So, the word is out. I’ll be one of five hosts at this year’s Elite Retreat in San Francisco on April 3rd and 4th. Here’s who else will be providing unfiltered advice to a small group of entrepreneurs looking to take their businesses to the next level:
- Jeremy Schoemaker – Shoemoney
- Aaron Wall – SEO Book
- Neil Patel – Pronet Advertising
- Andy Lui – Buddy TV
Plus… a keynote from Guy Kawasaki. Sounds pretty cool, huh?
Since Neil Patel will be taking the lead on content strategies for social media marketing, I’ll be freed up to focus on the selling and conversion side of things. I’ll also be available to give advice about developing information products and membership sites.
Just don’t expect me to talk about AdSense.
Again, sounds pretty cool, right? Well, here’s the deal about Elite Retreat if you’re not familiar with it from last year.
It’s limited to only 35 attendees, and it’s not cheap.
The idea is to have people who are ready to take their online businesses to the next level, and for the hosts to be able to interact directly with our guests to make sure that happens.
What that means is answering any question, throwing out any idea, and giving the absolute best advice we can possibly give. Again, that’s why it’s not cheap, and why space is limited.
It’s also not a matter of just showing up with your credit card. There’s an application process that ensures that every attendee is a good fit and will get multiple times their money’s worth by attending.
I know, that all sounds rather limiting, but if the testimonials from past participants are any indication, it works. And you’ll know if this is right for you, right?
Hey, there’s even a money-back guarantee.
So, check out the details, and see if Elite Retreat is a good fit. I’m hoping to see a few of you in San Francisco come April.
Reader Comments (17)
Sounds like the place to be!
Yeah, it sounds pretty cool.
You’ve got a nice team there. 🙂
Hi – I’ve heard about the Elite Retreat on a few sites. Who organises it? Who were the speakers last year? Have you attended it before?
I so, so wish I could go. *sigh*
Any slots for groupies? 🙂
I’m with you Jon.
I’ll second that: “Any slots for grouplies?”
I would love to go, but this isn’t my year. Something to shoot for for 2009.
What an opportunity!
Ehm great opportunity.
I’d love to go; the retreat is practically in my backyard. I guess I could sneak in. You know, crash the party. Nah, that’s not my style. Sounds like fun though!
Wow, Brian and Aaron at the same time. That sounds well worth it, but flying to Frisco doesn’t quite suit me. Maybe some day Elite Retreat can be turned into webinar?
Yes.. Idea is not cheap now… Especially from successfull internet marketer like you…
Good job
I wish I were born rich!
$5,000 is a whole lot of money! But I went last year, and will be there again this year. Elite Retreat is an investment worth every penny!
Yeah, it sounds pretty cool.
You’ve got a nice team there.
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