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    How I Hijacked Copyblogger

    How I Hijacked Copyblogger

    Reader Comments (35)

    1. Fine post.

      Hey, you just stood on the shoulder of a giant.

      And once your are all set, someelse probably will be able to stand on your shoulder likewise.

      Just like a movie I saw “PASS IT FORWARD!”

    2. Jonathan is entirely more strategic about all of this than I am, which I find terribly impressive.

      I really like “Of course, if I wanted to do that, then I’d better pump out some truly stellar content. It was my one and only chance to prove my talent.” Doing things efficiently and strategically is not the same as taking short cuts. Or maybe that’s the only really effective way to take a short cut, I’m not sure.

      Digging this series with you two! I’ve got the call loaded on my iPod, can’t wait to give it a listen.

    3. I understand what you’re saying about a beginner partnering with someone like Brian – you make some good points. But does one of the partners have to be established?

      I’d be curious to hear some examples where both partners were relative beginners and the partnership got them someplace well above where they both started.

    4. Ashley: No, one partner doesn’t have to be established. But it’s a good idea, even if they’re nothing more than an affiliate partner. Somehow, you have to get the attention of the marketplace, and if everyone is a beginner, that’s going to make it tough.

      Still, some of the business models we give you in Partnering Profits are conducive to partnerships between beginners. The McDonald’s Model and the EntreProducer Model come to mind. We should have a comprehensive description of the business models up for you on Monday, I think.

    5. @Perma
      Thank you for the correction. That was what I meant to write.

      @Jon Morrow
      Since you are the new sherrif in town now as per getting most comments when it comes to delivering “blockboster posts” on this blog.

      You want to share with us THE SECRET behind this may be in another post?

      I am sure 46000+ raving fans of yours would love to read such!

    6. Thanks, Shaun. If you’re interested in buying, be sure not to miss the special offer at the end of the free chapters. 🙂

    7. You guys are so unbelievably in love with each other. I think I have to stop reading Copyblogger because of how self-loving it has become. Literally, every other post is a circle jerk. Kind of annoying. What happened to concrete content?

    8. Hey Jon,

      You’re doing a great service to all the guru’s on the planet by unleashing this program.

      And to the up and coming internet newbies.

      I know exactly what you mean by having too much on my plate to do on my own. And because I’m in this position I totally relate to your message.

      It would be nice to be able to hand some stuff off to a competent colleague.

      And if I ever wish to change the field I work in I’ll always have this reference for what the stresses of having undoable projects are.

      Thank you Jon.

      Note Taking Nerd

    9. Jon,

      You are an inspiration to my wife, Michele, and I. We missed the Partnering Profits Preview call (caught the recorded version) but printed and read the 1st two chapters. WOW!!!

      Hit the nail on the head . . . thought I was reading about my life story there in the beginning as it related to 3 yrs of getting nowhere, and certainly not for the lack of effort or time.

      The whole concept of partnering set off bells and whistles in the ole noggin, Jon. THANK YOU very much. We’re excited about getting started on the course.

      I’ll be soon looking for a “techie partner” who can help me complete the design of my wordpress based blog / future membership site. I’ve got a good start, but it’s just not my strength. Thanks again for the “ah ha” moment. Michele and I actual teared up as we were reading the ebook. Can’t wait to receive the rest.

    10. That’s extremely cool, Richard. I understand about it hitting you hard. I have a very bad “lone wolf” habit myself. Brian is attempting to beat it out of me. 🙂

    11. Nice work Jon, really.

      I love to read stories from genuine people.

      No crap. No hype. Just a regular guy with the drive to make things happen.

      Pressing on,


    12. All makes perfect sense to me. Sometimes too, when you have intense passion for what you do, you need someone who is more focused on disection and implementation of ideas. A good partnership balances out the strengths and weaknesses of each individual for a great, winning combination.

    13. Hi Jon!
      I signed up to Partnering Profits the moment the webcast finished! The funny thing is that I hadn’t realized how good I am at forging joint ventures! I’m currently developing two joint projects, one with a top player on the Net, the other with a Chief of Staff to a Prime Minister! I must be doing something right 🙂

      Now I want to hone my skills and make sure I have the knowledge for these projects to be hugely successful. Then – on to the next…and the next!

      I think the key to creating joint ventures is forging good, friendly relationships. To do that you simply need to be kind and helpful. You also need clear goals that enable you to make the most of every opportunity.

      I look forward to Partnering Profits!

    14. Jon, great post! I can most certainly relate to this philosophy. I found my calling a long time ago was in bridging technology and business. It has done well for me, and now I am looking to move in exactly the same direction as yourself with a superstar partner. I’ll have to keep you posted, but cheers to you!

    15. Hi Jonathan – What an inspirational story. And it’s a brilliant idea for a book too. I already downloaded the first two chapters and I’ll be reading them this weekend.

      I was already on Copyblogger’s wait list for Teaching Sells and a big reason I wanted to join, was to help me find partners for joint ventures. So your book came out at a great time for me.

    16. jon-
      Nice post but misleading… You weren’t a “nobody”. You already had success in a field. You had skills and experience in a profitable industry. Even if the real estate biz did go down , the skills and connections to raise Capitol already makes you somebody. I say ur a bit misleading becuase you imply “anybody can quickly and easily” jv. Reality is most people do t have the skills, confidence, or experience to jv. I think a better way to look at it is…. If you’ve been in business, had some measure of success, then jv partnership should be incorprated in your marketing and distribution plan. Just saying.

    17. Finding yourself finding other’s might be the way to go if you can’t do it yourself. (ex. design guru ryan). A top qaulity website making an opt in list goes a long way, don’t forget your photo.

    18. Apprenticeship is one of the best way to be successful in a chosen field. It is really be beneficial for both parties. We should have more of this kind of programs. It would be especially sad if all the wisdom and knowledge accumulated did not get passed on to others before our time is up.

    19. I think out of all the things you guys could create, this is one of the best. Just reading the comments from this post and previous shows how many people have questions regarding collaboration to reach success.

      I use partnering and collaboration on a much smaller scale than Copyblogger status, but I do know that it’s key to getting what you want without killing yourself working like a dog.

      And that is what it’s all about.

    20. …imply “anybody can quickly and easily” jv.

      I’m pretty sure he didn’t imply that. I think what he wants is for people to buy the Partnering Profits course and learn how to do it. 🙂

    21. Jon & Brian,

      I am a ‘lifer’ at TS and jumped at this fantastic opportunity to sign on at Partnering Profits. I’ve already devoured the free 2 Chapters and am eagerly waiting to begin my apprenticeship. 🙂

    22. Great post guys!

      The strategy of becoming an apprentice is one that I’ve used in the past as well since most successful people have more money than they do time.

      So helping them get back a little bit of time is often WAY more valuable to them than any money they will make as a result of your projects (although that’s a nice bonus).

      All the best.

      Stu McLaren

    23. As you point out, one of the challenges to partnering with someone or trying to get an “apprenticeship” with someone who’s doing something you want to be involved in is figuring out how to approach them and feeling qualified to do so.

      Confidence (as well as a track record) will get you pretty far as you prove.

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