How One Man Saved the Family Furniture Business, Then Built a Wildly Successful Online Fitness Company

How One Man Saved the Family Furniture Business, Then Built a Wildly Successful Online Fitness Company

Reader Comments (35)

  1. Wow, just what the doctor ordered. I’m putting together a niche product and website for speakers and presenters, and the story and path above are like gold to me. Building a profitable platform is complicated at best and the conventional wisdom is all over the place as to what works and what doesn’t. Here you have provided a path, that not only shows the good, but also shows what to watch out for. Two BIG pieces of advice spring out of the story. The first is that you have to write boldly. If some people don’t hate what you write, others aren’t going to love it. You have to write smart and with a passion. The other is that you need to focus on one or two mediums and leave the rest out. Be bold, not mediocre. Never retreat…. Never Surrender!

    • Thank you for the feedback John. I like how you coined that… ‘write boldly’, so true!.

      Best of luck with your upcoming product launch.


      PS – Your website looks great, nice and clean.

  2. Thanks for this interview.

    I agree that getting out of the house and meeting people in the same niche or market is very important to expand your business – or even simply to keep it alive.

    Nowadays, it’s more and more important to have a human face behind the words, behind the videos so that a lasting connection can be made.


    • Thanks for the feedback Dan. I would also throw out its good to mix in people WAY OUT of your niche too. Just to help keep your idea catcher open at full spread.

  3. Excellent interview. There are some real nuggets in there like the bicycle analogy (for taking action) and embracing the fear. You have to take action on the things you fear most – it’s like shining a light on the darkness.
    Thank you Beth and Ryan for sharing.

  4. Wisdom from the trenches – worth gold. Thanks for bringing us this interview!

    Fantastic questions, glorious answers & advice. I took more notes than the interview is long – “fitness and business should enhance your life, not run it” among them.

    Ryan is a master communicator. I guess it’s clear to everyone after this interview: even born Masters pay with an average five years of 12-14+ hour days to make it to mastery … :-]]]

    • Hahaha ‘even born Masters pay’… love that Beat!

      I’m glad you enjoyed the interview and thank you for the generous feedback, much appreciated.

  5. YouTube is a social networking tool, though, especially now Google have launched a new commenting section. It links up directly with Google+ so when you comment you can link in friends, and post to your wall. All very interesting and a good new business practice. It should also rid a YouTube of the endlessly tedious Flame Wars which have raged mindlessly over the last 8 years or so.

  6. Very motivational, just the right tonic I need to keep on moving. On the social media area, I think I’d rather follow this guy and be active on just two or three social networks instead of just swarming all around the place.

    • Thank you for the feedback!

      Yes, forwarrrrrd!

      In addition to helping your own biz grow, this approach will help you master the mediums more quickly, which you can then turn around and sell that expertise as well. Jackpot!

  7. I like this and agree that producing YouTube videos should be just like making a television show. Consistent timing, brief and useful content and the proper setup are all crucial for success.

    • Thanks Malinda!

      Absolutely… model from whats working right? We’ve got some great examples in TV / Hollywood, they’ve been at this for years.

      If you’re looking to break into YouTube think about what show(s) / movie(s) you like and why. What can you swipe from them?

  8. Great post! I like how you said you focus on 1-2 marketing tactics at one time. I honestly agree with that stance! Focusing on every single marketing method for blogging is not only time consuming to say the least but its also overwhelming and could cause some serious blogger’s burnout. Thanks for sharing this post, it was a great read! 🙂

    • Thank you for the feedback Shawn!

      Exactly, trying to talk about everything means the audience hears nothing. And like you said is a great way to burn yourself out in a cinch

  9. This is truly inspiring, especially to me, whose in the middle of developing a content marketing strategy for our creative agency. I love the idea of focusing on 1-2 areas that are successfully and maintaining your quality there. Excellent stuff!

  10. Hold up, yo…

    I love cheese pizza. I mean, love it. I’d rather eat a slice (or 8) or NY style pizza over anything else in the entire world. And I’d do it day in and day out for a meal a day for the remainder of my life.


    Anyway, I’ve read Ben Settle’s stuff, and it is pretty good. I have a few of his books too. Haven’t jumped on the Email Players wagon yet, but he entices me with his own daily emails that he sends out. I’d recommend a look at him.

    • Haha I love cheese pizza too!

      As kid on family pizza nights thats all I ever wanted my Mom to make. Yummm.

      Yea I suggest making the leap and trying it out… at least for a month or two. Then you can confidently tell yourself it works / doesn’t because you DID IT.

  11. I know Ryan – he’s the real deal. One of the best-read marketers I know, and deeply committed to direct response principles.

    I even did his Spartan Rises Training program and it was very easy and effective. My weighted dips got *way* stronger!

    Whether you’re looking for marketing direction or a more imposing physique, Ryan’s a great guy to follow.

    Thanks to everyone for this interview!

    • Thank you Daryl.

      Absolutely… in the internet age it’s too easy to stay glued to our computers.

      I only know this because I am the #1 offender

      Thanks for stopping by!

  12. I checked out the website/business.. very cool! The marketing is great, I can definitely see why this is such a success. You even have the red Spartan cape in the intro video!

  13. Excellent advice for those of us who are just gaining new entry into online marketing. I like the advice on putting something out there – just dive in and do it. So often, we get blog writer’s block spending time trying to think of the perfect subject to write about, when in fact, we can select any aspect of one subject or thought and generate and entire blog post.

    Another good point was limiting the social media accounts. On the onset, focus on 1-2 social media outlets. Initially, it may not be possible to effectively manage and grow brand awareness on all social media platforms.

    Thank you for the information.

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