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    3 Resources to Help You Create, Organize, and Manage Your Content

    3 Resources to Help You Create, Organize, and Manage Your Content

    Reader Comments (12)

    1. Great Post Stefanie, You have Made it very Informative. I’ve checked all the Three Topics you have focused on
      1. The Law of (Content) Attraction
      2. 4 Ways to Turn a Mature Membership Site into a Treasured Resource Your Members Will Love.
      3. How to Tame Content Creation Chaos with Rock-Solid Workflows.

      and Seriously These Topics are Incredibly Great.
      Thanks For This Wonderful Post

    2. Love it how you conclude this article “….When your content attracts the right people, those individuals will stick around on your good days and bad days…” Because it’s not about the quantity of the people. When you start something you will always have a common point: the first step, the first reader, the first customer. The first! Take care of the first and then the first will take care of you!

    3. Thank you Stephanie.

      Somedays I find it harder to remember than others that I have something to offer. And that “The benefits of helping others outweigh the drawbacks of embarrassing mistakes you may make along the way.”

      Some of those childhood lessons die hard. And some we just learn to cope with and are happy to reminded of the truth so they don’t stop us from taking action.

      Gotta love Miriam, even up close and personal.

    4. I have been facing problem of creating content like how and what kind of content should i publish on my blog. once i publish what readers were looking for but later when i checked analytic i was disappointed.Today I came here from Alltop and found that there are lot of thing which i need to learn for getting readers and traffic.

    5. Hi Stefanie Flaxman,

      Incredibly superb topic you have came over with.

      It always great to help others, this hides up our mistakes in the way.
      Our customers are something which are need to be take care of. If we took care of themselves,
      they would too look out for us, in our good or bad times.

      I got to learn here a lot of things, which would help my site to receive large numbers of customers.
      Thank you for sharing this among us.

      Shantanu sinha

    6. Brilliance at it’s core…

      The key takeaway for me is to have an easy to use resources for the members. It is the base to make the members stick for longer and evidently have them take some value out of it.

    7. Hi..Stefanie Flaxman Its a really good article. Content is the king of any marketing Strategy, nowaday all the things are online. So attract your visitors, customers and even for rank in SEO. Good content is a necessary thing. I really like your post. Thanks for share. 🙂

    8. Organizing and sorting content is the most important aspect of content marketing or even personal blogging. I am a brand new reader to your blog.
      I found it interesting. 🙂

      Writing a catchy heading for the blogs I create has always been my lowest strength – hopefully following your website regularly will improve it!
      Thanks! 🙂

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