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    A Framework to Start the Writing Business of Your Dreams: 15 Tips for Entrepreneurial Writers

    A Framework to Start the Writing Business of Your Dreams: 15 Tips for Entrepreneurial Writers

    Reader Comments (16)

    1. Good advice. I really need to start carrying a notebook with me for ideas as I’m like a goldfish at the moment.

    2. I loved this article Stefanie – give yourself a pat on the back!

      I started carrying an idea notebook around a year ago and like you, I would recommend to anyone. It’s amazing how many ideas seem to pop into your head when you are relaxed and away from your workstation!

    3. Nice article.

      Speaking of secure sites (per the Technology point #3), does Copyblogger have any plans to switch to HTTPS?

    4. I love the part about creating marketing materials for those who are already looking for a professional writer. That must be one of the best demonstrations of the 80/20 rule there is. Rather than spend your time marketing to people who resist your service, wouldn’t you rather just be writing?

    5. Are these your secrets based on your experience, Stefanie? Because they sound so good – well planned and mapped out. I always believed that writing would be a great business; whether you build your own website or start as a freelance writer to gain experience and exposure. Sadly, some of those who go for freelance writing are often paid so badly (and cheap) by other companies that it discourages them in the long run. This article would surely encourage them to push on.

      • Thanks, Brooke. The tips are based on my experience.

        I’m glad you pointed out how writers can get discouraged if they are paid poorly.

        I think a common theme throughout the post is having professional standards for your writing business. One standard I didn’t explicitly mention is knowing your worth and avoiding clients who aren’t a match for your services and don’t have the budget to pay for your high-quality work.

        Our Certification program helps writers provide more value to their clients, so they don’t have to get stuck working for low rates. 🙂

    6. Good read! Thanks for the sharing! The ideas are all very practical! I once did a personality test and find out am actually a ESFJ personality. Surprisingly, I found myself maybe not a good fit for writing stuffs. Well, after reading this, I think I will find a way to figure out how to keep myself writing.

    7. Great article!

      I am a big fan of Copyblogger, you guys simply post great content on each topic. The article very well explains and the sub points are just amazing and very much useful.

      Great work, Thanks!

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