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    Copyblogger is Eight Today (Time for a Facelift)!

    Copyblogger is Eight Today (Time for a Facelift)!

    Reader Comments (93)

    1. I think it looks great! But then, I’m a fan of change … and the color blue. 🙂 Congrats on 8 amazing years. Can’t wait to see what you have planned for the rest of 2014.

    2. I never liked the logo, so I welcome this change!

      The best part of Copyblogger’s design, and the thing I’ve ripped off is the white space. While others continued to add bling to their blogs you kept the focus on the content.

    3. Logo: love that it is even more clean. Every time I think of ‘stuff to add’ I look at copyblogger and change my mind to ‘if I add one thing, which two can I delete’. Cleaner = better in my opinion.

      Blue: Kinda getting the ‘social-feel’ next to the twitter/facebook/linkedin-buttons. If this is intended, I look forward to having a copyblogger icon on my phone in 2014 🙂

    4. Happy anniversary. It’s surprising how time flies. It’s eight years already. Anyway, I trust the wonderful brains at Copyblogger will bring interesting changes, which will blow our minds. Bring them on. We can’t wait to see them.

    5. Happy 8th birthday to Copyblogger! Love the new logo, Brian. There has been a great deal of research on the psychology of color in marketing, and blue is definitely a great choice.

    6. Happpppy Birthday (in the voice of Frosty the Snowman 🙂 I really dig the changes Brian. We have always used shades of blue for our agency. Its amazing how well blue fits in many contexts and from a design standpoint, is supposed to be soothing. Look at twitter, Facebook and the grandaddy of social networks, LinkedIn. All blue. The whole blues vs reds is reminiscent of a “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” style-conversation. Reds? Blues?

      Blue has always been my personal favorite web color so glad to see the change. Your new logo looks great!

    7. I got “scared” when I saw the message, because The trend today is full of colors, not a lot of structure, long page divided in a horizontal way. Looks nice & fun, but unpractical. I prefer your style, simple, straight to the point.
      So I hurried to come take a look: I don’t see a big difference. It just looks more fresh. I like the green button and the even more simplified “logo”. I need to re-look my blog and I was already thinking to tell the guy: keep it simple, something simple like copyblogger Lol

      ♫ Happy B-day CopyBlogger ♪

    8. When I first saw it, I thought you were showing us what you looked like when you first started – because it looks so outdated. But I’m sure I’ll get used to it. I’m just not sure that shade of blue will stand the test of time. Red and black are timeless.

    9. Congratulations! My company Big Eye Media is celebrating 8 years this month too and I am proud that both of us survived this long! Like you I will be revealing a total rebrand. Change is always good, and I look forward to following you for another 8 years, or more and seeing what others changes you will have to reveal!

    10. Congratulations on 8 years of great content. I look forward to many more.

      Since you asked, the blue is just fine, and the white logo looks just fine, but, well, I learned to type on a Royal manual. I was fascinated by the flashing levers, and the way it put letters on a page. I mourn the passing of ‘typewritten’.

      Not that I wish to go back, you see. I get it. Long as the content continues, you can dress it anyway you wish. Thanks for a great run.

    11. Yes it looks great and it’s easy to convince yourself it’s merited, but for me this type of change is pointless at best. The only time such a change makes any sense is when you’re trying to distance yourself from past problems and trying to reinvent yourself. In fact it often creates that perception even if that’s not the intention. Contemporary design and page layout is constantly changing and evolving… another reason for keeping your brand identity separate from the latest fashion.

      The most important part of any brand is the experience… and on that score I remain impressed by the quality, innovation and consistency of copyblogger. Thank you.

    12. Mmmmm … to logo or not to logo? Now that’s the question.
      With so much focus on branding why have you chosen to go (and stay) logo-free even after abandoning your last two most cherished branding elements?

    13. Well, the only constant is change, right?

      Honestly…I would not have even noticed. I visit this site and open emails and try to buy things because of the content and value provided…not design.

      That said, keep it simple…

    14. I know that this article is about your new look (I’m meh about the blue. Sorry.) but for me, the really funny part was about the simple words…

      “this new thing”

      I’m such a ridiculously embarrassing Copyblogger fan-girl that I clicked immediately. I got to a page with no details, no information, nothing. What did I do? I handed over my email.

      The whole time I was laughing and telling my daughter that 6 months from now, I’ll be reading a post about how you can get sign-ups with no information if you have a truly loyal fan base.

      And even funnier? I got an email that hinted at Podcasts. I hate Podcasts. I think they are media for the newbie because people with real businesses don’t have time to listen to Podcasts. But I DON’T CARE because I want to know what you’re doing!! (Another blog post)

      Congratulations on your 8 Year Anniversary. You must be doing something right if you have such loyal fans. Thank you for all your hard work. Your information has informed and shaped much of what I do in my business. I can’t thank you enough for giving me the tools I need to help others.

    15. I like the blue and the consistent branding across all sites. I like the red being maintained as a core color.

      Let me be the first to say that I really dislike the new type treatment.

      One of the things I value the most about copyblogger is the timelessness of the lessons. Personally, I feel like this is “too trendy” and gets away from that nostalgic feel (which is also evident in feature image choices for blog posts).

      There is just something so classic, timeless and different with the original font.

      Keeping the museo slab for the post titles still gives off that classic feel, but maybe it was clashing too much with American Typewriter.

      Just my two cents, because you asked!

      • I agree about the font – at first glance, it reeks of “fad”, all-lowercase is way to overused right now, and in itself *is not a logo* given that there no other treatments.

        Personally, I liked the nostalgia of American Typewriter – which is in itself a very clean, very modern take on a classic lettering design that subtly reminds everyone of how far the publishing words has come. What I mean to say is that American Typewriter is very clearly a modern typeface, even though it recalls Ye Olde Era of publishing – it’s a very simple typeface pregnant with the heritage of our industry.

        The argument *for* the simplified logo is that in itself it isn’t a unique look – it’s just a typical, done-every-day, “Look Ma, I Made A Logo” lowercase set in a slightly-less-common-than-Lucida sans-serif – a typeface that in itself doesn’t have any connection to heritage (lowercase Futura would perhaps be better). The argument *for* it being, then, that Copyblogger isn’t about design but rather about content – the new ‘logo’ doesn’t matter – and in this contest of Content vs Design, Copyblogger chooses to hobble design to let content lead.

        In which case should the logo change a million times, if the content remains the same, it’s still a great website that I will read whether I like the plain text masquerading as a logo or not.

          • True, but one must admit there is a strong prevalence of late with sans-serif lower-case logos. But I digress: I was making a verbose point about the choice of typeface, in a rather hard to understand way.

            Either way, as noted, the content stays the same – which is the reason I will continue to visit, learn, benefit.

            Happy anniversary and good luck on eight more years, Brian. 🙂

    16. I understand that this blue is a trendy color and it now looks like a bunch of other sites that I look at daily… Inman News, dotloop, DocuSign. What I do like which is very obvious are the green buttons. Just my 2-cents.

      I do like the new “copyblogger” font!

    17. I love the new look. Here’s to 8 years of great Copyblogger content! I can’t wait to see what you have planned for 2014 and beyond. The New Rainmaker looks intriguing.

    18. Congratulations. Now it looks just like everything else. :/ Still can’t wait to see what you do as the year progresses, though. Congrats on 8!

    19. Happy Birthday! Thanks for including the thoughts behind the revamp. I loved your past design, but we really do need to keep moving forward, right? I like how you have divided the areas by color. I have learned, & will continue to learn valuable information from your site. Thank you so much!

    20. I dig this logo, Brian. It reminds me a bit of Moz, which shows you guys did a great job creating a visual representation of a content marketing brand.

      American typewriter never really worked for me as a typeface. At least not in terms of how I perceive the majority of the content you produce. It’s very stiff and feels archaic, a bit too vintage. And I don’t think the folks complaining about the color are very familiar with color psychology. Red is emotive, and creates desire. Blue evokes trust, which communicates the Copyblogger mission more effectively IMO.

      Happy Birthday, Copyblogger!

      • I was tempted to go into the psychology of color in the post, because that had a lot to do with the decision (and why our product sites tend to be blue). Very astute!

        • Well I got you covered 😉 I do think your input would help people understand that these kinds of design decisions are not arbitrary! At least they’re not when you’re working with a pro.

    21. Funny. I took inspiration from the copyblogger site as I was beginning the development of my latest site… but I used a blue because of its “trustworthyiness.”

      Now it looks like I stole the design. Whoops!

      I am a bit more overt in my call to actions though… Yellow/Orange for lead generation, Blue for navigation and Red for alerts.

    22. For us members of the almost-but-not-quite-designers tribe, what is the new typeface?

    23. Firstly Happpy Birthdayyy Copyblogger don’t drink to much.And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do! lol all kidding aside I am usually the first to hate change but it always cathartic when it happens! I cannot wait to see what you come up with

    24. Love the change and Happy Birthday! Thank your sharing all the wisdom over your 8 years. you help us all be better. Can’t wait to see what’s next!

    25. Happy Birthday Copyblogger!

      Luv the new look with the blue and font choice. Definitely speaks to the shift in direction from talking just about copywriting to all the goodness you guys share related to content marketing.

      Why have cake when you can eat your own dog food instead!

    26. Looks great, Brian. I’m glad you kept white spaces. I followed your advice about white spaces and get lots of comments about that on my site.

      Look forward to what is coming in 2014.

      Happy New Year. Change is good!


    27. *tink * tink * tink
      “Huh Hmm” she says clearing her throat.
      “Lets raise a cheer for Copy blogger !
      I’m a massive fan, have been for 8 years + always will be – change your header to any color + font around all you like !
      You’ll never be deleted from my inbox.
      Cheers and Happy birthday ! “

      • A logo is a graphic mark or emblem commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition. Logos are either purely graphic (symbols/icons) or are composed of the name of the organization (a logotype or wordmark).


    28. Happiest of Birthdays! May you live long so that we can all prosper.

      The new look will take getting used to…I must admit I did an “Oh, my lord” gasp when I opened the email this morning.

      But it makes sense on so many levels, many of which were already touched upon by earlier commenters.

      Frankly, if you hadn’t announced a change, I wonder how many folks would have noticed unless they were already in My.Copyblogger or Authority. Most folks are so focused on what you can do for them rather than your new hairdo.

      …at least on a conscious level. Can’t quite put their finger on it…but isn’t something a little different here.

      Now the My.Copyblogger/Authority crowd would have no doubt gone apoplectic if you had changed the look of both sites at once. At least, that would be my prediction. You’ve done such a terrific job of creating a sense of ownership that we might be wondering why we weren’t asked. [Ridiculous logically…but emotionally very real]

      I do love the new look. And your process has helped me with my own design quandary for my flagship [and currently shuttered] site.

      I second Jon and Sonia’s comments. I would wish the world 100 more years of Copyblogger.

      Deepest of thank yous.

    29. I think ya’ll are underrating the power of Comic Sans and Impact ; )

      Thanks for the past 8 years of brain food… Happy Birthday!

    30. Eight years ago – wow! Those days were all about emails (or should I say e-mails) and banner ads. Social was about MySpace. Bots were fun little guys that showed up and you were happy about it. Times have changed. Glad to see you’re still here.

    31. umm, I prefer the red one.First I feel more warm with that color and It looks more “Click licious” . Happy Birthday CB. Glad to find you few months ago

    32. Congo !!! 8 years wow … like the new logo.Simplicity is best.And I like blue 🙂
      Whats the new rainmaker.Tried signing up but didn’t get any confirmation email ???When shall I expect the big thing in place of Premise?

    33. Happy birthday Copyblogger!!!

      I’m not a successful internet marketer, but I like the personality Copyblogger share with the readers. I like the people around Copyblogger – Brian Clark, Jon Morrow, Sonia (great personalities). These people is what makes me listen closer to their words (not always the internet marketing advice).


    34. I love it! You guys we were obviously inspired by the look and feel of my site

      (If only … )

      Seriously though … I love the colours … I was talking to this guy at the Apple store. He was telling me about the psychology of colours.

      Apparently blue represents ‘corporate’ and ‘calm’ and purple represents ‘intelligent’. 🙂

    35. Hy guys,
      change is good, it is like a new beginning.

      I like this blue, its more calming, makes you read more.

      But don’t take our words for granted, try to setup an Experiment in good old analytics and see the impact (or any other A/B testing software), which I think you already did, right ?… :))

    36. I like the blue. I like the font. One nit-picky comment: The bottom of the “y” and “g”(s) are clipped off in the header. It doesn’t really bother me– I’ll keep reading your great posts and everything. Just thought maybe you hadn’t noticed.

    37. A great big congrats to the Copyblogger team for eight years of being successfully awesome. 🙂 I’m digging the brand unity across all products, and the clean contrast between blues, whites, and greys.

      Here’s to another eight years!

    38. Congratulations Copyblogger !!

      I really like the clean and minimalistic design, also the smart move of which concentrates much on the main content. Great call in using American Typewriter.

      Over the past 8 years Copyblogger has not only provided content that simplifies life (at least for people who are scared to start a career as a writer) but also design tips like this.

      Looking forward for more tips in the coming years.

      Once again Happy Birthday!!

    39. The Colours
      * The red on black was really your signature mark. It always made me excited about reading your insightful articles. Not everyone dares to use such a bold color.
      * Blue on the other hand is indeed a more common colour for links and buttons. It envokes calmness and experiences. Unfortunately, it’s only used in small details and does not seem to be an overly important part of the design.

      The Logo
      * Again, as with the red colour, this was one of your signature marks. Now it feels more like you’ve gone mainstream. A bland font, like so many. Yes it’s more legible and all that. But are you catering to the masses or to your niche? This is the struggle between being yourself and trying to fit in.

      At the moment I’m still on the fence whether I like the new, more neutral and less outspoken you. Let’s give this some time and see where you run with this.

    40. Happy Anniversary!

      But… why?

      Why did you decide to forget who you are and pick the most generic color ever? (It’s like you are the same as Marketingprofs, Moz, and every damn blog out there… T__T)

      I really loved your color. It was like saying “Here you’ll learn something diffenrent. Something great!”

      Now I’m just blue…

    41. Congratulations and Happy Birthday. Eight years old and it only took me seven years to find your site. I became an instant fan (and customer) and look forward to 2014 with the Copyblogger / StudioPress team in my corner.

      Can’t wait to find out more about Rainmaker … let it rain!

      All the best to your entire team for keeping it real and beautifully simple. Red, Blue both work for me but the font change was a nice refresh. Kudos!

    42. I noticed the change in colors before I read about the reason for the change in colors. I love the blue and love the new typeface. I never really liked the red, but didn’t mind the American Typewriter typeface. Overall, it feels fresh! Can’t wait for the conference in May to learn more about copyblogger & the folks that run it!

    43. Brian, I love the simplicity and how Copyblogger has always presented quality content.

      The thing that I admire the most is the quality that you and your writers share.

      Back in 2010 I started reading more of your content and it caused me to reevaluate my presentation.

      Thank you for helping me discover my voice.

    44. Hey Brian,

      I quite like the new look and definitely prefer blue to red. I do have one question though…albeit somewhat off topic: why don’t you use Disqus?


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