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    Please Help Us Defeat Breast Cancer

    Please Help Us Defeat Breast Cancer

    Reader Comments (26)

      • Goran, wow – that is so kind of you, especially since you already have purchased the Authority Rules package. Karma will bring you great things, and I personally wanted to say thanks.

    1. I will contribute $150 for Klima Design Group, LLC and our partner company Ageless Solutions by Dr. Alexander Goldberg, MD another $150.00.
      We are directly effected now by this mind blowing Big BC horror.
      I have purchased Authority Rules and loving it (not all the time, sometimes, it is over my head).
      I am not asking for anything, but if it is of any interest to anyone, I have two Facebook pages
      Klima Design Group and Ageless Solutions. Please like us! Just to lift our spirits.

      • Marina – how exceptionally generous of you to donate as well – even though you already have purchase Authority Rules. Thank YOU so much!

      • Shane – so very sorry to hear about the loss of your sister, and also that your wife has skin cancer. It’s been something that has affected many in my wife’s family, and overall is just a terrible disease.

        • Thanks. It’s frustrating indeed. My wife had surgery with a dermatoligist, but she didn’t get it all. We reseached and found out a full-blown surgeon, using a machine with a microscope to see as they operate if they got it all, should have done the procedure since the cancer was so close to my wife’s eye and nose. Now we have to go back for a 2nd attempt.
          Cancer got my sister. Right after that, my grandmother. My four cats died of cancer too. #WTF

    2. This is great.

      I love that this post is truly focused on the charity and is not self-serving. You are not only helping an amazing cause but you are helping your readers/donors by giving out your course. Great for all parties – hopefully it brings in many donations.

    3. Thanks, but the Susan B. Komen foundation is not on my top ten. I support the American Cancer Society. It’s not as sexy but I think if you check it out, more money goes to research. Imagine what “the Cure’s” marketing budget is.

      • Beatrix,

        Events like these in the US are sort-of like a foot race (say a half-marathon), but you can get more people involved. Not everyone is a runner.

        It’s a good way to raise awareness and funds for a cause.

    4. What a great thing to do, Sonia! I am recovered from breast cancer, and I have benefited from Komen funding to Smith Farm, a remarkable resource for healing from cancer. When last year I drove by the Race for the Cure in Washington DC where I live, tears streamed from my eyes. I felt the compassion and love from that crowd, and wished I could have told them how much their caring and fund raising meant to me personally, and to all who benefit from the miracle that is the Komen Foundation. I felt my own love for each person who gave up their time to serve the needs of others. So I’m send that back out to walkers and now pledgers…you will never know how you caring act will touch the life of another person. Thank you!!!


    5. Thanks for doing this, you guys.

      I see @MissyWard all over the place with this cause, too.

      As I write this, a family member is under the knife, having a lumpectomy for Breast cancer.

      Again, thanks for walking!

      The Franchise King®

      • Oh, gosh – seriously Joel? I hope that turns out ok…

        As for Missy – yes, she’s got an incredible story and she’s passionate about the cause. I had the pleasure of talking to her and comparing “walk” notes with her this year at SXSW. Great woman, she is.

    6. This is very cool!

      We have a dear friend who is in stage 4 and it sucks. 4 small kids.

      I just finished the Authority Rules Business Transformer and it was awesome.

      Can those of us who already joined donate and give a membership to another person?

      I’ll give either way. But I love to share the love.



    7. Way to go, Brian & Shelly! I am doing my 8th 3-Day in San Diego in November. I turn 60 the week after the event so I’ve got this nice little theme (that my contributors created) of $60 for 60 miles for this soon-to-be 60-year-old. This is the place where you look at my photo and say You don’t look 60. 🙂

      This is a cause near and dear to my heart. My sister is a 10+ year survivor and there are 3 survivors on our Fight Like A Girl team. I will pray to the no blisters gods for you. Thanks to you and Copyblogger for bringing attention to such a great cause.

      I wear the names of survivors and those we lost to cancer on my Walk. Last year I wore Shane’s family members’ names-peace, my friend. All of these brave souls are why we walk. Walk on!

    8. Great cause and such a tragedy for so many women. My mum’s had breast cancer twice and still going. I’m a regular donor so won’t be supporting you with $$ – just in thought!

      Go for it and thanks for publicising 🙂


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