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    Premise 2.0: The Complete Digital Sales and Lead Generation Engine for WordPress

    Premise 2.0: The Complete Digital Sales and Lead Generation Engine for WordPress

    Reader Comments (257)

    1. Very friggin nice! I’ve already got Genesis…and I’m getting sold on the building membership sites and payment features with Premise.

      One question: I already have a merchant account and use it for off-line orders. Can I get credit card payment info from Premise instead of using PayPal or Authorize.net?

      Thanks again for a job well done!

      • Hey Sam – You’ll need an Authorize.net gateway to connect your merchant with Premise. Using PayPal is an additional option (separate from your merchant account).

        • Thanks for the info Tony! Problem is I’m in Italy with a merchant account and Authorize.net doesn’t accept accounts outside the USA.
          If Premise 2.0 gets the billing info from a client…then I would handle the payment process off-line. Is it possible?
          Sorry to be a pain.

        • Brett, the upgrade for existing owners is free if you’re an existing Premise Ultimate customer, or if you’re in your first 6 months on the Starter Plan. If you’re outside of 6 months, the upgrade to Ultimate for you is only $10, but that price ends today.

        • P.S. One last thing. Can it handle, say, orders for a coffee shop or t-shirt shop that have no electronic products? The coffee shop would have dozens of products and use the system to get advance orders that customers would pick up on arrival. The t-shirt shop would obviously use the system to process orders, then ship physical products.

    2. Bought it!
      I already own several landingpage themes and plugins for wordpress. But premise has options the other solutions don’t have. Not to buy at the current price would be plain stupid. I’m looking forward to building new sites with it. Thanks for that discount and all the new features.

    3. Sweet! I’m so excited about this upgrade! I’ve been using Premise for several months now, and I love it. On some of my client sites, I have had to mix and match plugins to achieve what Premise 2.0 does out of the box. Wow! This is going to save me time AND money. Thanks, y’all!

    4. I’d been using Premise 1.0 to deliver my online course using password protected pages. But this ups the game for me times 10.

      I spent the weekend converting my membership site to Premise 2.0 and I was smiling as I did the work. Getting this huge of a free upgrade feels like g

    5. Really awesome!

      Just one more thing…

      Being located in the Netherlands and using different payment options, is there a way to accept other kinds of payment methods? 🙂

    6. After playing with it a bit, I see it’s going to take some practice to get the hang of using it.

      with the new features it’s an absolute steal. No way I wasn’t grabbing this 2.0!

    7. I couldn’t resist.. great offer.

      I’m currently using Amember, optimizepress and a third party plugin to integrate everything with wordpress. Yea I know.. it’s crazy.

      From what I read above, I’ll be able to get rid of the Frankenstein process I created – and only Use Premise (correct me if I’m wrong)… I’m releasing an ebook in the next few weeks and if everything goes well.. I’ll be doing a video review real soon

      thanks guys..

      • Hector, we’ve done the same sort of “Frankenstein configuration” ourselves. This is the product we wanted 5 years ago, so we’re happy to make it available now to anyone who sees the value in an integrated solution.

    8. This looks great, however what is the license for the software?
      Can I use the plugin on multiple sites or just one?
      Am I also allowed to customise the code?


      • You can use it on multiple sites. As far as the code, any changes would be overwritten with an upgrade, so keep that in mind.

        • @Marlene, Thanks for the reply, I’m glad you can use it on multiple domains. That was my main concern.

          @Tony That is a good point… I would have to keep an eye on that.

          • If you think there is something missing, or some functionality that Premise should have – please submit it through our helpdesk and we’ll consider adding it to the core Premise plugin.

      • I am curious about the same thing… is it a CMS — allowing multipule sites to be managed with relative ease — or more for single site management?!

    9. Excellent upgrade. Definitely recommending this to clients and as part of my product creation course. 4.5 stars. One area to improve is the GUI, a little more intuitive please. The new features feel hidden in the old interface. Also adding ClickBank as a processing option is a most. Can’t wait for version 2.1, 2.2…3.0 😉

    10. I just want to clarify, is the upload file space unlimited? For example, it’s ok to do a video course vs. a pdf course and deliver it with this system? Also, does Premise have an annual renewal?

    11. I never thought about using my site to “create high value content libraries that require email registration for access”. I’ve always just used Mailchimp for this, and that’s all.

      Any examples of sites doing this?

      • No, because access levels aren’t directly tied to membership accounts. A member is given access levels based on what products they have purchased.

        So, to give a member a particular access level, they need to “order” a Product that has gives them that access level.

        Hopefully that makes sense.

        • it does & that was the only option I was seeing (Granted, I’ve not really made a bunch of test products and such so far).

          Next thought is – is there a way to create an “order” for a discount (of free or whatever)?

          I’m trying to figure out which systems I can replace with Premise 2.0 and which I cannot.

            • thanks, my current thought is that Premise 2.0 is great for anyone starting out, but for established groups/system/biz who have been doing similar it might or might not be quite ready.

              I look forward when two groups I help out could switch to Premise, but importing exsting members (in some way) and offering discounts on products to members are two of the things one not-for-profit group would really want.

            • We’re going to be moving our main membership products (Teaching Sells and Third Tribe) to Premise. We’ve been doing this a long time and got tired of waiting for the plugin we wanted. So we built it 🙂

    12. Ok, this sounds very, very interesting indeed!
      Does use of Premise 2.0 makes sense for me in Germany, for a German audience? Are there options to choose or switch language into German? And: supports Premise 2.0 the WPML Multilingual-Plugin?

      • Tim, because Premise landing pages remove sidebars and other distractions, they are mobile-friendly out of the box. Same with product, log-in and check-out pages.

    13. In looking into Papal Express, looks like that integrates with an existing shopping cart/check out system. The Premise program acts as the shopping cart because I don’t have one, I just have regular biz paypal?

          • Actually, I found another wrinkle. Paypal Express only allows people with a Paypal account to pay that way, unless you have it set for allowing “guest payments” meaning to accept credit cards like the standard Paypal biz account does.

            If it is not set up that way, I need another option it sounds like. Being that I don’t have a merch account, does this mean I’d have to have that plus the AuthorizeNet gateway in order to take payments with Premise from anyone who does not use Paypal?

    14. One quick question that I could not find in reading through the comments.
      My current setup has it where when a person purchases a product they are then given access to a ‘site’ in my multisite setup. This site will hold all of my product documentation, forums, help videos (custom post-types),etc.

      The advantage of this for me is that I can protect ‘any’ members-only content I wish to for paying members because technically they are getting access to a new ‘site’ in the multisite setup when they purchase the corresponding product.

      This setup also makes it crazy easy for me to add a new product for sale along with a complete support network dedicated to the product. The best part is I can have tons of products, all with their own support network and I only have to maintain one set of WordPress code as it’s multisite.

      Is this plugin capable of doing something like this?
      (It was hard to tell from the post above as the post really doesn’t get into the behind the scenes ‘how it works’ to much).

      Mainly I was wanting the ability to use bbPress as after years of using vBulletin I am so happy to finally dump that piece of software and go native with a true wp forum.


    15. Questions:

      – Does it include a shopping cart (buyer can add multiple digital product to cart)?
      – Does it allow creating plans (different user levels) and include a possibility to upgrade from a lower plan to a higher plan (customer can upgrade at a later point)?


      • Premise currently only supports single product purchase. You can create as many plans/products as you like and include access levels in multiple products. Customers can purchase multiple products but there isn’t support for upgrades per se in this version.

    16. I am in the middle of purchasing a pro account for a different membership program. Had it on my to do list for tomorrow.

      I have lots of workshops. Each workshop has a mini site where the materials are housed.

      I need a system that allows me to have someone purchase a single workshop and get access to that mini site only within my domain And I need the system to automatically do all the boring stuff once I spend time setting it up… {ie: handle the paypal for purchase/expiration/refund, assign user/pass, send them a registration link/ welcome email}.

      The product I am using right now is setup for levels which doesn’t work for me. I don’t need ‘levels’ I need ‘membership areas’.

      Will Premise get me where I need to be? Please tell me it will as that would be like my dreams suddenly came true 🙂

      • I can’t tell exactly, but it sounds like what we’ve set up for some of our sites, and that’s what Premise is designed to do. But if it doesn’t work for you, that’s why we have the 30-day refund period 🙂

        • Thanks for your quick reply. I’m going to head on over and check it out. I really hope I won’t need that refund as I really need a good solution! I’ve got a little time before the next workshop is due out so this is great timing all the way around. Thank you so much for releasing this out to the public for others to benefit from!
          Thanks also goes to Mark McGuinness for sending out an update today about this product which brought me here today.

          • My pleasure Christy. I love using Premise on my own sites and when I saw the new features I thought I should let you know. 🙂 Plus I know Tony and the team will take good care of you.

    17. Excuse my ignorance, I’m setting up my website and I own Premise and really like the look of the new features, but would this obviate the need for Gravity forms or are they quite different animals.


      • Hi Debra,
        I would say that’s two different purposes. Even though with Gravity Forms we would use it to make a purchase gateway because it integrates with Authorize.net and Paypal, it’s mainly a one stand form system.
        Premise, as I can check for the preview is a more straight forward process to integrate a certain kind of functionality like membership sites and a paywall system as well. In short, Premise is for Landing-Pages with a built-in payment platform if needed to buy digital products or subscriptions, but not ending here, it moves around the WordPress code to make some directories only for members. Gravity Forms is a more simple plugin to insert forms that integrates with a lot of other services as well.

        Sorry for the long explanation. I hope I could be more clear about it.

    18. Any examples of a membership site in action? And any examples of how a digital product can be sold using Premise?

      And will there be the gold-standard “copyblogger” advice built in for building successful membership sites?

      Love. It.

    19. Ahh finally,

      A Learning Management System that will put the old, clunky, flash based systems to shame. I can’t wait to use for myself and with my clients.

      Way to go Copyblogger Team


    20. Just to clarify, if I can’t use Authorize.net (because I’m not based in the USA), and I don’t want to use PayPal (because I don’t like it), can I still take credit card details through Premise and manually process the payment through my own merchant facility?

      If so, what is the security surrounding the storage of credit card details? What, if anything, should I do to ensure all risk (within reason) is removed of a security breach occurring with me stuck in the middle looking stupid?

      • Premise requires a gateway to take the credit card. For security reasons, it relies on the gateway to store and process and doesn’t store card info locally.

        • Cool, I’m happy that nothing is stored locally. Thanks Tony.

          But then that means my choices are limited to Authorize.net or Paypal, right? I’m not knocking this; for what it is worth, I think it is tremendous value, I just want to be clear on this point.

    21. Just picked up Premise 2.0. This rocks. Thanks guys.

      Is it WPMS compatible? Can I run multiple, separate memberships on separate domains on MS? How will it scale? For the record, thinking not about the large network Chris Cree and I are building (more soon) but rather my own sites as I consolidate them to an MS install.

      And to Brian G – the new dmiracle.com will be on a modified version of the new Streamline child theme soon (finally).

      • Glad you like it Dawud. Yes, it’s WPMS compatible, but you would only be able to have one vBulletin forum for the entire network (if you have vB). Other than that, it’s all segregated by individual site.

        • Right on. What I’ve seen so far, this is awesome. You guys do so such great work that I’m looking forward to leveraging Premise and looking for what’s next.

          And one of these days we’ll have to get back on the phone and catch up. Til then, brother.

      • And to Brian G – the new dmiracle.com will be on a modified version of the new Streamline child theme soon (finally).

        Can’t wait to see it (finally) come to fruition! I know, it’s hard to work on your own site when you’re so busy building (killer) client sites!

        • It is certainly about time. I’ve built about 150 sites in Genesis – many child theme mods, but a good number of custom designs. I’m certainly hitched to Genesis. Now just have to make my site official.

      • Yes. You’re an existing Premise customer on our Starter Plan, so in line with this $95 promo, you’re getting the chance to upgrade your Starter plan to Ultimate (which has unlimited updated, support, API access) for $10.

    22. Wow guys – this sounds totally AWESOME!
      I’ve spent my fair share of time trying to figure out “Frankenstein” approaches as well. Thankfully figured things out using OptimizePress, WishList etc.
      Having something that provides EVERYTHING (and from CoppyBlogger media no less) is incredibly tempting though! (Not to mention the fact that I paid the same for two WishList installations with only a year of upgrades!)

      Didn’t see it mentioned, but is there easy Aweber integration (helping customers get signed up for email list)?
      Can I use SimplePress instead of VBulletin?
      I’m sure some of you (CopyBlogger folks) must have used WishList before. How would you say this compares in terms of features and ease of use?
      Do I have at least a few days to decide – or is this a 24 hours or less kinda situation?

      I owe a StudioPress developers package already, and basically hang on your every word these days (haha), so the possibilities certainly look VERY exciting – especially since I know you guys will only improve this product over time!

      Sorry for the eyeful! Looking forward to your responses!


      • Bentley, yes on the Aweber integration. It’s been tied to the Aweber API since the beginning. No to SimplePress at the moment, but we’ll be adding forum options based on user feedback.

        • Hmmm…I would have thought with basic page protection (undoubtedly one of the features of your membership component), installing SimplePress and adding it to a page wouldn’t have been an issue at all (unlike other forums that go in their own directory etc) – or are you simply saying that there is no specific integration features within Premise to easily add a SimplePress forum?

        • Premise 2.0 is really rocking my world…fabulous is a word that comes to mind. And a word I’ve come to use almost anytime you all put out a new product or upgrade.

          Follow-up question on Aweber integration. I’ve got 2.0 and I’m trying to figure out how someone who buys a product, for example, would be able to get added to an Aweber list as part of the process. Is that a current feature? Thanks!

    23. Just to say that this have come in handy. I was having a hard time creating a product using a mix of WordPress, Genesis, Premise and Gravity Forms, not forgetting a lot other plugins that would overload my wordpress instalation and your message yesterday was like a lifesaver.
      Thanks a lot for your hard work guys.

      • There is no direct 1-to-1 conversion mechanism at this point. I imagine at some point, we’ll probably create conversion tools for the services that get the most requests.

    24. I have the same question as Shaun above. Can this replace WishList Member? (I only have one level of membership. ) I also have a shopping cart that I’d love to ditch. Do you need to have a security certificate for the transactions?

      • Yes on WishList Member. I know Premise facilitates secure transactions (of course) but I want Tony or Gardner to address your second question specifically.

      • Re: Security Cert: If you only use PayPal, you can probably get away without one. But Authorize.net (and your merchant account provider) will probably require you use one. We use DigiCert for all of ours and they’re relatively inexpensive and have great support.

    25. Hi
      I asked 2 questions above, but I guess it was missed, so they are:

      – Does it include a shopping cart (buyer can add multiple digital products to cart)?
      – Does it allow creating plans (different user levels) and include a possibility to upgrade from a lower plan to a higher plan (customer can upgrade at a later point)?


      • No, on both questions.

        With digital products and memberships, a shopping cart becomes less of a necessity, as you can create products that contain multiple access levels.

        For instance, at StudioPress, we sell Genesis and Child Themes. But we also sell a Pro-Plus package product that includes access to everything.

        If we created access levels for each child theme, all we would need to do is make sure the Pro-Plus product gives the buyer access to every access level, so that logged in members that have purchased Pro-Plus can have access to download every child theme.

        I’m sure that doesn’t cover every use-case, but for a first pass, it’s a pretty robust solution.

        As for the ability to upgrade from one plan to another, this is probably something we’ll handle when we start work on the coupon/discount code feature.

    26. I just installed Premise 2.0 but the ‘Enable Membership Module’ option doesn’t show up in the Main Settings panel. This was a first install not an upgrade as the site was still in development when I purchased the plugin last year.

    27. I am currently in the process of researching membership software – I had decided on WishList Member (before I received your email about Premise 2). I appreciate that you would not want to be critical of any other software but I would really value your opinion on why I should choose Premise 2 over WishList Member.
      Thank you

    28. My new Wordpres site isn’t ready, and it won’t be for a few months. But, I would like to have Premise, and I’d like to purchase it at this reduced rate. Is there a way to get it now, and not use it for a month or two?

    29. Hi Brian,

      I have this same problem No Enable Membership Module option for me to check … I have never used this plugin before so this is not an upgrade… I contacted support … any idea how long it will be as I’m itching to have a go with it!

      Thanks Again,

    30. Ended up just grabbing this without any further thought – hard to go wrong with unlimited use and upgrades.

      Couple more questions:
      1) Does premise offer any split-testing functionality?
      2) If we were to create a site for someone else, would there be a special developer rate for an additional installation (presumably the current package does NOT come with developer rights).



      • Yes on split-testing.

        If you use it for a client, you have to provide support. If you want them to have access to our support team and member content, they’ll need their own account and API key. But that’s up to you.

    31. Bently, yes … one the prime original features of Premise was the ability to split-test landing pages from WordPress, using either Google Website Optimizer or Visual Website Optimizer.

      On the developer rate, not at the moment, but it’s something we’re considering. Need to let the dust clear from this launch first. 😉

      • Thanks guys (and sorry I didn’t read through the premise features a bit more thoroughly)

        This is outstanding value!!

        One comment (from Nathan) above has me a little puzzled, though. Are you saying I can’t have “Bronze”, “Silver”, “Gold” (for example) membership levels, whereby people can pay more and receive access to more as a result?

        Also – having the ability to buy multiple digital products (via shopping cart) seems to me to be a very useful feature. If I have a membership that includes a variety of different reports etc, but want to offer them as standalone products for those who didn’t want to commit to the membership, that would be cool (not critical – but still potentially helpful).

        Thanks again


        • Bentley, you can sell single products, and then create bundled combinations of those products. That’s what we do at StudioPress. For example, you can buy Genesis, or Genesis and a child theme design, or buy Genesis and every child theme design. All of that is doable with Premise.

        • Keep in mind, even though this is Premise 2.0, the membership module is a new set of features. So we’ve tried to capture the 90% in the release, but there will be more to come. And with auto-updates, those enhancements get pushed out as soon as they’re done and tested.

            • It depends on the timeline. As requests come in to the helpdesk (that’s where they’re collected for evaluation) we’ll prioritize and see what’s involved. Some we may just push out, others may take longer. For the longer ones, in a future release, we may post or send to the Premise members.

            • Right on. Just wondering. I know one feature I think is paramount is members being able to upgrade/downgrade their membership with fees and access being auto-updated.

              Is that feature in yet (sorry, I’m waiting for the membership module to kick in – Daisy said something about API cache being a problem – so I can’t see the member’s module yet – though I’m chompin’ at the bit).

    32. What I’m looking for specifically is having a private discussion on that protected page instead of setting up a forum. I see that it protects the content but does it protect the comments section as well?

    33. Hi I run a recipe portal done using php from ground up. I’m now moving it to WordPress. The members/subscribers can access the recipes for free but the have to register first to get access. I have at least 50,000 registered subscribers. I now plan to charge a membership fee to Premium members (access to more recipes, print them, access to instructional videos on cooking, access to a meal planner, and the likes) say USD 12.00. Now there 2 levels of membership (Level 1 – FREE, Level 2- PREMIUM / PAID). Is this the membership site that Premise 2.0 is offering? Will Premise 2.0 address my needs? If Yes, then I’ll be a new customer.

      • If I understand correctly… Product 1 access to a limited set of content with an email opt-in. Product 2 access to more content for a fee. If that’s the case, then yes.

        • Will premise 2.0 integrate with a registration plugin (http://www.mikevanwinkle.com/simplr-registration-form-plus/). I need this to customize my registration page to capture more info from my members. Do I still need this plugin or Premise 2.0 can do this already? After capturing members info, they can login manage their account. I need a function to allow members to edit their profile pages? Can premise do this? Thanks a lot.

    34. I realized I should have probably posted this as a new comment instead of reply so it’s easier to see…

      Tony – what affiliate management will it integrate with, can you list a couple or recommend one? (I know you use ShareASale, but the setup fee is beyond what makes sense for me at this stage) This will make or break my decision to buy aMember vs. use Premise for a site I am in the process of setting up after being a part of the fantastic Teaching Sells course.


    35. Hi,

      I have a basic question… I’m a bit confused..?
      >>>> I want a professional looking website with membership integration, landing pages, email
      marketing and option to improved GUI from time to time.. is premise 2.0 the best solutions ?

    36. do I need to buy a studio press theme for a good looking site or premises also can be use for a blog/website type of site. thanks!

      • Though people do use Premise for an entire site, those are usually mini-sites for specific sales funnels and goals. You’ll probably want a theme for the rest of your site, and of course, we recommend StudioPress 🙂

    37. In the membership site facility, is there a way to get a report showing which members have logged in over a specific period, and even how long they were accessing the site for?

    38. Anyone else having trouble with the purchase page opening? I’ve tried it in a few different browsers, as well as on my phone. Did the $95 offer crash your sever?

    39. I have a question about using Paypal with recurring membership subscriptions. Your copy indicates that this is possible, but in my experience paypal doesn’t integrate with recurring payments on 1shoppingcart or WishList member. Is this really possible with Premise or is it only possible with Authorize.net?

      • Right now, they will be able to renew via their account page with PayPal. You can set up auto-recurring with Authorize.net. We plan to integrate PayPal’s newer API to handle recurs.

    40. I was having problems getting to the purchase page for a while too. Almost gave me a panic attack!! But now I’ve got our copy of Premise and am off to install. We were just planning a major website re-do next week and your plugin came just in time. I’m sure I’ll have questions along the way but right now – it’s feeling like Christmas around here:)

      Thanks both Brians and Tony!!

    41. When will the current or expanded tutorials be ready in the membership area?

      Also, what is the approximate date for the next update?

      If we haven’t installed Premise yet, and this is the first time, do we just install the new 2.0 without 1.0?

    42. I purchased this yesterday afternoon, and it took about 12 hours for the “enable membership options” box to show up. I just wanted to mention this in case people think there is a problem with their installation.

      I want to set up an online course, where the content drips out in a step by step order. Week one- go do this. Week 2- go do this. Week 3- the next step. I am not clear if that is best done with blog posts, pages, or products (like a downlable pdf file).

      I’m a little overwhelmed with Premise and all its options at the moment, but I hope I can configure it to make it work. Having sample pages, or sample sites, would be helpful.

      • Thanks so much for letting us know that it could take several hours for the “enable membership options” box to show. i was beginning to wonder what I had done wrong. Now I can sleep in peace.

      • I had a similar problem and Daisy from support gave me an idea:

        In WP – under Dashboard go to ‘Updates.’ Click the ‘Check Again’ button – which resets the database cache (which is what she explained the problem was). Then, go check to see if the Membership option shows up. She shared this with me about 10 minutes after it appeared organically for me. But she sounded pretty certain this would speed along the caching issue.

        Hope this helps.

    43. Just to be totally clear for a newbie – does Premise do everything that Wishlist does in terms of building membership sites? I was just about to buy Wishlist, but Premise looks promising…!

    44. Premise 2.0 sounds like what I’ve been looking for. I currently use Google Checkout for payment and I understand you will add other gateways (like Checkout) in the future. Is Checkout on the short list of additional gateways?

      • We’ll be adding gateways based on the number of requests by Premise customers. So submit a ticket in the member area to be sure your suggestion is added.

    45. Hey!

      I love Premise since 1.03 but I’ve got a problem which was adressed here several times:

      Is it normal that it takes so long to accept my Premise API key? I’ve been waiting about 24h now.

      On another domain of mine it’s working 🙂

      Can you give me a clou?

    46. Love You Guys – Just posted this on FB for friends and friends of friends… Thanks for all you do…

      https://copyblogger.com/premise-2/ This Rocks! If you are a WordPress developer then you really should check out Copy Blogger and jump on this Premise offer. No affiliate spiffs coming my way, just pure sharing the love type of post.

      • We haven’t had any reports of issues with payments — either via credit card or PayPal. If you haven’t already, contact support. I’ll follow up with them to make sure they look into it.

    47. I just got another membership plugin a few months ago (not naming names) but I’m finding it hard to resist all the extra elements to Premise…..hmm gona have to bite the bullet, its a bit too good to pass up!


    48. Hi, I’m looking to sell how-to videos, but don’t want them downloadable. I was thinking of maybe using Vimeo and requiring a pw for viewing. Would Premise allow me to do that, or to somehow offer video as a “view only”? I’m a little new to this all and haven’t explored all the technicalities of what I need, but sounds like Premise would work great if it can do this. Thx.

      • If you host the video on your site, you can protect it with Premise. If you host with Vimeo, you’d need a business account to allow access only via your domain, then protect the page where you embed it with Premise. Either method would work.

    49. This looks great, especially the digital downloads!

      Just two questions on digital downloads: 1.) can the “add to cart buttons” with link to the shopping cart be placed within external files which are included in the Premise 2.0 using an iframe? I have a 1,000+ of digital products to offer and must use a database to achieve the type of querying my customers need to find the right product. The iframe containing the database list view works just fine in WP (using the excellent Studiopress Pro Plus themes that is!); 2. ) will the url to the digital product download be unique to each transaction and expireable or will it be static potentially allowing multiple unauthorized downloads?

      Thank you.

    50. Premise 2.0 looks amazing and I’m considering it as plugin for my studio press theme, however I’m stuck, because I have recently discovered Kajabi and OptimizePress.

      So, I have a simple question and I will decide based on the answer. Here it comes:
      “Why is Premise 2.0 better than Kajabi or OptimizePress?”

      I like Premise, but I am more incline to by OptimizePress because I already use it in other business, so let me know why should I choose Premise 2.0 instead.


      Vaclav Gregor

    51. I just received the new update (2.0.1) and received this when I tried to install it:

      “The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature”

      I’m using Premise on a new domain with a fresh wordpress install (3.3.1) and no information yet.

      Was the new update faulty, any ideas?


    52. I’m wanting to set a site with online courses that have different fees. Is this possible and is there a limit to the number ? Is it possible for each user to have their own start and end date? thanks

    53. Can you change the width of the pages in Premise to be different from your theme’s?

      I’m curious about using Premise for Facebook tabbed app pages that can now go to 810px. My theme is wider than this. Also, I’d love to be able to integrate other plug-ins’ shortcodes (e-commerce) on Premise landing pages. Is this possible?

    54. I notice you mention embedding videos from youtube via their embed code. Is it possible to add your own videos with Premise (such as from Amazon S3, Screencast or my site)?
      Also, will other shortcode extender plugins work on pages created with Premise (eg: Shortcodes Deluxe or Shortcode Magic which add many options to Tiny mce editor – bullets styles, Johnson boxes, buttons & banners etc.)? Or is all this functionality in Premise, itself?

    55. Hi, we are considering premise for the landing page part of it, we don’t want to switch theme, would we be able to leverage the landing page features with our existing theme?

      • Mari, absolutely. Premise is a plugin, not a theme, so it works with your existing site without compromising anything that you’ve got.

    56. Hi guys,

      I’ve been building many sites with StudioPress, Genesis, and Premise and shall continue to do so. My partner and I love your systems!. But I’ve already become immersed in S2 Member and am about to make some very important moves with clients. Before I do, what is the benefit of choosing your membership software over S2? I went through the comments and didn’t see anyone asking that. I want to be sure to offer the best solution as well as not have to work harder than necessary.

      • Ken, I’m not familiar with S2, and I thought I knew about all the membership site software out there. All I can tell you is Premise is what we wanted for our own membership sites, and we’ll be using what we built. 😉

      • I am actually running s2member right now. My biggest issue is that it assumes you only have one basic product and that you upgrade members. So say for instance my portrait class. I only need one level of membership. But I also have 5 other classes that are not about portraits running and someone in the portrait class doesn’t need access to the others. But s2 member gives everyone at level 4 access to the content of levels 3, 2, 1 and 0. It ties the content together.

        My current workaround was to install s2member on two different subdomains on my site. Until I ran into the limitation of assigning only one to my paypal correctly means I can only have one installation of s2.

        I am now trying out premise instead in the hopes that I can get it to do what I want. Which is to provide content based on membership and not have to ‘share’ that content across all levels.

        But alas I am in the middle of registration for a current class and cannot unhook the paypal until registration ends on 3/15. At that point I will be fully testing premise and fingers crossed it will be the solution.

        Then I need to decide if it will also work for my current shopping cart with loads of smaller digital items, or if I also need to keep eCommerce.

      • And I did read about running s2 in multisite mode, but honestly, it is a bit complicated, lots of things you have to do where with Premise from what I have been able to determine so far there are no additional crazy things to be done. It is all within the plugin and I am not running around changing a bunch of files or setting up a lot of additional settings. Premise is more ‘user friendly’ in that way that makes an ex web dev like me really happy.

        • Christy:There is a video in the Startup Guide outlining how you can make the site one level and then make infinite package and one item offerings. No need for any levels. I realize this is not the place to go deep on competition but it helps to know what’s what. Some PHP comes into play but with the Genesis Hooks plugin, I see no big issues for implementation.

          I am actually concerned in the opposite direction. S2 would seem to be more complex but it makes sense to me. I would want to know if Premise was as robust. I own both and like both.

          Brian: S2 is a plugin. You can get the free version, which is actually the platform. Most everything is there to go to town. S2 Pro offers more options and power, like anything. You can find it with a plugin search and they have a website, as well.

          Again, I’m not here to cause a row or collect affil fees. That’s why I included no links. I just want to know if I can have the power of the one with what I perceive to be the ease of the other. My partner and I have been extremely happy with StudioPress, Genesis, and Premise. If we can keep everything under one roof, then we will.

    57. Are there plans to create a forum for Premise users? I am a registered user and am running into many questions.
      One vexing issue for me is that I can’t figure out if it is possible to allow membership signup with no purchase. The help files show how to individually allow a single member at a time complementary access but don’t indicate if you can provide membership without payment.

      • Hi Ron. What you do is first a create a product that contains the content you want to provide in exchange for registration. Then when you create your opt-in landing page, you connect free sign-up with that product (there’s an option as fart of the opt-in form builder.

        I’ll check the help files to see if we can make that clearer.

        • Brian,
          Thanks for your response but I’m still not sure Premise 2.0 can perform this function. I have product that will be protected content. In order to access that content I want the user to provide their email address via the Aweber optin form I have created. I also need Premise to make them a user, or member.
          From what I understand after using Premise 2.0 for a couple of weeks, you can only make a person a user or member of your WordPress site through a checkout page, and that requires them to buy something, or at the least for me to pay to have an SSL certificate for a product with a purchase price of zero.

    58. Has anyone who purchased actually set-up their membership site yet? I’m having trouble figuring out how all the parts tie together. The guide seems to have implied knowledge that I don’t have, although normally I’m pretty good with getting things to work. I think I might have to pay a developer to explain it to me. Can anyone recommend someone or is there a forum I can go to?

      • Hi Reba,
        I see what you mean because I was finding it a little difficult to understand at first as well. It’s not very intuitive at first. But if we follow the instructions and check the tutorials at the help-page we can do it. I’m in the last phase of my own membership platform and is almost finished with no hassle.
        I hope my experience can help you. 😉

        • Thanks for the encouragement Nui but I read it through and through, I set-up all the pages, but it doesn’t tell you how to tie them together so your customer can navigate around. I’m inches from giving up, just testing the landing pages part to see if I really want the product. That part is looking hopeful, thank goodness.

    59. I am using Infusionsoft for sending e-newsletters. Does Premise integrate with infusionsoft or will I need to switch to aweber? Thanks!

        • Susan and Tony, Premise works specifically with the APIs of Aweber, MailChimp, and Constant Contact. It also works with any other email provider (including InfusionSoft) with their HTML form code. API integration may be preferable, but all an email form is is code that can be dropped in any page made with Premise.

    60. I just got home from the office and forgot my wallet! Extend this one day pretty please? Product looks like exactly what I have been looking for… – Freddys

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