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    Exclusive Advice for Writers and Business Builders from a Copywriting Genius

    Exclusive Advice for Writers and Business Builders from a Copywriting Genius

    Reader Comments (30)

    1. Giggling, because as I sat down to “finish my book,” I naturally diverted off to my feeds, and here you are, telling me exactly what I need to hear. Ah, the serendipity of it all! And as I did my morning “freefall writing,” I told myself, “just get it out there. You won’t know anything more until people read it…” Yep. That’s how I got the last book done, so here’s to all of us who keep coming back to it! Thanks!!
      Suzanna Stinnett

    2. Wow. I’d never heard of this guy until today. I love his idea of ‘Ready, Fire, Aim’. I remember reading about a Harvard study which found that the reason most entrepreneurs fail is planning. They plan and plan, but never actually do. I might have to pick up this book.

      – Dave

    3. Boy, is this guy’s sensibility miles apart from mine.

      Well, I’m certain he could buy and sell me 25 times over.

      As I concluded a comment I posted moments ago on another blog, “Feeling a touch cantankerous today…”

    4. Who else besides me chuckled at how Masterson’s “hire a famous writer to be your editor” advice got Robert a “we’ll see” brush-off when the table was turned?

    5. Enjoyed reading the post…I have always enjoyed reading but writing was not my cup of my tea. But then for my business I have to write blog posts, articles, new content all time…It was very hard in the beginning. Now I am much more comfortable with the ‘writing’ part…I write every day…And this has helped. Writing every day has made it a lot easier and now I actually enjoy the ‘writing’ part….

    6. ETR offers some good advice, but the email campaigns of extraordinarily long web pages, or emails makes me crazy.

      I’ve read Mr. Masterson’s books and have found all of them entertaining and somewhat enlightening. He really understands multiple streams of income.

    7. Wow…

      Part of that really resonated with me.

      300 words a day, for 300 days…the plan to write your first book…and every book after that.

      To have the opportunity to speak with an absolute genius at business-building…wow.

      Joseph Ratliff

    8. Awesome. I didn’t know who Michael Masterson was either, until Brian told me about him last year. Then I started researching him, and MY GOD, he’s amazing. He’s probably built more successful information publishing businesses than anyone alive. It’s amazing that you got an opportunity to sit down with him.

    9. I agree with his suggestions about cranking out a book a year, and not being too perfectionistic.

      I look forward to investigating his other work.

      Simultaneously, respectfully, I get a sort of snake-oil-salesmany vibe from this post. A little too much worship of the guru as well. But maybe that’s just me.

    10. I feel like you just summarized his book for me, so I don’t have to waste the time reading it. Thanks!

    11. Thanks for sharing your insider information, Robert. And congrats on meeting one of your heroes.

      Those are 3 great points – at some point you have to say “Ok, I’m just gonna do it!”

      If I could maybe throw in my 2 cents I’d like to add that once you “just do it,” never stop learning. Learning allows you to become more creative by making more connections and those connections will also help you make good business decisions by nature (i.e. ones you didn’t think about but turned out to be good decisions).

    12. First time I saw the video. That’s damn good !

      great post as well.

      Thanks for sharing !

      BTW – I just picked up the book…see you in a year 😉

    13. That’s exactly the thought that gets me to publish on my blog: it doesn’t have to be perfect.

      Thanks for reinforcing that point along with all the other good points you’ve made in this post.

    14. As a hard working copywriter, I’m not overly pleased about being pitch to on a copywrinting website.

      Why all the gushing and postively comments? Are all these comments by hugely positive and glib people? Where’s the balance? Where are the doubters?

      Perhaps I’m the only cynic on this website, but I personally avoid all ‘self-help’ books. ‘How I made my millions’ books are nearly always written by people who’ve made millions by selling books that tell people how to make millions.

      I personally need more background and examples of someone’s work to decide whether I ‘buy’ into someone’s route to success. I guess that’s why Felix Dennis and Richard Branson’s books do so well.

      Interested to hear anyone else’s thoughts on this.

    15. Kenobi, Ready Aim Fire is a business book, not a get rich self-help book. It’s got more solid information on starting and building a business than some $3,000 training courses I’ve seen.

      As for this being a pitch, I guess I don’t see it. A lot of us respect Masterson for his accomplishments, and I think Robert is just expressing his admiration with enthusiastic copy.

    16. Thanks Brian. Just adding some healthy debate to this post.

      So this article is reportage and not advertorial. The journalist in me just noticed all the very postive posts about this book. Even Amazon has the odd negative review about great books(!)

      It’s obviously a valuable book for some people. Ignore me.

    17. One thing I’d like to see more of with courses such as Masterson’s Copywriting course before I buy are more specific examples with Client names and amounts paid to write for them. I understand confidentiality, but having specific examples (like Michael Stelzner does with his new white paper videos where he shows 1 fortune 500 company and 1 small company needing, getting, and benefiting from his advice) more convincing.

      Nice video btw, Robert.

    18. In rereading it, I can understand how my piece may come across as something of a “pitch.” Seriously Gang, not my intention. Brian nailed it – “enthusiastic” is how I felt after the lunch. I had a great time & wanted to give everyone a sneak peek.

      By the way, I’m available for hacky sack gigs. Just give me a shout!

    19. This is all great advice and all centers around one thing it seems – managing perfectionism through small actions.

      I learned the same lesson from Steve Pavlina in two of his posts. In one of them he mentioned the “Ready ,Fire, Aim” approach (I forget which of his posts it was). In another, Microtasks, he talks about breaking things down into small chunks you can get done.

      I’ve also heard the same kind of mindset in the Getting Things Done approach where it’s all about finding the next right action and doing it.

      Honestly, this mindset is one of the most important for me to keep in mind. I tend to be a perfectionist and get overwhelmed with large projects if I don’t remind myself over and over again to calm down and just do the next small chunk, one at a time. It’s amazing how once you do that you can lose yourself in just doing it and by the time you realize it, you’ve done a tremendous amount of work without even having realized how much.

    20. 300 words a day, simple concept and great advice. I will remember this when speaking to people who want to start blogging. When I was starting out, there were many words spoken at me. This simple sentence speaks to me.

    21. Good post, but “write every day” is hardly exclusive advice. You’ll find it in every ‘how to write’ book. I heard it first in first-year Creative Writing, and probably once a month through my entire degree.

    22. Not to take anything away from Masterson, who is an amazing success, but “Ready Fire Aim” is no more original than “write every day.” Nor do I imagine he claims it is. Over ten years ago I had a boss (also a successful publisher, by the way) and that was his business motto.

      Still, it’s great advice. Now if only the anal- retentive editor in me would just follow that advice!

    23. Wow…

      This is the kick-in-the-pants inspiration I needed to get to my next level.

      I have three little ones, so “finding time to write” can be difficult – that is, until I get a paying gig! Then, miraculously, ever elusive time reemerges!

      Thanks for this 🙂

    24. Hi there,

      Michael Masterson is one marketer I respect a lot

      His business insights and strategies are just so direct…cutting edge…and effective.

      His book, “Ready, Fire, Aim” is definitely one of the best books I’ve read.

      Gotta love that guy!


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