Naomi of IttyBiz is in the middle of a great series about how her blog made $176,000 so far this year through six different types of income streams. Start with the post at the bottom of the page and move to the top… great stuff.
Awesome article by Leo Babauta laying out how he built Zen Habits into one of the biggest blogs in the world.
Display your number of Twitter followers on your blog using Twitter Counter, just like you do with your Feedburner stats. And don’t forget to follow me on Twitter.
Speaking of Twitter, Darren Rowse of Problogger has just launched a new blog—TwiTip, which is, you guessed it, a collection of Twitter tips. Loving that he built the blog with Thesis, and oh yeah… don’t forget to follow me on Twitter. 🙂
Texas Tech looks like the real deal this year in college football, and Jeff Sexton uses the team as the basis of a two-part tutorial on website optimization. Check out Part One and Part Two for great tips.
Seth Godin, failure.
SEO stud Michael Gray launches Viral Conversations, a blogger review service, also powered by Thesis. Hmmm… I’m seeing a bit of a trend here.
Chuck Westbrook is building a tribe of bloggers who help one another out. Check it out (I won’t even mention the theme he’s using).
Giovanna (a/k/a Mrs. Aaron Wall) put together a really useful pay-per-click flowchart that helps you make the most of Google AdWords, etc.
Jeff Walker is re-opening the doors to Product Launch Formula 2.0. It’s one the best online training courses around (I’ve gone through the training twice, paid for it twice, and made an enormous return on investment… and that’s just so far), so don’t miss out this time.
Reader Comments (27)
Have to love the whole concept of comparing SEO with Mike Leach’s Spread offense. I can see how similar they really are, it’s about being innovative and effective, pretty simple when you get down to the heart of it. Thanks for bringing that one to my attention, I would have never caught it.
Thanks for the link, Brian, and you’re more than welcome over on my site at any time.
Small typo in my last name in the article, FYI (Westerbrook -> Westbrook), but I’ll take it. : )
Love the PPC flowchart. Not checked it in depth yet, as it looks quite dense.
Chuck, whoops! Fixed.
Wow. Thesis is taking over.
These are great resources though – and a LOT of reading during Sunday Night Football.
Where’s the value in displaying Twitter/RSS readership statistics on your blog? I’ve read numerous pros and cons on the issue, but ultimately it comes down to content.
A blog can have 50,000 “readers” but that doesn’t mean the content is worthy enough they all comment or share, so how is that reader a real number?
I don’t judge new blogs I come across by statistics; I follow blogs (or Twitter profiles) based on content, e.g. past blog posts/tweets, geography, etc.
thanks for the link Brian
Ari, see my post from last week on social proof.
@Ari Herzog, Folks like celeb bloggers. Seriously, look at John Chow readership and earnings. Besides good content is but a paypal trip away, but Twitter, Blog or RSS subscribers provide a somewhat reliable matrix in valuing a site.
Maybe it’s the fresh glass of water talking, but I can’t see how you’d find worthy reading it nobody other than you is reading it to begin with.
Thanks, Brian. If it’s good enough for you, it’s good enough for me. 🙂
Great Info. I am using the Twitter Counter.
Great stuff. I’ve bookmarked your post so I can go back and read all theis good info and blogs
Social media is one of those things I just have never been able to get my head around. Maybe one of these days I can get there.
Thesis is taking other the blogosphere! 🙂 Great stuff Brian, bookmarked for latter reading.
Thanks Brian, I will be checking out that new twitter blog. It’s cool to see IttyBiz utilizing multiples revenue streams. Good for them
Good list! Today I just launched a social media blog called “Social Media Rockstar” which features interviews and valuable tips from top social media users:
It’s also powered by Thesis.. so I thought it was on-topic enough to include here. 😉
Thanks Brian,
I will also be checking out that new twitter blog. That’s awesome to see IttyBiz using multiples revenue streams. We hope to be there soon.
Thanks for sharing these links. Many of these I have never visited before. It’s always nice to get a well-rounded view of social media from those who know it best!
great stuff thanks for sharing!
Nice article by Leo Babauta about SEO, i like it and about Twister counter, thanks i’ll put them on my blog
Thanks for sharing. Actually Social media is very hot for both getting backlinks and traffic to sites. So getting expertise in them is great.
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