What’s the secret to effective affiliate marketing?
It all boils down to engagement.
If you have a page with an affiliate offer that ranks well for searchers in buying mode, that’s pretty high engagement. You need a trusted, authoritative site to pull that off, which means strong content and plenty of links.
But don’t forget that the very same content creates engagement with regular readers first. If you’re building authority sites that attract subscribers, you get more than one shot at affiliate revenue. You profit first with your direct readers who trust you, and then continue to generate revenue over time thanks to strategically-placed cross-links and search traffic.
The lowest form of affiliate marketing engagement comes from simply sticking affiliate banner ads on your site. I’m not saying you won’t make any money from those ads, but it’s certainly not the most effective way to capitalize on the relationship with your audience. And banner ads don’t rank in search engines, right?
So let’s take a look a five copy tactics that can bring you immediate and long-term revenue from affiliate programs:
1. Endorsements
A personal endorsement is the strongest way to pre-sell an affiliate offer, assuming your audience values your opinion. Effective endorsements are sincere and enthusiastic based on real experience with the product or service. That’s not to say that people don’t pitch things just for the money, but that can be a dangerous game that erodes your trust and authority if the product or service is poor.
As with any effective copy, endorsements focus on benefits more than features. You might find that picking out the most compelling benefits is easier in a personal endorsement, because you’ve experienced those benefits first hand. Share how a recommended product or service has changed your life for the better, and you’re naturally talking benefits.
2. Reviews
A review differs from an endorsement in tone and structure, but by the end of the piece, you end up with an endorsement nonetheless. Let’s face it… writing up a negative review might be a great way to vent, but it’s not the smartest revenue strategy when it comes to affiliate marketing.
So, as with endorsements, it’s smart to review products and services you actually use and benefit from. From a copy perspective, you add credibility by pointing out how the product or service isn’t perfect (let’s face it, there are very few perfect offerings), and then go on to explain why the imperfection doesn’t negatively impact your perception and enjoyment of the product or service.
3. Tutorials
Years ago, the easiest way to do really well with content-based affiliate marketing was to release a free ebook loaded up with affiliate links and watch it go viral. That strategy can still work, but generally the content must be much stronger, and the affiliate pitches more subtle. Another long-time strategy is the email mini-course, in which you deliver tutorial-style content by autoresponder that ultimately promotes one or more relevant offers.
These days, producing video tutorials that show how to use a product or service are extremely effective at pre-selling affiliate offers. Remember, teaching and selling are closely related, so “how to” content that naturally gets a prospect more comfortable with a purchase is smart. Plus, you can use broader tutorial content as an “ethical bribe” to get people to subscribe to your blog or a targeted sub-list, which allows for multiple relevant offers to be made over time.
4. Bonuses
Using a bonus or special deal approach is a great way to uniquely sweeten an affiliate offer. You essentially promise to add in an additional item if people buy through your link, or you work out a promotional deal with the merchant that only you can deliver. You then work the extra value into your endorsement, review, or announcement with a great headline and benefit-oriented copy.
You’ll see this strategy used quite a bit in competitive pay-per-click situations, and also during big product launches where lots of people are promoting at once. But it’s a really strong strategy anytime, because it demonstrates that you’re focusing on adding value and delivering great deals to your audience.
5. Articles
Can you promote affiliate offers with your regular content? In other words, can you create content that has independent value and also makes you money, no matter where it’s syndicated or scraped?
You can, but it’s tricky. Let me give you an example with an article I wrote last year called How to Create Ebooks That Sell.
In this article I managed to:
- Create a compelling keyword-rich title
- Deliver independent value
- Attract links
- Generate positive comments
- Endorse a product while disclosing the affiliate link
- Make a healthy 4-figure profit immediately
- Rank for my targeted keyword phrases
- Collect continued monthly commissions
- Receive reader emails thanking me for the recommendation
When I spoke at PubCon late last year, I dissected this post and explained everything I did and why. But I think if you simply take a look at it in light of what we’re exploring in this series, you’ll figure it out.
What about Disclosure?
Disclosure of affiliate links has been a hot topic lately. From a pragmatic standpoint, being transparent with your audience can solidify your relationship with them, and that’s really what this is all about. But there are also ethical and legal issues to consider, none of which are cut and dry.
So, in the next post, I’ll try to shed some light on the subject of disclosure. Hopefully you’ll understand the issues surrounding disclosure of affiliate links a bit better, and even see how disclosure can be turned into a selling point rather than a liability.
About the Author: Brian Clark is the founding editor of Copyblogger, and co-founder of Teaching Sells.
Reader Comments (34)
I am very new to all this and find your articles very informative. Thanks so much!
I’m looking forward to the rest of this story. I’ve had good results with disclosure because my readers are usually ‘on my side’ and glad to see me get a bite of the pie if they should decide to buy. They’ve been quite conscientious about coming back later to use my link, when I ask for the deal.
It also depends a lot on the style of the writings. In the past, the highest conversions I’ve had were in articles where the program I was writing the article for was simply discretely discussed.
Thanks for the rich insight.
The bottom-line: it’s about building authority and trust.
No longer is it valid to through up a few links and expect people to blindly follow them…
– It’s about relationships and creating a win-win structure that your target market will definitely appreciate.
Thanks Brian for showcasing how it’s done…you never cease to amaze me!
I love that you’ve picked up the affiliate thing to teach about. It’s synonymous with “dirtbag” for so many folks, but it’s a very useful and beneficial thing when it’s done well. And not just for the affiliates–there are all kinds of great info products out there on subjects I don’t know especially well. If I can introduce my readers to them, everyone benefits.
I’m going to implement the strategies you shared ASAP. Thanks Brian!
Thanks Brian!
I think item #5 “Articles” is more necessary for affiliates and partners. Because it’s a continuation of item #3 “Tutorials” but more volumetric and extensive meaning.
Doing Affiliate Marketing is getting tougher and tougher everyday. Too much competition. I guess the Copywriting Tactics you’ve mentioned is really helpful for all of us.
Great article. But related to this, do you have any advice on what we could call the reverse situation, i.e. are there good techniques for presentation when you are trying to encourage affiliates to promote your product?
I’m new to affiliate marketing and to learn basic tips and strategies will help to implement them. Thanks for the great advice.
This is really good advice and I wish I had seen it sooner. Time to get rid of a few banners and restructure a post or two!
I see way too many posts these days that just look like adverts with total emphasis on features and little or nothing on the real benefits that could actually help someone. This makes it very hard to discover the real worth of something I might be interested in purchasing.
I am review (and try) various affiliate programs and have a new site for those reviews. It’s always great to read ‘how to’s’ and this blog post is very well written. Thank you.
Nice blog with relevant content for us. The affiliate game changes daily though. Stay prepared for change everyday IMO
I tryed your ebook it was super if you want see a good fishing site check out my website i used alot of your ideas
starting make a nice bit of money
I’ve used all those techniques to promote affiliate products. I have to say tutorials and bonuses work best.
It’s a no brainer for bonuses since the buyer gets more value if they buy from you than if they buy directly. Tutorials are what amazes me.
Education ( or content AKA tutorials) is also called stealth marketing. Giving away content is the best way to sell if you know how to do it properly.
Nicely said!
I am not merely reading but studying your excellent information. Thanks for sharing your expertise. I will stop and now do it! I am going to the top of the food chain with a tutorial.
Very well put. I’ll be coming back to this site for more info in the future. It will help my free and powerful system.
Vincenzo Milanese
Great post, but I find myself scratching my head sometimes over the concept of implementation.
Fortunately, many of us who are self-taught find the relevance of articles like yours to be invaluable.
The biggest hurdle: what in the world to write about day in and day out that will add value to the lives of my readers? I think the answer can be found online, what interests you, what sells, and how you can make it unique.
Aside from having a photography site, blogging has a strong seo component that is directed to what you want people to see.
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