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    Here’s How Sonia Simone Writes

    Here’s How Sonia Simone Writes

    Reader Comments (61)

    1. Interesting how much she writes..

      I was just reading yesterday, the Harry Potter author said if she only wrote when she felt like it she would only produce seven pages a year (or something like that.) Point being, you have to hone your craft with work!

      ~ darlene 🙂

    2. Great interview!

      Is the writing desk in the picture located in the U.S. or Rome?

      One advantage of being a writer is that you can write/work from anywhere in the world. I wouldn’t mind writing from a flat in Edinburgh, Scotland or an apartment in Paris, France. Berlin, London, Barcelona, Sydney, and a few other places would work too. 🙂

      • That’s my desk at home. Love the actual physical desk, although truth be told I don’t see the surface very often. 🙂

        Yes — that’s what I love about the macbook air, it’s light enough that I can have my complete office (including recording “studio”) everywhere I go.

    3. So, today I have seen a desk more battered than mine, even if less cluttered, and read words from one of my favorite authors. Thank you very much for both!

    4. I so love this series and I have to admit I’ve been wondering about how Sonia gets it done.

      It’s also interesting to see how different things work for different people.

      The “have a deadline” comment was spot on for me as was the G.A.S., it really shows up in ones writing.

    5. I confess to feeling about Ms. Simone the way I did about Duran Duran’s John Taylor circa 1984 (Think The Reflex and you’re there – I think he had pink hair too at one point). Total fandom, total love and when I read “You are amazing and you have something to say that the world needs to hear. Go work on that now.” I said ‘Aye!’ and felt slightly twinkly around the eyes.

      I’m with Seth on this one.

    6. My goodness, I said almost the exact same thing about smart-phone zombies the other day! One of the reasons I’m happy to stick with my “dumb” phone.

      • It drives me insane. Between the phone-zombie drivers and the phone-zombie pedestrians, it’s truly a miracle the population hasn’t been decimated.

        • Very brave thing to say Sonia – most non-writers (who prob won’t see this) would get huffy fast if they heard you mocking them and their toy.

          Great cultural analysis!

    7. Love the quote about creativity. People often complicate the term and wait for that prime time to launch something – say a blog post. When you create something its creativity – wow makes me feel really proud.

      Love your desk Sonia 🙂 Do you use both the PC and the Air for work?

      I’m a bit surprised to know that you only write two hours a day! Brilliant!

      • The prep takes a lot more time than the word-put-togethering part.

        I rarely use the PC but I do sometimes hook the air up to that nice big monitor.

    8. Thanks for pulling away the curtain. Good reminder for all of us that writing is a craft and crafts take work, dedication, and practice.

    9. Great interview, Kelton. One of your best ever!

      Wow Sonia! You’ve made me feel so much better about my own “desk” which doubles as a recording studio console (and is more often than not an iPad with way too many fingerprints all over it from writing.)

      Worth the price of admission just for the Zig Ziglar quote.

      I wonder if you could share your secrets for applying his words to your son. It’s absolutely not working in my house.

      I’m really digging your efforts inside the Authority community. You are filled to the brim with G.A.S.

    10. The world is better with Sonia Simone in it. That is all.

      ((That and we should attach kettlebells to those zombies’ iPhones – at least they’d have to work for it a bit.))

    11. The Walking Dead bit was really funny. Wish More people answered interview questions like this. Thanks for such a soothing read. It was simply fun.

    12. Loved this interview with Sonia. I love all of the Copyblogger writers, but Sonia is my favorite. And I am glad to see that someone has a messier desk than me.

      My only question is: What kind of ‘writer’s tea’ are you drinking?

    13. Several great insights here (of course), but the ones I really like are GAS and the one at the end about great content.

      There are those out there who teach both plagiarism and lazy, throw some words together call it an ebook methods. It makes me angry every time I see that because attitudes like that hurt both the reader and the writer.

      If you don’t care enough about your writing or your reader to create something good and useful, then I think you should put down your pen or step away from the keyboard until you do. And if you never do, then writing is not for you. Do something where caring or having talent makes no difference.

      Thanks for fighting the good fight, Sonia!

    14. Loved this interview. And I totally agree with the comments about smart phones turning legions of people of all ages into the walking dead.

      And I agree with Seth, you are one of my favorite authors as well.

      Write on.

    15. Thank you! This series is always such an inspiration and the desk pictures are the best. The open Amazon box cracked me up. As a procrastinator, I agree, there is nothing like a deadline to make it happen. Thanks Sonia!

    16. Hello Sonia, Just wanted to thank you guys here at Copyblogger for doing a great job.

      You guys and ladies, have inspired so many of us to venture out and reach for your goals online.

      I personally want to thank you and the team and Brian G, for all your help with my new blogs and websites. I could not have done it with our StudioPress.

      Have a wonderful day my friend and I wish you much success. RobG

    17. Sonia, thanks for your honesty.

      It took me time to realized that life can be more fulfilling when you take action in the direction of your passion. Now, I do G. A. S. about my thoughts, words and my audience.

      Afterall, all true experts care. Thanks for caring!

    18. Great interview!

      I have slowly started to implement the timer technique to improve productivity and I like it a lot. There’s something about just looking at the time ticking that makes me actually get stuff done.


    19. I enjoyed reading the interview of Sonia Simone.

      I have had the pleasure of reading her work: the interview was long overdue.

      It is interesting to note how she keeps a regular schedule: she is disciplined about her work.

      Her zen-like attitude is straight out of Leo’s book. Keep up the good work.

    20. Sonia is one my favourite writers on the web, so it’s no surprise that I really enjoyed this interview. Loved the Zig Ziglar quote and the personal credo, too.

      Thanks for posting it!

      Now I’ve got to go. My “writing tea” (Australian afternoon) is waiting for me…


      P.S. I agree with Demian – that Iron article was truly remarkable!

    21. Thanks for these fascinating insights into how another great writer works – I’m thoroughly enjoying this series of interviews.

      Like some other commenters, I’m so relieved to see an untidy desk at last – there’s hope for us all! Also delighted to discover someone else who thinks smartphones are a curse.

      Loved reading this interview, but a bit frustrated you didn’t ask Sonia for more detail about how she uses that timer – length of working blocks and breaks etc.

      Many thanks, Sonia, for your no-nonsense answers to some great questions,


      • The amount of time on the timer varies. If I’m having a bad brain day, it’s 20 minutes, then I set it for 5 minutes and get up and do jumping jacks or run around the house, then 20 more minutes of writing time, and I’ll cycle through that until my draft is done. When I’m a little saner and my focus is better, the chunks are either 35 or 45 minutes. When I do 45 minute sessions, my break will be 10 minutes, and again, I try to do something physical.

        I don’t need a timer to edit, just to write draft. Editing for me is like dessert, and I don’t have to do any special rituals to get to it.

    22. Great article! I enjoy your work, Kelton.

      Sonia, thank you for your candor and generosity in sharing some of the insights into your writing process.

      I know what you mean about deleting emails. I’m getting ruthless. I’m also leaving my phone in the other room for stretches.

      With a whole new week ahead of me, I will look for opportunities to apply some of your nuggets of wisdom in my own routine.

      Thanks again!

    23. Great article Kelton! I enjoy your writing.

      Sonia, thank you for you sharing your writing process. I find your style very fascinating.
      Awesome interviews!

    24. Hi Simone,
      I have been reading your articles a while now and believe me you changed the way I write, don’t get surprised yes you are my mentor, keep writing the content marketing tips 🙂

    25. Really inspiring words with a amazing flow of thoughts.

      It’s day I’m going through CoppyBlogger for two hours straight reading and a big thank you for creating the Authority for people who want to build a thriving blog and be more effective content marketers.

      Bali has a been my favorite holiday destination, especially the Kuta beach!!

      reading this words Gave me some insights of how to brand a person using a great content and how to optimize personal online profiles.

      Thanks Sonia for the great share 🙂

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