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    How to Overcome Skepticism

    How to Overcome Skepticism

    Reader Comments (21)

    1. Always on the money Brian. This Consumer fear is stronger on the net—fear of getting ripped off yes, but also fear of giving you their personal info, fear of giving their credit card number. Once fear is overcome with sincerity, honesty & all that builds trust & comfort (guarantee, testimonials, maybe even your smiling face & your word—easier to trust a real person who puts their reputation on the line), you can sell because then, hopefully, your customer wants to be sold.

    2. Great post! In my brain, what you are really talking about is white papers.

      These are free documents that help start a relationship with a prospect and often are educational in nature (like a tutorial).

      They offer that ability to fill the free hole and at the same time are perceived to be highly valuable to prospects (esp. in B2B markets).

      I cover this extensively on my blog.


    3. This is a very cogent post. Another reason why your blog is top of my favourites list. I’m off to vote at Technorati right now.

    4. I would add to Michael’s suggestion that what you are REALLY talking about is being genuine and being real. I’m not a marketer or advertising person (though I came dangerously close once!), but as a customer (and a person) I look for authenticity.

    5. To Christine’s comments. There really must be no apparent salesmanship going with this kind of marketing. This really flies in the face of traditional marketing methods. But it really does work.

      In an era where everyone is trying to sell me everything, I DO care about trust.

      A good way to build trust is to provide something perceived to be valuable–at no cost.

    6. Perhaps what you really mean, rather than coining a new meme of “tutorial marketing” is “writing about something genuinely useful and helpful”.

      I think 5 years ago, we’d be calling it “article marketing”, before the blogospheric explosion, and while we were in the middle of the ‘newsletter’ phase in marketing circles.

      Otherwise, a great point to be made. 😉

      t @ dji

    7. Wow, are you people reading my thoughts lately? Two recent articles I have posted to my blog lately have had to do with white papers and honesty.

      The honesty article came about after rereading a book by Dan Kennedy in which he said to admit your flaws, shortcomings and even the positives of your competition up front.

      Not only does being up front about your flaws make you more credible, it also grabs your reader’s attention because they KNOW you have to have a super benefit coming soon, and it helps you position your product.

      I have just added copyblogger to my list of links and will be coming back here again.

      Thanks for the great info.

      Charles Brown
      Freelance Copywriter

    8. Great post, but why stop at online marketing? What you are talking about is equally valid off-line.

      It is safe to say that the trust factor is going to increase in importance with the explosion in communications.

      It’s the same old problem though; it takes time and effort to build relationships. It takes investment greater than money.

      I think that this is where it often goes off the rails. Not too many people have the patience. They want a campaign that starts crancking out leads the moment it goes live.

    9. Have been in the process of revising our site because, even though business has been great, the site needs a major revision to be fantastic.

      One of the missing incredients, beside being confusing, is trust. Lack of trust is not only created by the confusing layout but also the words used.

      A very excellent article on trust. The way you state it gives me more trust in your site.

      Now to venture into some more of your articles.

      Have a fantastic day.

    10. It is a hard thing to connect with people when they are simply looking at a website, that face to face interaction is missing. So you have to try to get across to people in a way that does not overwhelm them with information, which is a hard thing indeed. Thanks for the article and the reminder to try harder.

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