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    Seriously Persuasive Comic Books: 6 Questions for Dan Pink about Johnny Bunko

    Seriously Persuasive Comic Books: 6 Questions for Dan Pink about Johnny Bunko

    Reader Comments (24)

    1. Brian, this is one of the single coolest interviews I’ve ever read.

      I’m not a bit surprised that manga works as persuasion — they’ve been using (non-manga style0 comic strips to sell everything from body-building potions and gadgets to “how to pick up women” type products in comic books back in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.


      P.S. Watchmen is an amazing graphic novel — I’ve read it probably 10 times over the years and each time there’s some little detail that stands out I missed on all the previous readings.

    2. Great interview.

      My first thoughts were about Japanese cars that conquered US only because of the kaizen philosophy, 40 years ago. It seems it’s the US turn to pick something really valuable from the Japanese culture and – by harvesting traditional experience and talent – to grow something inspiring and effective.

      A great read.

    3. Love Dan Pink. Thanks for the interview. I remember reading FREE AGENT NATION and thinking this guy is out in front of business and communication trends. And he still is.

    4. I believe digital book formats, and readers like Kindle, will dominate the future. Most books will probably follow the Bunko model of presentation with a nice “text only” feature that old school people can click on and see actual text fill the screen (kind of like the “click here for a printer friendly page” links on websites currently do).

    5. Wow! This sure brings back memories!
      When I first started reading comic books, just after the Ark floated, I often thought that these were the most influencing material around. “The more things change the more they stay the same!”
      Very interesting interview and very appropriate at this time too.
      Thanks for making this available to all of us.

    6. Manga is definitely more popular in Japan, but it’s making its way over to the states – slowly but surely. Hollywood has turned to comic books for inspiration for so many movies over the last few years. I think these movies are really helping comics become more mainstream.

      As a college student about to begin the great job hunt, I’m going to have to check this book out.

    7. As a technical writer I have to tell you that this format has been being used in training manuals and propaganda pieces since WWII – and before. It isn’t really new, just sort of lost. I would strongly suggest reading Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud if you want to understand all the different ways the comic/manga format (and they really are the same) can be used in conveying information.

    8. I’m reeling at the potential manga presents us to convey a multitude of messages related to self-development.

      Traditional learning methods have fortunately just been very seriously augmented by the power of this medium to convey a message.

      MangaShakespeare is an example. The plays are now published in comic format and I bet my last quid that the children at school will relate to these classics so much better than we did in the traditional way. Grades could become so much better on average.

      There are simply millions of people out there who use different VAKOG cocktails to learn. As for the dyslexic children and adults among us – this medium has to have some serious potential to impart knowledge and make it stick.

      Needless to say that as a V/A learner, magna style could have saved my exam butt so many times all those years ago! All the C+ grades might have been A+.

    9. I like the Manga approach. I think it’s similar to Disney’s story-boarding. I like the idea of chunking information down into scenes.

      > books are better at providing strategic, big picture information
      Hell yeah!

      > the format as effective for persuasion
      You can’t beat pics that stick. Combining visuals with text is great reinforcement.

      I’ve noticed this with blog posts too. It’s easier to remember the ones where the pics reinforce the message.

    10. Great interview and it really looks like a great book. I will definitely be stopping by B&N during lunch. Thanks for the recommendation.

    11. Very interesting interview–now I think I’m a little closer to understanding why my son spends $50 a month on manga–it is apparently a compelling mass medium to millions of people. I’ll have to check out the book.

    12. Brian,

      Just a few months ago we have also seen an impact of Google’s Chrome browser launching in Graphic Strips. It became a viral on the net and rest is history.

      Truly nice and niche concept…say….Redeveloped.

    13. I’m going to have to break down and read Understanding Comics, aren’t I? I’ve avoided it for years. Ex-husband issues, not the book’s fault.

      Can’t wait to pick this up, thanks for the pointer & the interview. Good stuff.

    14. Great interview. I picked up Johnny Bunko earlier this year and was definitely one of the best, not to mention career oriented, books I’ve read.

    15. I read Dan Pink’s “Whole New Mind,” this year for a class in management. The book is tremendous. Pink also did an interview with Oprah for radio broadcast that was very good. Thanks for the interview about his new book. I can’t wait to check it out.

    16. I actually saw his book at Borders in the career section and was so drawn to the claim of “The last career guide you’ll never need” that I had to be dragged out of the store before putting it down.

      Great book and great post.

    17. I absolutely love Daniel Pink. His book, “A Whole new mind” changed my life. I was an attorney practicing law for 18 years, very frustrated and depressed. Then I read his book and realized that I had lost my creativity. For left brained professionals like I used to be, being reminded that my right brain needed to be focused on and developed and integrated with all this wonderful knowledge in my left brain was exactly what I needed.

      I shut down my law practice and became a life coach and I absolutely love it! It is the best thing that happened to me. My ability to synthesize information and present information as a symphony is a joy to me. I literally gave my mind the freedom to do that with the information I gleaned from Daniel Pink’s book.

      Thanks for this great review. Us in the cyberworld need this information.

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