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    Your Summer Reading List from the Copyblogger Editorial Team

    Your Summer Reading List from the Copyblogger Editorial Team

    Reader Comments (8)

    1. Hi Sonia,

      Seth’s stuff resonates so strongly with me because he does stuff from manifestation, not manipulation. I think many marketers mean well but so many write from a place of scarcity versus abundance, allowing their fear of loss factor in to manipulate marketing ways. Seth goes the opposite route; his writing and books rock because he lays it all out for the consumer to make the choice.

      We all do our fair share of manipulating, persuasion and the like. But balance that out with a higher energy, generous, more detached intent and you can REALLY make things pop. Be clear, be direction, be bold and be honest in all you do.

      As for writing, I have written 1000 words or more daily for the past few years. For practice, and for publishing. Sure hasn’t hurt me 🙂 Best learning tool I never used; my own fingers, typing away at a keyboard in silence.

      Thanks for this fabulous list Sonia. Tweeting of course 🙂


        • Ryan, your comment about scarcity vs. abundance resonated with me so much! I agree 100%. Thanks for the awesome reminder.

      • Thanks Ryan; I’m with you on this. Writer types get all flustered about nobody reading our precious content or nobody buying the products we so diligently endorse. If the content is good and the product is good, the sale will come. That’s my take.

    2. Great list. Some of my favorites are among those listed here — The War of Art, On Writing. Then there’s Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird, and Liz Gilbert’s Big Magic, two others that inspire me to be a better writer.

      A fantastic book I read recently, though not about strictly about craft, had the effect of making me want to put the book down and write every time I finished a chapter — The Accidental Life: An Editor’s Notes on Writing and Writers, by Terry McDonell. It was a rollicking good read, as they say. 🙂

      For copywriting resources, the Gary Halbert Letter is pretty swell. A couple of Dan Kennedy’s books are on my bookshelf, and a transcript of Eugene Schwartz’ Philips Publishing talk always fires me up when I need copywriting inspiration.

    3. Anything by Chip & Dan Heath. They’re not about writing per se but you can inform your writing with a lot of their principles. And they’re just written so well!

    4. Just picked up a copy of Breakthrough Advertising. I had not heard of it before, so thanks for the recommendation, looks like it is right up my alley. You’re all on point with these suggestions, but I really appreciate Brian’s, that was helpful!

    5. Thanks for the list. Writing books that I have on my bookshelf that I think are well worth a read are; Accidental Genius by Mark Levy, which advocates free writing to get unstuck, Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer by Roy Peter Clark and How to Write A good Advertisement by Victor A Schwab (an older book 1962 but contains some great principles probably similar to Sugarman).
      I do not find writing easy.

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