- Check out Mike Sansone’s Nuts and Blog Bolts on Blog Talk Radio, featuring copywriters Michel Fortin, Ryan Healy,Tom Chandler and Roberta Rosenberg tomorrow last night at 8 EDT. Should be some good stuff with this crowd. Sorry, got the live date wrong, but you should be able to hear the recording now.
- Read this post to further understand why the A-list doesn’t matter, and why they actually may be a complete waste of your time.
- Next, read the ingenious, low-cost hustle that Seth Godin employed to promote his book Purple Cow. Are you really doing everything you can to get the attention you want?
- Andy Hagans reveals my secret past life. Or not.
- I hope I didn’t discourage any readers with my grammatical errors that make you look dumb post (“dumb” just made for a better headline, which in turn helped it become the most popular post I’ve ever written). Check it out, I made a dumb mistake in my last post.
- Jim Kukral asks me a question that I was going to try to answer, until I realized that the answer is what I write about here. I haven’t done a single thing to develop or promote this blog that I haven’t shared with you. There are no secrets; only poorly-organized information that needs to be compiled and edited into a book, which I need to get focused on. 🙂
Anyone else have any cool links? Drop ’em in the comments.
Reader Comments (16)
I really have a good post about a telecom industry here back in India, but then not many of your viewers will be interested in that…I have to think about a good post for the international audience …thanks for the offer! . . .
Nice links – I like the purple cow one – you must always keep innovating – it’s what will move you to the front.
The A-list crap is stupid. Frankly, it’s time for Jason to find a new business.
And a couple sites I am really liking these days are:
Keep it up – I can’t wait to read your “how i did it” post.
This last Thursday, for Thursday Thirteen, I did a list of handy-dandy FREE utilities and website links (no, they are not referrals) that I use all the time when I compile posts for my blog. If anyone would like to look at the list, you can paste this address into your browser.
Nice way to avoid the question Brian, geez, hehe.
So what you’re saying is, nobody knew about your blog last year, and a year later you’ve got close to 15k rss subscribers just because you’re writing good content?
Don’t get me wrong, I realize that what you’re writing is some of the best stuff on the Internets, so I’m definitely not devaluing your work, not one bit.
I’m just saying… I know a bunch of other excellent bloggers who also write amazing high-quality content, and who have been blogging longer than you, but have nowhere near the success you have in terms of readers.
The point is… it can’t just be high-quality content. There’s got to be a difference maker? Good design, better marketing? Something…
That’s what I want to know, in your experience.
Here’s what I think is a “cool” link. The JottBlog Experiment blog.
It’s an experiment with Jott.com in creating an in the moment blog using their voice transcription.
I think you’ve got one of the best blogs on the net. I know I’m a better writer because of the fantastic advice you provide. Not only was it your most popular post, it may have had the most impact.
Sorry if the mention of your post left a negative impression – that definitely wasn’t the point. Now I really feel dumb! 🙂
Thanks again for helping all of us.
Jim, I’ve written about a lot more than content, including strategy, positioning, subscriber attraction, link-building, SEO, etc. You’re right that it’s more than just content, but my answer remains the same (for now).
Doug, I was glad that you wrote that post… or I wouldn’t have brought it up here. Gave me something to think about. 🙂
Jim, words are free. We all use the same ones. But a writer’s voice is what matters.
I suggest you read a book called “Stein on Writing”. In it you will learn about “finding your writing voice”. Brian has found his writing voice, even though he uses the same free words as everyone else. We just think his is way better than Sanjai’s singing voice ( and countless other copy bloggers out there.)
It’s hard to quantify, but sometimes you just know it when you read it.
Brian, I smell a new blog or ebook coming! 🙂 I’ll buy it for sure. At least I tried to get the answer for free ahead of time.
Seriously though, you deserve every ounce of traffic and success you get/have. This is by far one of my favorite blogs ever, and I’ve been blogging since 2001.
Seth is doing a fantastic job with permission marketing and a few other select activities for his new book: The Dip.
The blog is here http://sethgodin.typepad.com/the_dip/.
I just read it and blogged about an example from my experience. I know you would enjoy it and find tremendous value in it.
Thanks, Brian! I am flattered my comment rated a link! All of us, though, make dumb mistakes–whether in missing something in a final edit, or in life!! What really catches my attention is how someone utilizes those events and turns them into learning experiences … and in some cases, they’re even AFGOs! AFGOs? What’s that? AFGOs is an acronym for Another bleeping Growth Opportunity! lol…my favorite kind!
If you have a moment, check out Budget Vino (http://www.budgetvino.com)- Wine reviews and tips for the $10 and under crowd.
I owe a lot of my traffic to the tips of copyblogger!
I enjoyed Jon’s Art Of Money Blog, especially his post
IWillTeachYouToBeRich recently posted a brilliant interview. Loved the crossroads reference.
Oh, one more.
Enjoyed Mary’s post on Two Word Strategies (short and sweet).
Pretty interesting video. To your point, they state that great titles can lead to a 40% increase in readership. Boy do I need to work at that!
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