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    Copyblogger Weekly Wrap: Week of October 25, 2010

    Copyblogger Weekly Wrap: Week of October 25, 2010

    Reader Comments (15)

    1. Great round up here Johnny. Looks like some very interesting stuff going on. The post ‘why I deleted my foursquare account’ reminds me everytime I see my friend and ask him how a meal was in a restaurant he’d been to, he always looks slightly perplexed. Especially when I refer to foursquare or Facebook places as being a burglar or stalker paradise!

    2. Hi Johnny!

      This Weekly Wrap is a good idea! A good memory refresher. This also keeps us on track on what good things we could have missed this week.

      Keep it coming, guys!

    3. Renee Malove…would love to know more about this new distinction, but can’t actually hear the audio on the video posted here! Something tells me that may be for the best; however, if they get it fixed, please let me know. And two thumbs way up for the weekly wrapup. I’ve been so buried in other non-blog-related pursuits this week that I’ve missed out on the fun here, so it’s great to get to catch up!

      Yes, I do occasionally have to do something other than read Copyblogger at work. Quel horreur, oui?

      • Do you mean the Blogworld panel video with Brian, Sonia, and Darren? The volume on it is pretty quiet, so that may be it. I had to wear headphones to hear it very well.

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