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    Landing Page Makeover Clinic #12: Soxialize.com

    Landing Page Makeover Clinic #12: Soxialize.com

    Reader Comments (26)

    1. Thanks Roberta,

      Man you blew me out of my seat with all of this great content for landing pages… genius! This is stuff I can really use now and bring in the bucks. I will be back for more.

      Be well and prosper,

    2. You know, Roberta. These makeovers would make fantastic mp3s! We could listen to the mp3 in the background, go to the site in question, and see/study as we listen.


    3. Great stuff Roberta as always.

      On LP copy, some people respond first to a rational sell, some to an emotional sell. If it makes sense for the product being sold, it’s good to have both.

    4. @Shane, I think adding an mp3 is an excellent idea. If Brian is game, I’ll be happy to add an mp3 to this and future makeovers.

      @James, I couldn’t agree more. Good copy incorporates appeals at different angles for different audiences within the same copy frames.

    5. I love these makeovers, I always read them over and over.

      It’s one thing to talk about an idea like selling benefits not features, but seeing an example like point #3 really makes it stick, IMO.

    6. What a brilliant article. I am hooked for the next one. An example of brilliant, worthwhile content and really well written too (of course!). Thank you.

    7. Great makeover! I just chuckled all the way through the post. It pays to let experts help and spend a little dough to get were you want to go, quicker!

      Thanks for this makeover lesson!

    8. Thanks for the tips on landing pages. I would like to gain some “web writing” experience. Plus, it would be nice to be able to write my own landing pages

    9. I was just surfing and got to here and got stuck here. What a great article and what important information on writing Landing Pages. I also went up on your blog.

      Thanks and I’ll be readin g a lot of your stuff.

    10. Roberta

      You say a landing page must be dedicated to the sole product being sold. But if you also have a blog, does that mean you recommend separate URLs for the blog and for the landing page or can you have a blog address like http://www.myblog.com and the landing page for the offer as http://www.myblog.com/book – and if the latter is correct, what do you do about offline advertising (eg: newspaper) where you’d have to advertise the http://www.myblog.com/book URL and then hope people don’t just enter http://www.myblog.com from the advertisement (in other words, you would always lose a few people who will shorten the URL). Your thoughts (or others”) really appreciated!

    11. Hi Simon, people – even super smart people like you, me, and the rest of the Copyblogger universe – can only really concentrate fully on one thing at a time. Hence, my strong stance on keeping products and product offers as simple as possible. You can easily add coding to any URL to track results from both online and offline ad media sources. You can’t control what people will do but you can make clicking the coded link you provide tasty and deliriously clickable with effective copy and intuitive design.

    12. Hi Roberta
      Thanks for your reply – I am certainly one of those who likes one thing at a time!
      I am still unlcear however – if I want to sell an e-book (actually a technical manual for a very specific audience) and i also want to have a blog, should I use separate URLs or can the landing page with sales pitch for the manual be a page on the blog – NOT the home page?

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