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    Copyblogger Weekly Wrap: Week of September 19, 2010

    Copyblogger Weekly Wrap: Week of September 19, 2010

    Reader Comments (13)

    1. The internet is scary in some ways. The content will out there forever, short of global natural or man made disaster. The concern is privacy, the net going “sky net” on us, and big brother, ie government using it as a tool to control us. I like the Naomi Dunford story. Excellent!

    2. Why does it feel wrong to admit that my favorite part of copyblogger are the posts that make fun of copyblogger?? The satellite dish was the cherry on top of this one for me!

    3. Gosh, I started a weekly wrap up in my first week and after two I got three weeks behind. This IS SO important. Thanks for getting my head out my… Oh and shaking jme up. Hehe “D

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