I read a lot of books, but I rarely do book reviews. I get a lot more enjoyment out of reading books across a broad spectrum of topics and mashing them up in my head to develop new ideas than I do talking about individual titles.
But that’s not very nice of me, now is it?
Many of the books I read have nothing to do with the Internet or marketing, and those are often the best places to find interesting intersections that lead to innovative ideas. But today I’ll start with two books that are specifically about blogging and Internet entrepreneurship.
ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income
I’ve been sweating this one a bit, since Darren and Chris are friends of mine. I never had a doubt that the book would be good, but I wanted to actually read it first, and well… I’ve been a bit busy.
True to my expectations, this is a no-brainer purchase. If you’re blogging for bucks, it’s required reading. But if you’re a business blogger or blogging to spread ideas, the tips and strategies that Darren and Chris share outside of direct blog monetization are relevant to you, too.
Of course, the Problogger site contains most of this information, scattered throughout the archives. But blogs are really bad when it comes to seeing the overall picture, and books are great for cover-to-cover knowledge transfer and ongoing desk reference. And it’s less than $17 bucks, so pick this one up if you haven’t already.
Internet Riches: The Simple Money-Making Secrets of Online Millionaires
Frankly, I was a bit skeptical about this book based on the title. Too many shoddy books are pushed out every year that proclaim to share the secrets of making money online, only to deliver overly simplistic and even dangerously incorrect information.
In this case, no worries. Scott Fox knows what he’s talking about, and he’s actually built profitable websites for well-known people (although he might want to quit bragging about Bill O’Reilly :-). Moreover, Fox goes into detail on aspects of Internet entrepreneurship that are often glossed over—namely, business models and other nuts and bolts aspects of running a real business, not just maintaining a blog or website.
So, even though Fox chose a title that makes even the likes of me cringe, this is a more-than-worthy addition to your reading list. I found that it’s a great complement to the Problogger book. Darren and Chris are much more on target about specifics related to content and community, but Scott nails the crucial business elements that people often fail to consider.
About the Author: Brian Clark is the founding editor of Copyblogger, and co-founder of Teaching Sells and Lateral Action.
Reader Comments (29)
Thanks for the reviews. I have Darren’s book already ordered and based on your review may order Internet Riches. I do look forward to reading ProBlogger’s book.
Funny, I was just thinking that I needed some poolside reading…
What’s with the Bill O’Reilly crack?
He’s an “independent” political commentator working for a “fair and balanced” network. He’s also at the top of his niche. Plus all the profits on merchandise sold from his site go to charity.
Stick to what you know…
Excellent advice. I know I don’t care for Bill O’Reilly.
Seems like #3 commenter Brian has taken it upon himself to be the defender of Bill O’Reilly, who BTW needs none. Could it be in his quick attempt to make sure the Copyblogger was not defaming O’Reilly that he missed the whole point of the comment? The way I read it told me there were too many O’Reilly references. As such leaning on one source as an constant example, regardless of political affilation, is not a good idea. So #3 commenter Brian, chillax brother. It’s so unattractive to see a conservative with knickers in a knot.
Thanks for posting your thoughts on these books.
It’s nice to see CB doing that, and dishing out honest critiques as well.
How specific are the strategies in ProBlogger? Do they walk you through a step-by-step process?
Lawton Chiles
Chiles Advertising
I read Fox’s book a year or so ago and he truly is an internet phenomenon. And as for Darren, well what can you say, the guy has turned the business of blogging on its ear.
Thanks for the reviews Brian… with titles like these, your suggestion is needed before many of us would ever consider picking them up. “Six figure income” is hardly adequate for slaving to nurture a blog through rapidly changing technology… and “simple money making secrets”?… I would never believe these are legitimate, honest books had you not recommended and vouched for them.
Thanks for the book reviews and recommendations. I ‘d already planned to get a copy of the ProBlogger book but like you, wasn’t initially interested in Scott Fox’s book – primarily because of the title. Glad to hear it’s worth the read – I’ve added it to my summer reading list.
I pre-ordered Problogger, and I’m glad I did.
It holds a wide, understandable, and correct
lesson plan for serious blogging.
I made a special trip to a local Borders to get my copy Problogger but — silly me — tried before the book had even shipped.
I have it ordered now and can’t wait to tear into it. Should arrive this week.
Thanks for the reviews, Brian.
I was wondering whether or not I should order the ProBlogger book, since I’ve been reading and following Darren’s advice for quite some time, but I may just order it to support him, etc.
I will order that other book, and probably wouldn’t have done so because of, as you’ve said, its “sensationalist” title.
Thanks again, and please do more reviews in the future!
I’ve read Internet Riches. It was fairly good, though it bordered on outrageously oversimplified and drawn out. I can’t wait to read Darren’s book.
On Saturday I bought the ProBlogger book. The stories of how the authors became $6 figure earners is almost as valuable as the actual content. It won’t happen overnight but if you consistently work the blog and cover topics that interest an audience and are interesting the money will come.
Why would he damage his credibility by using such a lame title? Does he just not care?
Hi Brian,
Thanks very much for the positive review of Internet Riches.
Copyblogger has been a great help to me in improving my own writing, both online and off, so it’s a real pleasure to have you review my book.
As for the book’s title, let’s just say that as a first time author I didn’t get much say… The dozens of 4 and 5 star reviews on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk luckily are a better measure of the book’s value and practical, detailed content.
I look forward to buying Darren and Chris’ book based on your recommendation, too. As Bruce said above, more reviews from you would be welcome – we all appreciate your pov.
And Robert, thanks for the promotion to “Internet phenomenon”.
Scott Fox
Author of Internet Riches
Thanks for the reviews! I’m going to check those out now.
Yeah Brian, “stick to what you know”
You’re not allowed to have an opinion on the blogosphere!!! Geez, you’d think an A-lister like yourself would understand how the b’sphere works by now.
Your title says “GREAT”, but your review doesn’t seem to spell out “greatness” from both mentioned books.
Oh Darren Rowse must be pretty famous right now! Still waiting for my ProBlogger book to come..
Getting Scott Fox’s book is what started me down this tangled path!
Thanks for the review. I am a regular reader of Problogger, just didn’t get the book yet. Now I’ll be purchasing two.
I’m glad that you mentioned Problogger’s book. It’s been really helpful to me. Internet Riches sounds like a winner too.
Thanks for the recommendations Brian. I had just finished Good to Great by Jim Collins and needed another book for the flight home from vacation so picked up the ProBlogger book by Darren. I am just a few chapters in, but I am really thankful that he mentions it takes time to be successful in the blogging world
Generally I am using Forums to sharing knowledge and updates myself..Didn’t read books but I think i have to starting read books….:)
Anyways, thanks for sharing with us.
I enjoyed your reviews. I wanted to mention a book that I am finding extremely helpful: 10 LIFE LESSONS ON HOW TO FIND YOUR WHY NOW & ACHIEVE ULTIMATE SUCCESS by John Di Lemme. The insights on focus are valuable in themselves. I will keep my eye out for the Problogger book. Thanks again!
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