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    Rainmaker Rewind: Launching Your First (or Next) Digital Product

    Rainmaker Rewind: Launching Your First (or Next) Digital Product

    Reader Comments (7)

    1. Hey Caroline, really nice article! Pokemon Go is a really good example of something that can go viral in just a couple of days. The whole world is crazy about this game!

    2. These are great insights to a weeks news. πŸ™‚ And Pokemon was a cartoon which almost every kid watched in their childhood, in the early 2000s . And now we get to play it in real life. Thats what makes it such a huge success. πŸ™‚

      • It’s a real example of how you can ride some intertwining trends into a massive hit.

        Now if they can just get their servers stabilized. πŸ™‚

      • It was also the perfect time to launch this game. If you think of it, they have tapped onto our nostalgy of our childhood. Who do you think plays the game most?

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