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    Five Effective Copywriting Tactics for Affiliate Marketing

    Five Effective Copywriting Tactics for Affiliate Marketing

    Reader Comments (34)

    1. I’m looking forward to the rest of this story. I’ve had good results with disclosure because my readers are usually ‘on my side’ and glad to see me get a bite of the pie if they should decide to buy. They’ve been quite conscientious about coming back later to use my link, when I ask for the deal.

    2. It also depends a lot on the style of the writings. In the past, the highest conversions I’ve had were in articles where the program I was writing the article for was simply discretely discussed.

    3. Thanks for the rich insight.

      The bottom-line: it’s about building authority and trust.

      No longer is it valid to through up a few links and expect people to blindly follow them…

      – It’s about relationships and creating a win-win structure that your target market will definitely appreciate.

      Thanks Brian for showcasing how it’s done…you never cease to amaze me!

    4. I love that you’ve picked up the affiliate thing to teach about. It’s synonymous with “dirtbag” for so many folks, but it’s a very useful and beneficial thing when it’s done well. And not just for the affiliates–there are all kinds of great info products out there on subjects I don’t know especially well. If I can introduce my readers to them, everyone benefits.

    5. I think item #5 “Articles” is more necessary for affiliates and partners. Because it’s a continuation of item #3 “Tutorials” but more volumetric and extensive meaning.

    6. Doing Affiliate Marketing is getting tougher and tougher everyday. Too much competition. I guess the Copywriting Tactics you’ve mentioned is really helpful for all of us.

    7. Great article. But related to this, do you have any advice on what we could call the reverse situation, i.e. are there good techniques for presentation when you are trying to encourage affiliates to promote your product?

    8. This is really good advice and I wish I had seen it sooner. Time to get rid of a few banners and restructure a post or two!

      I see way too many posts these days that just look like adverts with total emphasis on features and little or nothing on the real benefits that could actually help someone. This makes it very hard to discover the real worth of something I might be interested in purchasing.

    9. I am review (and try) various affiliate programs and have a new site for those reviews. It’s always great to read ‘how to’s’ and this blog post is very well written. Thank you.

    10. I’ve used all those techniques to promote affiliate products. I have to say tutorials and bonuses work best.

      It’s a no brainer for bonuses since the buyer gets more value if they buy from you than if they buy directly. Tutorials are what amazes me.

      Education ( or content AKA tutorials) is also called stealth marketing. Giving away content is the best way to sell if you know how to do it properly.

    11. I am not merely reading but studying your excellent information. Thanks for sharing your expertise. I will stop and now do it! I am going to the top of the food chain with a tutorial.

    12. Great post, but I find myself scratching my head sometimes over the concept of implementation.

      Fortunately, many of us who are self-taught find the relevance of articles like yours to be invaluable.

      The biggest hurdle: what in the world to write about day in and day out that will add value to the lives of my readers? I think the answer can be found online, what interests you, what sells, and how you can make it unique.

      Aside from having a photography site, blogging has a strong seo component that is directed to what you want people to see.

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