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    How to Combine Lead Magnets and Ads to Jump-start an Online Training Business

    How to Combine Lead Magnets and Ads to Jump-start an Online Training Business

    Reader Comments (8)

    1. This article helped me validate a couple of things I’m working on. One is a product that happens to have a very small list and I’m apprehensive to start promoting it.

      Also, I’ve been looking at teaching what I do; I love that’s how you put it, too. I had a “ding, ding, ding” moment there. Thanks!

      If I were to sum up my take away it would be this: You don’t have to be perfect, you just have to start.

      Thanks. Good stuff.

      • I loved that aspect of Debbie’s story too, Alex. You can’t really learn unless you put something out there and see what happens to your idea once it’s out in the wild.

      • Alex, I’ve found that an advantage to taking action before perfection is that you have flexibility to get to a final product that’s shaped by the reactions to your early versions.

    2. Debbie, you are an inspiration! I’m always amazed by the amount of content you share in your classes. Thanks for sharing some figures on your Facebook Ads, I always wonder if they are really all that effective. I will be watching your businesses grow with interest!

    3. Your story is inspiring Debbie! Thank you so much for sharing Pamela. I love how you use your own journey to inspire your students that building a course in 3 months is possible.

    4. Great recap of Debbie’s recent journey! So good to see the numbers and the thinking process about starting from scratch and launching new business. I’m one of those that got happily snagged by Debbie’s content-rich webinars. The Teach What You Do course organization and clarity are top-notch, so I’m eagerly following her guidance as I prepare to launch myself soon, too.

    5. I’ve known Debbie Hodge for a while and continue to be so inspired by her and her generosity. Recently, I had the pleasure of attending her online ecourse called Teach What You Do and it totally rocked! Even those with web experience or online course delivery experience can learn hints, tips, and tricks from Debbie! Thank you, Debbie, for all that you do! ♥

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