Factor + using your affiliate link. Great post today as usual.


    6. Hmm, sounds interesting. Allthough telling stories takes a lot more time than cut-and-paste, it might just captivate readers a bit more. Gonna try that one on my next post, thanks 🙂

    7. “The short bald man was mysteriously cutting onions while sitting on his stoop in Brooklyn while a helicopter full of stale jelly donuts on the way to . . .”

      I get the idea, but my execution may need some work

    8. Great info…tips I need to keep in mind. I just ordered Cialdini, can’t wait to learn from one of the persuasion masters. Another technique I might try is to study why certain books (novel or biographies) captivate me, and use similar techniques in my own writing, as applied for web copy.

    9. It’s always heartening to find out that what you have already been doing (in this case, beginning with a story) has been the right thing. 🙂 Thanks for the good advice Brian.

    10. Thanks for the guide. Basically I was doing the cut-paste job with a little bit my own..
      But now sure i WILL MAKE IT 100% MY OWN!!

    11. This one makes sence “One’s first step in wisdom is to kuesstion everything – and one’s last is to come to terms with everything.”

    12. This tip is so powerfull that it shouldn’t be allowed to float free on the internet. 🙂

      I knew about this for a time, then forgot it – until now. Thank you Brian!

    13. Wow! Thank you very much for these very practical tips. I am an inspirational speaker and your tips will really be of great help.

      Tomorrow I will training pastors to deliver effective sermons, and I will share with them your ideas on telling tantalizing stories.

      Thank you.

      jef menguin
      inspirational speaker, Philippines

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