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    3 Small Steps that Led to Oversized Outcomes

    3 Small Steps that Led to Oversized Outcomes

    Reader Comments (4)

    1. Hi Sonia,

      I like the analogy of a small hinge swung a big door.

      Amazing stories to inspire the power of little steps.

      Thank you for sharing your inspirations every week without fail.

    2. Hi Sonia,

      I so much believe in small efforts. One of my favorite blog posts on my blog is about small efforts.

      Sometimes we overthink, and things start to look overwhelming. For example, if you hadn’t tweeted Brian, things would have been different.

      I especially liked the narrative of this blog post. It makes us realize that step up and try. I liked it.

    3. Wow, this post is some kind of synchronicity with Seth’s blog post: Beginning is underrated. I’ve read them both on the same day.

      So, this week I’m going to start doing some of the things that make me nervous.

      To put a comment on copyblogger is one of those things.

    4. Hi Sonia,
      Great blog post. Kind of reminds me of the adage; “it is the little drops that make the mighty ocean.” and “never despise humble beginnings”.

      Sometimes, we tend to try to plan everything in our head before taking action. However, that would only lead to paralysis by analysis.

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