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    5 Hot Tips to Make Your Readers Fall in Love

    5 Hot Tips to Make Your Readers Fall in Love

    Reader Comments (61)

    1. As a new author I thank you for your information. I am still in the learning stage of how to have people wanting to read my work. I write fiction in the mystery genre.

    2. Pam:

      I’m happy your continuing the trend of falling in love – relating it to business relationships.

      Good stuff. I wonder if anyone from Copyblogger has a special for President’s day?


    3. I appreciate the clearly outlined steps you have provided in this article, Pamela! I think customers deserve to be “courted”, and though that does take time and care, it is rewarding to see you have a relationship with your customer!

    4. Thanks for reminding everyone that it is essential to “kill-with-kindness”! It’s unbelievable how bad some customer service teams are – rude representatives, non-responsiveness to emails and just overall inefficiency and lack of quality content. These are some great tips, which everyone will find to be helpful. Thanks!

    5. Hi Pamela,

      All the best companies I have dealt with followed these rules. Regardless if someone is a blogger, a salesperson, or an executive, these methods are an excellent way to “win friends and influence people.”

      BTW, having made my share of red sauce, I loved your proverb 🙂


    6. Hi Pamela, Great points! I was nodding along, especially with #3, and then I scrolled down to see who wrote this good stuff, and it’s you! :::waves:::

      Love it! Very solid, very sensible. I’m going to save this as part of my 2011 action plan. Thanks.

    7. I think someone like Gary Vaunerchuck would say ‘fall in love with your (potential) customers instead of forcing them to fall in love with you.

    8. I like your way of presenting things. Blogging IS a seduction process and it’s important to remember that readership is to be conquered and treated well, like a significant other. In a way, they are the absolute, faceless significant other that the writers are longing for.

      Great post.

    9. Your comment about checking your stats to find out what THEY are interested in, rather than what you are interested in has made all the difference at my blog, http://www.Subwaysurfer.blogspot.com lately.
      Doing this also takes some of the air out of an inflated ego, I find. If you really take time to listen, people ready do tell you what they want,and need. What I love about this social media age is that people, especially businesses, are starting to truly listen to people now. It really does create a win win stress free environment for everyone, and enables us to bring our humanity back into business.

      • I agree, Elgin. There’s so much information out there now: we don’t have to market blindly any more.

        It makes our communication more effective and we can develop products and services people are actually interested in, not the ones we think they want.

    10. Thanks Pamela- been guilty of not responding to twitter followers! Will definitely fix this unpopular way of how I’ve been connecting with potential clients!

      btw-will be retweeting this one!

    11. Great post. I find the part about listening to conversations very interesting. When preparing campaigns for my clients I allways start off by listening to the conversations about them or their niche so that I can understand their needs better and most importantly, their customers needs.

      • And it’s so easy to listen now, isn’t it? We’re all sharing so much about ourselves in social media that all you need to do is put your ear to the ground to hear what’s being said.

    12. Great tips. I always find myself in a flux to deliver consistent results. I hope to make it “consistent” some day, and soon 🙂

    13. I love Copy Blogger! As a direct response expert for over …wait for it…19 years, I find that a lot of what is being said is what we know as the fundamentals of direct response – not direct marketing but direct response advertising. Personally I would love to start a blog, but I find that I really don’t have the time.

      The direct response basics, which is now seriously infiltrating most if not all marketing endeavors due to not only social but overall purchasing on the web in general, which is something we learned long ago – that making it simple, compelling and adding value will gain a loyal follower (customer) – whomever that person may be, is the key to actionable results, whatever the definition of actionable may be…sale, return to blog, opening an email, conversations – retweets on Twitter, Likes, FB, etc.

      It’s nice to read and listen (podcast), to content that is not “blasting” the use of these key fundamentals to engage each and every one of us in one way or another – on a daily basis.

      Kudos to Copy Blogger!

      Wendi Cooper

    14. I love to practice an approach while writing – be useful and helpful to the readers and audience. Although you’re not successful in helping them in the way they expected, they are going to appreciate it.

      And from appreciation – there’s love!

    15. This was a clever link to Valentine Pamela. I can’t argue with a single point. It all comes down to quality. If your blog offers quality throughout all aspects, the customers will come like bees to honey.

      Leamington Spa, England

    16. I totally agree with responding to your readers. As an example, I always appreciate bloggers who answers some questions I ask them whether through email or through the comment system.

    17. I once worked as a blogger for a B2B company, doing a daily blog for about six months. But I got next to zero feedback (most comments were queries or complaints about the company, rather than a response to what I was producing), so it was hard to know what people were responding to! Google Analytics was some help, but in the end, I had to follow my own instincts. It can be very difficult though! Any suggestions what to do in such cases?

      • Hi Mike,

        Without seeing the blog it’s hard to say what might have been the problem. I know some of the suggestions about B2B blogs are:

        1. People respond to people, not companies, so write from a personal point of view. It’s an opportunity to put a face and personality to your company, and that should shine through in your writing.

        2. Use all the best practices we talk about on Copyblogger: engaging headlines and suhbeads, bulleted lists, and topics that answer a question in a surprising — but useful — way. There’s a lot more to it, but if you’re a reader here you know that.

        3. Use photos. A photo at the top of your post will draw the reader in, and a photo of the author will help personalize the message.

        I hope these suggestions are helpful. It must have been challenging to keep writing for all that time without getting feedback. You get an A+ for persistence!

    18. Once the door is open, feedback is so important, it’s the payoff that readers are really hoping to receive.

      Your most likely clients are usually the most engaged and interactive – take care of them, and they will take care of you!

    19. I would say love your audience back by staying in communication with them and writing good content. If you can show your audience that you care about them then they will fall in love with you too.

    20. Hi Pamela!

      I guess that with writing a blogpost as with entering into a romantic relationship, the same set of rules apply. And may I just add: perseverance. When all else fails the first time, we shouldn’t give up easily and show enduring love by ceaseless wooing. 🙂

    21. I was looking for this. I am a freelance blogger and looking for a good start on how to convince readers.

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