Back in the day, only digital publishers and marketers knew to never trust Facebook.
You know, like that one time when they encouraged us to build audiences on their platform, and then made us pay to promote our content to those very people? How silly of us not to see that obvious bait-and-switch coming.
Actually, some of us did. But that was small potatoes compared to what was next.
Ever ambitious, Facebook helped screw over way more people starting in 2016 — I mean like everyone. And put a major dent in democracy at the same time, just for grins.
But even that wasn’t enough for the banner year of 2016. Facebook also decided to mislead media companies, marketers, and the general public all at once.
Finally, the pinnacle of asshattery had been achieved. You’ve heard about this, right?
Would Facebook lie to you?
Beginning in 2016, the word out of Facebook was that the internet would soon be all video, all the time. Facebook VP Nicola Mendelsohn and Mark Zuckerberg himself began a massive propaganda push proclaiming the coming “golden age of video.”
The exuberance was ostensibly based on the number of video views Facebook saw on their platform over recent years. But almost immediately, things didn’t add up.
The Wall Street Journal broke the news that Facebook had “vastly overestimated average viewing time for video ads on its platform for two years” by as much as “60 to 80 percent.” Facebook sheepishly admitted the error and promised that “As soon as we discovered the discrepancy, we fixed it.”
A group of advertisers in California argue in a recently unsealed lawsuit that Facebook knew about the discrepancy for at least a year before and did nothing, which constituted fraud. This lawsuit likely won’t make a dent in Facebook’s vast fortune, but that’s not the point.
Here’s how this is much bigger than Facebook fudging the numbers. Because of the “data” coming out of the social network, major media companies shifted en masse from text to video, with real consequences for the livelihoods of their writing staffs.
During this time, media companies laid off most of their writers, who created content quickly and cheaply for the publishers’ own websites. They then switched to producing more video, which is way more costly and time-consuming, and (get this) requires distribution on other platforms, like … Facebook.
Once again, Facebook convinced nervous content creators to abandon their websites and sharecrop for them. Yes, I am sighing heavily right now.
There’s an even simpler motivation for this evil villain asshattery, though. Video ads command higher prices than other advertising formats like text or banners. And there you have it.
Fast forward to 2018, and Facebook tweaked the news feed once again to demote all that “golden” video content. Because — guess what — most people don’t want it, and never did.
Video is really hard
As I mentioned above, quality video is not easy to create. And while great writing is often hard to come by as well, text is a medium in which most anyone has the ability to create and publish online.
Moving from text to video is not just a little more involved, like with a shift to audio. It’s a complete pain in the ass:
“Video is the most expensive and time-consuming of the multimedia disciplines. To cut a 30-second video can take hours of detailed work — which requires a good eye, good physical reflexes to capture the right moments, enormous patience, and the ability to time images, sound, text, and graphics seamlessly.”
The “pivot to video” didn’t only impact big media companies, though. You see a lot of people in our industry who have succeeded with text and audio now moving to video and absolutely killing themselves in the process. It’s so much hard work for a marginal return, especially when you factor in all the traffic you’re not getting from continuing to produce text content.
One can’t help but wonder if these folks feel they need to do video for some reason? And given the large audiences these people have, do their followers also feel the need to produce video as well?
Rest assured, Copyblogger faithful. You don’t see us producing video instead of text, and you never will.
People still prefer text
The Facebook push for video was classic gaslighting. No one could figure out who these people who preferred video for serious content were, but who argues with data, right?
Problem is, all the other data on digital content preferences didn’t line up at all with Facebook’s claims, which now makes perfect sense. The question becomes, why would anyone trust Facebook about anything given their track record?
But I digress.
When people were surveyed about why they didn’t watch online video for news, the top response was “I find reading quicker and more convenient.” Now that makes sense.
But what about the younger people? We oldsters just don’t understand the Millennial brain!
Turns out, younger people prefer text even more than older people:
When asked whether one prefers to read, watch, or listen to their news, younger adults are far more likely than older ones to opt for text, and most of that reading takes place on the web.
I’m not saying video content is never the better choice. I’m saying that the OG content format of the web is still king, and you can’t afford to be bad at it.
Maybe it’s time to think about upping your writing game?
Writing that moves the needle
A lot of journalists have lost their jobs due to Facebook, both because of this video fiasco and just in general. And we need journalists now more than ever.
In your case, however, training in journalism is not what you need. Journalists tend to struggle making the transition to content marketing, because it’s a very different kind of writing.
On the other hand, old school direct mail copywriters had a dreadful time adjusting to online content marketing, with many simply swearing it off. They just couldn’t turn off their “selling” switch in favor of some semblance of subtlety.
And yet, copywriting is the key ingredient to effective digital marketing and sales. That was the entire foundation that this site was built on, and it’s even truer today than in 2006.
That’s why we’ve decided to do what people have been begging us to do the entire time. And that’s to create a Copyblogger copywriting course.
Why haven’t we done it sooner? Well, we were busy using our techniques to sell software-as-a-service, web hosting, WordPress themes and plugins, courses, and conferences. You know — practicing what we preach, unlike a lot of self-proclaimed copywriting gurus out there.
Which also means we were busy … entirely way too busy. Now that we’ve had a minute to breathe, the time seems right. And we’d love for you to join us and up your own writing game.
You can grab the course at a sweet introductory price here. Hurry though, the course registration fee increases after November 1, 2018.
Reader Comments (20)
lisa thomson says
Thank you for enlightening me even more on the greed that has become facebook. Is this the same reason real time video was added to Instagram? Cause I hate that, too.
After reading this, I’m considering abandoning all of my facebook accounts professional (2) and personal (1). I am heartened by the fact that writing is still Queen. I doubt my facebook pages are even garnering traffic to my website and ultimately resulting in any book sales. I highly doubt it.
I will check your course out!
Michael Schöffmann says
I see it the same way Lisa. Maybe the facebook pages put some traffic on your website but that doesn’t has to result in sales. I also tell my customers: a solid text will help more than blind social media marketing.
Kind Regards – Michael
Michael Corley says
Brilliantly put.
Perhaps the most sobering point made (and one that should make content creators smile ear to ear) is how much young and old were still into text.
Glad to know the data backs that up.
Tim Stoddart says
I just deleted my Facebook last night. I even wrote a quick blog about it. I really hope that as a collective, we can get past this “attention seeking” mindset. I’ve learned through my companies that more attention has never equated to more sales or more success, just more busy. I try to focus on finding the right people who have an emotional investment in what it is that I am working on. Everything else is just entertainment and it’s not even that good.
Hashim Warren says
I deleted my Facebook account 7 years ago. Why? It was getting in the way of my writing, the way I butter my bread.
(I do have a FB profile now, but with 6 friends – my wife and some old coworkers. I can’t be a digital advertiser without an account)
Guess what? Not being on Facebook has had zero negative impact on my family life and career.
LJ Sedgwick says
For certain industries, video makes more sense than text. Hence the huge success of platforms like Craftsy. So in online education sure, make as many videos as you want! But I’m still one of those people who will jump for joy when I see a transcript alongside a video, because then I can print it out and make notes on it….which I can’t do with a video. Well, yet. I’m sure there’ll be an app for that one day.
But I signed up for your course and can’t wait to get cracking!
Sonia Simone says
I’m the same … I love transcripts, and for video, I really need it to be something that’s inherently visual.
See you in the course
Erik D. Slater says
I wrote a small blurb earlier in the year about how a short Facebook-hosted video may maximize the chances of succeeding with Facebook ads, because Facebook generally prefer people to upload and consume stuff inside their platform while – as one would expect – encouraging them to spend more to play more.
That being said, I have never bought into the whole video thing myself.
If memory serves me correctly, I recall the likes of Social Media Examiner, the Membership Guys, Gary Vaynerchuk, et al promoting the idea to go big with video for the so-called “win”. Perhaps they were all influenced by Facebook’s message, and/or each other
And since so (perhaps too) many startups and micro businesses want to be like their idol, why would they not listen and follow suit?
Don’t get me wrong, though. Videos have their place, and can make great sense when used appropriately.
Personally, I don’t want to see the speaker in most videos. I consider them an unwanted distraction. I tend to switch off when video becomes predominantly about them rather than the content itself.
In this context, I’m a “read first, listen second, watch third” sort of person
Sonia Simone says
I think there are smart ways to use video, but it certainly does make it tricky to uncover those when Facebook itself is giving you bogus data.
JudyAnn Lorenz says
Thank you for calling BS on this! I love the comments too. I am seeing fiction author associates who have their ad accounts permanently closed with vague explanation except their content was offensive. As near as they can tell, it is the use of the word You. That humiliation did them a big favor!
I have great-grandchildren I watch on FB, but I don’t market there.
Brad Borland says
Great stuff. I recall Copyblogger announcing that it was shutting down its Facebook Page (2014 I think). And now I see that it’s still up. Did you guys have a change of heart? Is it now valuable?
Judging from the comments and other writers (then) many followed suit. This article seems eerily similar.
Brian Clark says
We just resurrected it last month for advertising purposes only. It has no real value as a “social media” platform. In other words, it’s like a branded Google Adwords account for social advertising.
Brad Borland says
Thanks for the reply. Yeah, pretty useless as social.
By the way I absolutely love!
Brian Clark says
Thank you!
David Wise says
Thank God someone finally said it! In my own mind, I have been thinking that all the hype around video has to be BS for all the reasons you have outlined. There are only a select few situations that a person finds themselves in throughout the course of their day when watching video is even remotely convenient.
Austin says
I’ve always preferred writing over video (When it comes to learning). Video has no easy way to skim like writing does. You have to sit there through the entire thing just to get the gist. And in a world where we want everything in the blink of an eye, video just doesn’t cut it. But don’t get me wrong, a funny 30-second clip of a dog skateboarding or an interesting 3 minute short about a city I’ve never heard of has its place too.
Ryan says
Very well-written article.
A brilliant example of boldly whipping up attention by taking a stand on a ‘hot button’ topic, then smoothly spinning it into a promo for your copywriting course.
The ‘trajectory’ of this article is flawless!
Rachel says
Thank you for this, it’s so nice to see someone actually saying how oversold video has been. A copywriter’s job is safe again (for now at least). I also love that both young and old agree that text is better. I personally can’t stand watching videos on Facebook, it takes a lot for one to get me to stop scrolling.
(Side note, I signed up for the course and am loving it so far!)
Kathie York says
FINALLY! I have tried so hard to caution people … especially those in networking groups depending on Facebook to ‘be there’ for them … to understand it’s not about *them*. It’s all about Facebook.
When I share this, maybe they’ll finally listen to me about the non-security of their groups’ Google Docs, too!
If you don’t own it, you can’t control it.
Appreciate all the time it took to write this, thanks for NOT dragging Copyblogger into this mess, and I hope your family’s overseas adventure is going well. Kathie.
Brad Kozak says
Brian –
You forgot to mention the coup de gras from our friends at Facebook. Planet Suckerberg (sp?) has decreed that, since it was such a great idea to monetize reach for businesses on Facebook, why not pull the same trick with video? Yep. Now that FB has conned everybody into thinking that video is The Next Big Thing™️, they are now limiting the scope of who that video may reach, unless you’re willing to pay. As in “through the nose.” Brilliant. The insatiable gaping maw of FBs accounts receivable now expects to receive payment for allowing your carefully crafted visuals to actually accomplish anything useful.
It’s not like this can be called anything but, er um…Déjà view.
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