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    The Foundation of All Marketing that Works

    The Foundation of All Marketing that Works

    Reader Comments (42)

    1. Great. Another episode of Brian’s radio program. I hope he covers more about Internet business models and direct response. More commentary after I hear the broadcast.

      • I have heard these ideas before. But you can never get enough marketing concepts, presented in different manners. I might go to Makepeace Total Package for direct response concepts, or HubSpot for viral marketing. Yet even listening to Brian speak again, he talks about good stuff on relationships.

        I’m glad Brain touches on writing about what’s marketable. It might take some market research, like I learned in the 30 Day Challenge – which Brian touched on.

        I like Brian’s honestly. He spent 3 years “screwing up”. But I’m sure those 3 years never went to waste. Why? Because he learned! I spent 3 years getting into the copywriting business. I’m glad I can make some mistakes. Combine this with Brian’s love of direct response and he keeps me hooked.

        I’m happy the next show will cover copywriting concepts. Please, everyone. Take the free “Internet Marketing for Smart People” free course. Brain mentions it at the end. I took the course – it’s great. Good program today, Brian.

        • There is good inspirational information on this blog, what I have found with internet marketing is this. When I learned about the industry, it was head down to learn all I can. I was looking at websites on the internet and said to myself.. I want to do that. How do I do that? And I started learning. If you latch onto someone good to learn from and keep implementing and trying what you lean, you are bound to succeed. What I have now, which is my own creation, came from the influence of other websites, business ideas and a motivation for success. I learned from the 30 day challenge as-well which is excellent for beginners. Thanks to everyone.

    2. A lot of “smart” things happening in the blogosphere lately…seems like the new buzz word is being attached to everything. I’ll have to give this a listen before I judge. 😉

    3. Thanks for providing these podcasts. It is another great way to connect with your message and deepen the learning.

      Just wanted you to know they were appreciated.

    4. This is fantastic for a beginner like me. I also enjoy listening more than reading. There’s something about audio that makes it so much more fun 😉

      • I agree, it is proven that video landing pages talk a billion words too. Few words on the landing page with a video introduction and tour that explains the lot. Great way to encourage sales through seeing doing and having connecting people to prosperity world wide.

    5. This is definitely a must listen for any marketer that wants to keep up with the current trends and stay ahead of their competition. I definitely agree that the online social environment is changing about how to persuade and influence people to make a purchase.

    6. Really enjoyed the broadcast,and good sound
      quality too.One of the things Brian mentioned,
      is the importance of being a leader.The thing
      that kind of bothers me personally is,how can
      you tell when you are preaching
      instead of teaching?

    7. Hi Brian,
      I enjoyed your radio show, podcasting is pretty cool.
      Are we bloggers or relationship marketers. Without a reader relationship your blog quickly becomes just another website.
      Now signing up for your “Internet Marketing for smart people”


    8. You mean I can’t make a living writing about brussels sprouts-flavored cookies? Darn!

      One odd thing, the broadcast starts with cricket chirping and a phone company message saying the number has been changed.

      Brian, hope you feel better.

    9. Hi Robert,
      Thank you for the great content. I love the article and really look
      forward to listening to the interview

      Great content is what keeps people interested

      Look forward to the next article,
      Jeff Faldalen

    10. I enjoyed the newsletters, but I really like being able to listen to the weekly podcasts.

      I have so many blogs, books, e-books, and email newsletter to read, I think my head will explode.

    11. Earthquake in online marketing?? Over the last decade there has been an absolute earthquake in MARKETING! As someone who came out of retirement from operating a company for over 20 years, ALL the rules have changed. In my former life we advertised in journals, had a sales force, attended conventions and telemarketed. It’s all changed over the past decade. And certainly for the better.

      Good article


    12. Brian,

      Cough on him anyway. I think he’s the one that shafted Mel Gibson in Braveheart.

      Seriously, great interview. I get a lot of enjoyment out of hearing ideas in the audio format. It really breaks up the monotony of reading everything. This way, I’m not straining my eyes all the time and can close them and just listen. When I wake up, I’m refreshed and ready to meet the challenges of the brave new world, with a load of info in my subconscious.


      • @Steve – Yes, that’s me. I should get a point or two for 723 years of solid work, right? Glad you can use the radio show man, appreciate your good words.

        @copyblogger – Excellent facelift! I love this!

    13. Great Idea with the “radio”.
      You have made few very good points today. For ex.: I liked the “You cannot reach everyone”. I’ve heard that many times and I agree with that 100%, but I’ve never heard somebody saying this one:” In order to get someone to like you, you need to get someone to dislike you” You used different words and I don’t remember what they were, anyway this was a big aha moment for me and thanks for this profound idea. It is going to change few things in my life and business.

      Vaclav Gregor

    14. Great info! Internet Marketing dosn’t have to be as hard as some think! One step at a time, one day at a time and anyone can do it!

    15. Hi guys, just stumbled across your audio blog and this type of leaning process suits me perfectly. Keep up the good work and I’ll be watching and listening out for more of these.

      A very ‘likeable teacher’ that suits my learning style 🙂

    16. Certainly technology has had a HUGE HUGE HUGE impact on how we market…had to say ‘HUGE’ three times to really get my point across. Programs like this one definitely help to keep us up to speed…thanks for the broadcast. Marketing nowadays is like riding a giant wave but sharing good advice will help to keep us all afloat. Thank you!

    17. Thanks for the online marketing tips…good stuff. Establishing good relationships is so key and it’s amazing how social media and technology have helped businesses be able to connect with their clients and find out what’s important to them.

    18. These tips are very insightful and well thought out. I so agree with the “likable teacher” idea you mentioned. I have always believed that if you can teach somebody something that they can take away with them you have a customer for life.

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