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    Brian’s Back:
    Why I’m Returning to Copyblogger

    Brian’s Back: <br>Why I’m Returning to Copyblogger

    Reader Comments (24)

    1. For me, some of the best content, advice and tools have come out of your ventures Brian. In addition to Copyblogger: Genesis Framework, Rainmaker, Digital Commerce Academy and Institute, Scribe, unemployable. Old stuff, good stuff and new stuff. Best of all, you guys have always run an ethical business. You can count on me to continue listening, reading and contributing.

    2. Awesome news that your back Brian. I remember starting blogging about a decade ago myself when I purchased theepicblog (dot) com with the intention to build myself a blogging career and at the same time following you as well as others like Chris Brogan, Tim Ferris and Yaro Starak.

      My Blogging career unfortunately failed when I settled down in the Web Development industry and I have since lost that awesome domain name. Seems to me I wanted it all fast and furious and was spreading myself too thinly by not focusing. I am reminded of a quote “Hurry Up and Fail”, Not sure who said that but I love it.

      I still love creating bespoke websites for clients all over the globe and I have built a client base that has enabled me to pay off my mortgage and settle down. I have just took up blogging again after quite a big break and spending a small fortune on a tiny .blog domain. However I am really excited where this new blogging path will take me.

      Thanks for letting me share my story Brian and welcome back.


    3. Hi Brian, this news is intriguing. Congratulations to you and your partners!

      Your concept of hyper-local blogging seemed to have vanished and I am glad to know you are still involved with YourBoulder.com.

      Any chance more information will be provided on this subject? I can’t seem to find good guidance.

      Be well, Bob

    4. Nice coincidence. Just as I was ready to brush off my studies by reviewing the evergreen actions that made Copyblogger such an outstanding influence in the Content Marketing world. Nice to see someone is out to clear out the paths in the old forest and make it easier to find the trees for the forest.

      And some trail maps are always nice. What’s old is new again – and we’re all the better for it.

      Thanks, and welcome back!

      PS. How about an interview with Joe Pulizzi? That would be a big draw – comparing notes..

    5. So happy to hear this. CB has played such a major role and been such a positive influence in my business and entrepreneurial career over the years. So great to see Darrell involved now too!

    6. This is excellent news all around, congrats and welcome back to the fold Brian! I’m also wishing all of the best to everyone else who has made Copyblogger Media so awesome over the years – I know it’s not goodbye but it’s always nice to be able to send our best wishes.

      I’m excited to see what’s next and how we can continue to grow the Copyblogger community together!

    7. Good to see you back Brian, I remember studying and reading Copy Blogger when I first started a decade ago in the industry. How fast time flies and amazing to see it all.

      Great stuff on hearing about your travels too.

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