Gary Vaynerchuk has achieved notable success through content marketing, and he sometimes says the unbelievable.
His crime this time? In his new book Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook he argues that Google+ is worthless.
In Gary’s defense, I think he simply has not given Google+ a fair shake.
In an interview with Marie Forleo, he shares a list of specific things to post — and how to post them — on specific social networks. He names all the usual suspects: Instagram, Medium, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Tumblr.
But no Google+.
That’s a shame. And strange.
Gary, the man behind Wine Library TV, would surely rock Google+ — especially Hangouts — and have a lot to say about it.
Because Google has a lot to offer the modern-day content marketer.
The growing benefits of Google+
Google+ is one of the largest social networks on the planet.
It’s easier and faster to build an audience there than on any other social network. There are clear-cut SEO benefits. And Google baked perhaps the best video platform on the web right into it.
I’ve heard it said that communities thrive around relationships and activities. And the ability to build a thriving community couldn’t be more accessible than it is on Google+.
Fame has followed those who’ve worked Hangouts smartly.
Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield is a content marketing rock star. Italian Pio del Cin’s prolific interviews with the hottest people on Google+ is arguably one of the best things on Google+. And Chef Dennis Littley‘s stature as reigning food expert is a product of his cooking shows.
And don’t forget that it costs next to nothing to run Hangouts.
Fortunately, you don’t have to look far to find advice on hosting successful Hangouts. The conventional wisdom usually runs:
- Keep the show interesting
- Talk to the camera (not the panel strip at the bottom of your screen)
- Be interested in the person speaking
- Make sure folks are well-lit and that there is no back lighting nor too much headroom
For those of us who have been around the block, we know that advice inside and out. How do we graduate to the next level?
Who wants to run a show that makes people take notice? And what’s the best way to accomplish that?
Lucky for you I have an answer. Six, in fact.
1. Choose the panel carefully
One way to take a load off the responsibility and fear that come with doing Hangouts (especially if you do them on a weekly basis) is to line up a panel of regular contributors who will show up each week ready to engage the speaker.
Because let’s admit it: It can be overwhelming, and you may be insecure about doing Hangouts.
For instance, you are doomed to run into technical roadblocks (your camera insists you remain upside down) or personnel hardships (guests don’t show up who say they will). Giving up is a constant temptation.
This is why David Oldenburg says, “I see more people fail in business, in blogging, and in social media because they simply want things to happen too fast.” He’d want everyone to know that they should never give up — in spite of the hardships.
That’s where a proper panel serves as a committee that encourages you when you might think things are not going well. Max Minzer uses this feature to full effect.
Each week Max interviews different people from the online marketing world — people like Eric Enge, Bill Slawski, Rae Hoffman, and Amber Osborne — but he’s built a reliable circle of people who show up each week to support him.
These are like-minded people who take the pressure off being a full-time host by encouraging Max (usually just by faithfully showing up every week). But they provide another service as well.
Max’s panel asks questions and interacts with the speaker, grabbing onto trains of thought that might otherwise go unnoticed or jumping in with questions and comments to elaborate on an issue.
2. Introduce a devil’s advocate
Because we don’t like conflict, we so often conform to the party line and don’t rock the boat. But if you don’t have at least a little conflict, you probably won’t have a very good show.
So, how can you guarantee conflict? Invite someone with opinions different from yours.
In other words: the devil’s advocate.
This person could be a onetime guest or a regular member on your panel. For example, you could get a promise days before the event from someone on your panel who will promise to play the devil’s advocate. Then you can count on differing opinions to be introduced.
This devil’s advocate, however, needs to be prepared. Make sure he or she knows the guest and the guest’s positions well, to be able to bring up some meaningful differences.
And please, avoid ridiculing or embarrassing the guest.
3. Build your presence where it makes the most sense
While we wholeheartedly recommend Google+ as the dream social media space for a content marketer, we get it if you have a bigger fan base somewhere else, say on Facebook or Pinterest.
Minzer says:
Treat Google+ Hangouts on Air like a 3rd-party video interaction tool and not necessarily a part of Google+/YouTube. Build presence where it makes the most sense for you and your audience — Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+, or elsewhere — and think about Hangouts on Air as just a tool to help you reach the right people.
This is good news for people who worry that their fans won’t follow them over to Google+.
If you have a huge following on Twitter and not Google+, allow people to ask you questions on Twitter. Don’t force them to use your Hangout Events page to comment and ask questions.
The same goes for Facebook. Minzer recommends to “create an event page or group on Facebook and have interaction there.”
4. Get training so the tools disappear
Speaking of tools, there is nothing more annoying than having a host who doesn’t know how to run a Hangout.
Such a host becomes a distraction when he or she can’t figure out how to screenshare during a Hangout, the audio drops, or the live broadcast is not properly shut down after the show is over.
This is why Google+ Hangouts trainer Ronnie Bincer encourages everyone to get trained.
5. Invite the audience to participate
Sarah Hill is probably the most famous and visible Hangouts person around.
She’s been a trailblazer since her days at Columbia KOMU, doing live Hangouts on Air with experts covering hot topics. (KOMU was the first to put a Hangout on TV, shortly after Google+ launched.)
She’s since taken that pioneer spirit to Veterans United, where she has run daily Front Porch Hangouts, inviting anyone and everyone to come talk to her about all things military.
What has her years of experience taught her?
Sarah says you should integrate “viewers outside the Hangout into the broadcast by mentioning their +1s, Retweets, Likes, and other social media comments or questions.” This is a practice Bincer advocates too.
The goal is to make those who are watching feel like they are intimate with the broadcast. The effect is a seamless conversation with the host, the panel, and the audience. This is truly nurturing the community, which Google+ is so good at.
There are apps available to make this process easy: Q & A or Comment Tracker.
One warning should be obvious, however: don’t do this at the expense of your guest.
Christine DeGraff, in the context of emphasizing that it’s essential you be interested in the person speaking, says this:
It is very easy to get distracted, to be checking the comment tracker, etc. I have done it myself and that is when I caught myself and realized that the person speaking deserves full attention from everyone on the panel. Put your cell phone down. Keep your hands off the keyboard. Listen carefully and give the person speaking the same attention as you would if they were in the same room with you.
Sound advice, Christine.
6. Push Google+ to the limits
As Hangouts grow in popularity, so will the thirst for new experiences. So the template for what you can do with Hangouts needs to grow and change.
Otherwise, you’ll create just another interview or talk show … which isn’t going to cut it.
One way Sarah Hill is doing this with Veterans United is allowing people to go places they wouldn’t normally go, in this case immobile World War II veterans who’ve never been able to visit the war memorials. It’s truly inspirational.
It’s your time
Let me close with some inspirational words from David Oldenburg:
Everyone told me I would fail … I mean almost everyone. Listen and believe in yourself and you will succeed. It is amazing what we can accomplish when we stay the course and believe we can do it. When people give you negativity or cut you down in comments, simply thank them for their opinion, move on, and do not let it derail you.
Stated another way: grit trumps talent.
Do the right things long enough and success will follow. So here’s to your successful Hangouts show in 2014!
And by the way, Copyblogger is going to launch our own regular Hangouts show next year. Look for Jerod, me, and Brian Clark, plus a slew of guests, delivering Hangouts covering content marketing and copywriting in the most creative ways possible.
See you there …
Reader Comments (43)
Jerod and I are Hangout hotshots, aren’t we Jerod? 🙂
Awesome post. Something I really want to get more in to given that I deleted my G+ account last year and went from several thousand followers to just a couple after I re-activated.
Although, more of my face my scare people off. So now I’m confused…
Haha, well we tried to be. But we will be in 2014! Getting good with Google Hangouts is, like anything else, just about practice and getting comfortable. As we learned. 🙂
See, now you got another shot at becoming studs. 😀
On my second day at Gary’s agency I was shown a slide of the platforms we onboard our clients to. “Oops, Google+ shouldn’t be on there anymore. We no longer recommend it,” the presenter said.
“Yeah, Black folks are not on there” the other new employee chipped in.
I sat back and smiled. At the time I had 3k Google+ followers. That’s double of what I had on Twitter after 6 years of activity. Also, I’m Black, so I definitely know people like me are on Google Plus!
I became something of a Google+ evangelist at VaynerMedia. When one of my posts began to trend I sent out a mass email letting my co-workers know I had 300 shares and counting (click my name to see the post).
After I was no longer at VaynerMedia Gary agreed to allow me to interview him – on a live Hangout! I don’t think Gary hates Google+. He just doesn’t see it as a deep relationship, social platform. He sees it as a broadcast platform, like YouTube.
Here are my thoughts on how Gary would use Google+ if he started over today:
Another “in defense of Gary” reply: Right hook is really about micro-content — the vapid, flash-in-the-pan. So the long form platforms like Google+ or YouTube aren’t treated … so maybe this book wasn’t meant to cover it. I would’ve been interested in his comments about Medium, another platform he’s high on.
Really interesting stuff, Hashim, thanks!
Google+ rocks! Authorship is a must-have for serious writers IMHO. Hangouts are the icing on the cake. Hangouts on the air can provide tremendous reach. Recording them creates embedable video assets. Very powerful.
I very much look forward to the Copyblogger hangouts in 2014!
Antics aplenty for you, Rick. And useful content, too. 😀
Great article and I really like Google+, I’m sure it’s gonna be more and more important in the future.
Just one question that actually hasn’t anything to do with the article: what’s the new social share plugin called that you guys use on Copyblogger?
Thanks in advance, I like them a lot!
It’s a custom plugin we adapted from Sharre for use on our sites.
We may release a public version at some point.
Thanks for the reply! That would be a great idea to release this kind of social share plugin for Genesis!
Indeed the social sharing buttons / plugin used here looks awsome!
Did you guys release the plugin? (I’m asking as I saw it on another website)
Thanks in advance!
We have not released it to the public yet.
Thank you for your prompt reply.
(I saw it on Nick the geek’s website)
Is there a way to be informed once it’s released?
If I were you, I’d get on the NewRainmaker email list and follow @Copyblogger on Twitter.
Thank you!
thanks so much for including me in our article Demian, and I agree that Gary would rock the house if we would just give G+ a real chance.
He would love Hangouts once he started using them!
Thank Dennis for doing what you do so well, sir!
Thank you, Demian! Your post sparked new ideas of how to use Hangouts but, most importantly, the deeper relationship-building potential. Much appreciated 🙂
Good to hear. Let us know what you are doing, and how things are going. Look forward to hearing from you.
Oh wow. Gary isn’t for Google+? I haven’t read his book yet. How can he not give it a chance?
I use Google plus today and use it to build an audience for my site.
I think it is one of the best social media sites to use and one of the best places to engage with.
The communities are some of the best found on there and so much better than the groups on Facebook.
How can I forget? Hangouts are the cream of the features of Google plus.
If you have a few friends and want to converse over a topic, why not use the best there is: Hangout from Google plus.
Defending Google plus, nice 🙂
– Samuel
You nailed it: Hangouts and Communities are two of the best features of Google+.
“The communities are some of the best found on there and so much better than the groups on Facebook.”
Completely agree with you. Google + communities are far good than the facebook groups. Facebook groups are become the place of spammers.
Enjoyed the post and looking forward to Google Hangouts in 2014 with Google Glass 🙂 I really like Spreecast but use both platforms depending on my audience and clients. Once again, excellent overview and tips. Thanks and happy holidays!
Oh noez, Gary “storytelling is a new concept” Vaynerchuk doesn’t like Google Plus! Nevermind that he regularly posts there. I know because I see his stuff in my feed all the time, even though I’m not connected to him. Or at least, he pays someone to post there on his behalf.
And this guy’s supposed to be a content marketing expert?
Thank you Demian for speaking the truth. Although I think the link to his book is unnecessary.
Great article. I’m about to shift more of my technology to Google. I was looking at hangouts as a virtual meeting tool, but the broadcasting part has piqued my interest. Thanks!
John Cameron
Rock Solid Business Coach
I feel as if my two worlds are colliding! Of course, you all know each other. But I had my Copyblogger people siloed from my Google Plus people…and now the Circles have become blurred.
As we say here in Hawaii, “small island.” Small island, indeed!
Looking forward to all of the wonderful things coming in 2014. Jane Friedman’s Scratch Magazine, Chris Brogan’s Owner, Copyblogger HOA, Entreproducer’s new focus/brand, and [fingers crossed] some affordable bundles for lean & agile entrepreneurs from Scribe-StudioPress-Genesis-Synthesis-Premise.
Talk about sugar plum faeries dancing in my head!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you, too, Lori. And just a wee bit of island envy. 😀
Hey Damian
I envy your ability to churn out quality material consistently. #Hugs 😀
Yes, I do believe Hangouts are fun and versatile ways to educate, engage and excite. And I am definitely looking forward to your HOA! #excited
I am have heard wonderful things about Gary’s book from several sources – a sure Kindle addition! 🙂 Of course, I have also heard a lot of negativity on Google Plus because of his ‘attitude’ towards the social media platform. LOL
Personally, I believe every social media platform has its own strengths, weaknesses, language, etiquette and ‘personality’. There is no one right answer. So it is always fun to experience different viewpoints about the Famous Four (F, G, T, P) 😀
Thanks for another worthwhile read
The questions at the end of each chapter are worth the $13 for the Kindle edition alone … help you make sure you are providing the right content in the right context for each platform.
I heard an interview with Gary Vee on Michael Hyatt’s podcast last week. I was really surprised he didn’t list G+ as one of his go-to networks. Lot’s of potential being wasted, if you ask me, but very few people do well on the full spectrum of Social Media across the board. Almost every Social Media Superstar I’ve seen has just one or two key online outposts.
There’s no doubt about it that it’s hard to master one platform, let alone many …
What would be the best ways to set up hangouts for music? I want to start a hangout where i can play music to the other viewers, what are the best ways to go about doing this?
Exceptional as usual, Demian.
Of course I don’t have to be sold on the benefits of Hangouts On Air, but I often find myself doing just that that to G+ cynics.
This article is more ammunition.
I’m looking forward to the new Copyblogger HOA series in the New Year.
Wish you and the family a great holiday!
Happy holidays to you, too, Ray!
Wonderful post on Hangouts. I think more and more people will begin to discover the amazing things that are happening on Google+. I honestly think we will see a full-blown explosion in 2014!
It was great to see so many of my favorites referenced and quoted here. Hope you will let us all know when you have your 2014 Hangout ready for us – sounds like fun!
And thanks to Krithika for referencing Gary’s book. I’m definitely going to have to check that out.
Thanks..great post…Getting good with Google Hangouts is, like anything else, just about practice and getting comfortable. As we learned. 🙂
Just read this post, Demian, and glad I did.
As the moderator of a Google+ group, we’ve been having lots of recent discussion on what conferences to attend and how to interact & network at them. A gal in the group has been to lots and lots of events and has offered to host a mini “training” hangout for the rest of the group’s members. It’ll be our first hangout and I’m excited to see how it goes — I’d like to keep offering these training/info sessions to my group members!
Looking forward to your hangouts next year! (Also, if Gary thinks G+ is worthless, does that mean you’re his devil’s advocate?)
Indeed, Bree. 😀
I think more and more people will begin to discover the amazing things that are happening on Google+. I honestly think we will see a full-blown explosion in 2014!
I like the quote at the end. All around though great post and great points about the importance of Google+.
Is there a way to get a snapshot of who has attended a hangout once you go off-air?
I have a feeling there is going to be an obvious way to do this, but that obvious answer eludes me.
Any suggestions?
Great question Mike. I haven’t found one. The YouTube video will show you the cumulative numbers, but I don’t know how to see it by specific name.
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