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    A New Year. A New Decade. A New Copyblogger.

    A New Year. A New Decade. A New Copyblogger.

    Reader Comments (30)

    1. Tim I am a long time Copyblogger reader/follower also. Years and years of helpful writing tips and read them all.

      Looking forward to the new content coming.

      • We are looking forward to it as well. There are so many exciting tactics to learn about. Thanks for tagging along. 🙂

    2. I was excited by the idea because I want to restart my career on the internet.
      My first goal is to become a professional copywriter.
      Let’s walk together!

    3. I ‘d like to see series of posts on Video creation and marketing, Podcasting, and especially Curation.
      I have been reading Copyblogger for at least 14 years now. I am also into Copyblogger’s Authority course and TeachingSells course! Brian Clark and his staff are some of the smartest people I have ever read in Content Marketing!
      Really lookin forward to what’s coming in the brand new decade here at Copyblogger!

    4. I am very excited about this idea. I am a regular reader of your web site. And I hope this new year I will learn a lot from CopyBlogger site.
      Thanks to all copyblogger Team 🙂

    5. Great to hear your story. I feel like I am just starting mine even though I’ve been blogging for 18 months now. It is good to know that there are sites like Copyblogger keeping me up to date with how I am writing and marketing my blog. Look forward to seeing more of your posts on the site

    6. Hey Tim, thanks for this post. I would like to learn more about SEO, content curation and copywriting. These are essential for bloggers to give their blog more exposure to get more results.

      • Hey Anthony. Thanks for reaching out. Luckily, SEO is my specialty so I will be publishing plenty of content to help everyone win at SEO. Thanks!

    7. Hi Tim,

      It’s fascinating to realise that I found copyblogger at 2020 which is exactly a decade later in a new era!

      Let’s see how it turns out for me!

    8. This is my first time on Copyblogger, and I have to say I am stoked to find you guys. It is really interesting that this is my first contact with you guys as we go into a new decade, and it looks like you guys are shifting your strategy. Perfect time for me to start following and implementing.

    9. This is exciting….makes me wonder what type of courses you will be offering, as I was considering the Certification Program, but I don’t know if it will meet my needs (portfolio/sample creation and instructor feedback?)….And, you are only giving one day to sign up for the last run, so I doubt I will get an answer to my email I sent earlier today, before EOD….

      Well, if the answer is No (assignments with instructor feedback), then I highly recommend instructor feedback on building portfolio-worthy assignments.

      • Hi Aimee,

        You have more than one day to sign up for the Certification program … it sounds like you’re on the waitlist and got our special email giving you access to enroll before the public. 🙂

        We do give feedback on the samples you submit to demonstrate you’ve mastered the course materials when you apply for Certification, but we don’t currently guide you through assignments or portfolio/sample creation. It’s not quite in line with the goal of this training.

        Thanks for the suggestion for future programs we offer!

    10. Hey Tim,
      Welcome onboard 😀
      And yes, wishing you best of luck for your efforts in this decade.
      Your story is so me. Very inspiring and motivational. Copyblogger is one of the dream companies for many content marketers. You’re lucky you joined.

    11. It’s been almost one year since I am learning about SEO for my blog. Hope this new year I get more information and interesting valuable content on copyblogger . That teach me more about SEO.

    12. Hi Tim

      Amazing I run an Tax accountants business in Cardiff and am really looking into the opportunity of creating great content to help my readers with their businesses.
      Really chuffed that I stumbled across this website.
      SEO & digital marketing are the way forward and hopefully A mix of videos podcasts and great content will help my readers run better small and growing companies.
      Thanks again.
      Brian Deane has written some great articles on video and content marketing as well.

    13. Thanks for the post, Tim, I would like to learn how content writing and content curation is different. Or how we can achieve the best results from combining both of them.

    14. Your podcasts are amazing. People like us who have no money to invest and passion for writing, your free valuable content helps us a lot. I am looking for a great 2020 for my writing career with you.

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