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    Links You Can’t Live Without

    Links You Can’t Live Without

    Reader Comments (22)

    1. The coolest thing that happened last week was the launch of LighterFootstep.com. The brainchild of more minimal (and earlier paper frog) Chris Baskind, this is a publication that takes a fresh look at what sustainable living means — and it may not be what *you* think.

      I featured LighterFootstep.com in a an interview on Monday.

    2. Derek, I emailed that link to Chris.

      Valeria, thanks… I promoted Baskind’s newest to the main stage.

      Julien, my pleasure. 😉

    3. Thanks for the link, Brian! I think one of the most interesting posts in the last week or so came from Yaro.

      I think it’s becoming an increasingly widespread phenomenon for people to jump from one moneymaking strategy to another and never actually get anywhere. I suppose it’s always been like that, but the Web has made it easier. It evolves so quickly that it’s easy to get sucked into the moneymaking flavor of the month.

    4. Hey Brian,

      I’m sure he’ll find the link mildly interesting.
      I’ve been running a celebrity blog for almost a year now and it has been paying the bills so I have a littl experience with it.

      Also, because your blog and Chris’s blog has been such a great help to me in the past, if you want, you can tell him to drop me an email if he wants to chat about the celebrity genre.

    5. Very interesting bunch of links there. Yours is one of the blogs I regularly visit to get ideas and inspiration.

      Would you be keen to exchange links? I blog mainly about marketing communications, PR, social media, WOM, blogging, service quality, and a little about my family. My URL is:


      Have added a link to your web and hope you can return the favour. Hear from you soon!

    6. Thanks for the d-blogged link… wish I had seen it three weeks ago before spending resources on coming up with the same conslusions for a site revamp. 😉

    7. “How to Conquer Writer’s Block – The Ultimate Guide” is indispensable. Thanks a lot for the link, I would’ve missed it otherwise!

    8. A few nice finds in there. Thanks for posting them. 🙂 Writers’ Block resources tend to get a bit old, but looks like some good stuff. 🙂

    9. I know this isn’t a place to self-promote, so feel free to delete or slap my wrists. But since you asked…

      I built a very ugly directory for copywriters (a couple of weeks ago) and have been working like crazy on feeds and backlinks (this week). So the PR should bump up soon.

      Good way for copywriters with few or no links to them to get a free direct inbound link from a related site: http://directory.freelancewebcopywriter.com

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