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    Permission to Slow Down

    Permission to Slow Down

    Reader Comments (6)

    1. Spot on.

      Thinking and working on the next project – be it continuation of your old one is an important thing.

      But so is cherishing, enjoying and taking time to reflect on things which has been achieved. Things shouldn’t move as fast – wherever you are, sit back and enjoy the moment. It is worth it.

      And then when you feel you partied all night, then move on to the next thing which excites you.

      Just being in the moment is a cool thing too.

    2. Very good observation and reminder — especially in the social media climate we are in. To be honest, the older I’ve gotten, the less I’ve been caring about “the next big thing”. This is especially true for me when it comes to technology.

      • There’s always going to be another “next big thing” — just because something’s new doesn’t mean it’s going to be any good 😉

        Glad you enjoyed it, Evan!

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