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    Steven Pressfield and the War of Work

    Steven Pressfield and the War of Work

    Reader Comments (32)

    1. I so loved this interview. Thank you.

      I first picked up Steven via Seth Godin. Since then I have told everyone I know who are affected by resistance to read Do the Work and The War of Art.

      I love Steven’s writing style. Simple, straightforward and no BS.


    2. Ugh, its Friday night here guys!

      Just kidding. This sounds amazing.

      I once heard a quote that it is always hardest in the beginning. I think that’s pretty true.

      Pressing play now.


    3. I swear you guys must have a tracking bug in my phone or laptop or something.

      Two days ago I’m wondering on how I can learn Genesis and WordPress theme options the easy way . . . them BOOM, you guys release a free eBook the next day outlining basically everything.

      Then I was in a webinar with James Chartrand and Johnny B Truant, and they brought up this book for a few seconds, raving how amazing it is and how all creatives should read it.

      So I wake up this morning, go on Amazon, surprised by the price of the book — but I still purchased it — and now you guys are having an interview with the man himself?


    4. I love the War of Art. It was one of the first books to go one my new Nook this Christmas, with the dog-eared paperback as a backup. Listening to this right now.

    5. Great session today. The battle for self-mastery seems hard enough for any craft. But writing? My gawd, I can imagine it’s a bottomless pit of lost potential without that discipline of being pro.

    6. I listened to this one this morning, and it was very enlightening. Although some of the concepts Steven put forth, however accurate, were tough to swallow. As always, thanks for the great podcast!


    7. Steven Pressfield is da BOMB! Actually I kinda love/hate him because he takes all my excuses and makes me throw them in the garbage. But The War of Art and Do the Work have been extremely inspirational and I have read and re-read them. And now my husband is getting up every day at 5:30 to write. Great interview!

    8. I carry your podcast as an rss feed on my web site. At last, an interview with someone older than me. Pressfield’s War of Art was the first Nighingale-Conant audio that I ever bought already in the mp3 format. Your podcast is on one of my Galveston pages, and I have put your interview with Pressfield on my time managemnt page: http://vasthead.com/Time/tm_pap1.html

    9. Overcoming resistance is a mighty ongoing challenge – I hoped it would get easier the more the successful you become but seems like that’s not really the case at all. I guess the point is to continue your creative or business journey and face and conquer your challenges for as long as you enjoy what you do! Great interview, now I must get myself a copy of Steven Pressfield’s “The War of Art”.

    10. Just finished listening. I like the part where Steven distinguishes between an amateur and a pro. I wouldn’t want to be labeled dilletante and it really is true that you have to dedicate yourself to your art for your work to matter.

    11. About turning pro. Would it be wrong to say that you become mediocre, if you “succeed” without the turning pro experience?

      I could see one point in my life, if I did a few obvious things differently the software I was working on could sell and keep things floating. But looking back, it would have been another mediocre me-too product, and I would have been a mediocre developer.

    12. My favorite podcast from you so far – excellent!

      Thanks for introducing me to Pressfield too – very interesting character. Can’t say I agree with him about social media though. Some view it as a waste of time and I do agree that personal interaction still trumps the “ROI” of SM but I can’t side with the fact it’s a total waste.

    13. With due respect, I disagree.

      You don’t have to approach work with a warrior mindset.

      Instead, try meditation: it will help you find your center. That center is nothing but your being. From that being-ness springs the silence and quietude you have been searching for. It is the story of your life.

      Meditation will help you to transcend this ordinary life. Then, you can approach your work in a spirit of play. Your work can turn into something fun. You can discover flow through your work. Your work can be like a vacation. Your work can bring you peace of mind. You don’t have to swim against the tide: there is no need to swim upstream. The work is you.

      Working on your self will enable you to find the work you are looking for. Then, there will be no excuses. You will be content just to pursue your work in an ordinary way. You will be able to complete tasks without effort: it will feel easy.
      And you will have this incredible lightness of being. Martial artists have understood this art of pulling rather than pushing for thousands and thousands of years. There is great wisdom to be found in this self-discovery. Cheers.

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