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    Will OnSwipe be the Mobile Publishing Platform of Choice for the New Influencers?

    Will OnSwipe be the Mobile Publishing Platform of Choice for the New Influencers?

    Reader Comments (28)

    1. Shane:

      I just read your post today and now I’ll listen to the audio interview.

      I’m in total agreement that mobile is the future. I’ve also seen this said in other video and mobile blogs.

      It’s always a pleasure when you post, as it carries a technology slant, coupled with a spice of marketing.


    2. Thanks Randy –

      I do try to get spicy when I can! This is definitely mixing marketing and technology but it’s doing so in a way that allows you to really tell your story far and wide.

      I feel that this represents a new level of how we weave together our content and I am pleased to see this forthcoming.

    3. Shane,

      Awesome awesome interview and glad we got it out there! Seriously, one of my favorite interviews I’ve done so far.

      Happy to answer any questions as well.

      • Thanks Jason! I not only appreciated your time but what you guys are doing…it’s going to make a dent in the universe 🙂

    4. Good article. I don’t think that it’s an either/or type of thing as both mediums will continue to co-exist for sometime. A lot of people talk about about the web being the great equalizer without understanding the real reason that a lot of publisher’s went the OS specific route in the first place. It’s not just about the content.. it’s about be able to do something to stand out from the crowd.

      The problem with websites was that since anyone could create one, established media outlets were also competing with companies like the Huffington Post and a ton of other smaller blogs & sites. Due to cost and technical requirements, there’s a barrier to entry on most magazine apps.

      The audience tends to spend more time reading magazine content in those apps as opposed to the same articles on the web. Will web apps solve this? We’ll have to wait and see.

      Either way, I’m for whatever works. We are a publisher of iPad magazines and we are about to launch another publication using the Treesaver technology that Nomad Editions made popular. In addition we’re also be utilizing Jason’s OnSwipe technology as well.

    5. This is very intriguing. To be honest, I haven’t given the though of mobile surfing much thought. I’ll go check them out.

      • Definitely check it out Todd! And it’s more about telling your marketing story than anything else…they are just giving us an amazing way to do that for a massively emerging market

      • Hi Shane,

        I’m new in commenting here so i thought introducing myself would be helpful.
        My name is Momo, i’m a 14 Year Old Blogger. I own a blog called iPhoneFuze which i recently finished designing.

        I just wanted to say, Excellent post! Very inspiring, and clever!

        I think ALL blogs should have a simple and clean mobile theme. More and more people, these days, are using the Smartphones to access millions of blogs around the world. And i bet you, some are accessing your blog with an iPhone right now at this very second!

        I’ve seen a WordPress Plugin called “WP-Touch” which gives your blog a customizable theme which only Smartphone Users can see. There’s also a “Switch to Original Theme” Button if your worrying about them missing your Awesome Blog Design. I totally recommend it to ALL Bloggers. It’s fantastic and soo easy!

        Anyway, Thanks Again for the Great Post!

        • Hey Momo, welcome. One thing, what Onswipe does is create a rich-media experience that goes well beyond a simple mobile theme like WP Touch. In other words, it creates an app-like experience on a tablet or other smart mobile device, but without the app. It all comes from the web (as it should).

          • Wow! Hi Brian, i never would have expected a reply from you… it’s an honour, Really!

            Anyway, OnSwipe sounds really good and huge but i’ve got a few questions?

            1. Will my blog still contain most of its features such as Sidebars, Navigation, Footer, Widgets ect?

            2. Will it work with WordPress Theme Frameworks like Thesis?

            3. Is it compatible with SmartPhones like the iPhone?

            4. Do we have full control of the design and look of the Theme?

            By the way Shane, it’s an honour speaking to you too 😀

        • Hey Momo,

          I echo exactly what Brian said. It’s more about weaving together your content “story” and presenting it in a way that readers can experience it without needing an app, etc. Truly exciting what is to come.

    6. Especially for visual artists such as us photographers, we need to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to attractive presentation – on the web, by mobile, on tablets. In this industry as in many others, any service or software or tool that allows us to focus on what we do best – creating art, marketing our services – instead of all the necessary but tertiary work, is a godsend.

      I’ve signed up for the OnSwipe beta – I look forward to seeing how it pans out!

      • James –

        Exactly, and well stated. When you are out there telling your story whether it’s via a blog, or photos, or video, or even social networking it’s all about bringing that together and giving readers a cohesive experience.

    7. I think the idea is fantastic, yet the following quote I read online raised a few questions/issus:

      OnSwipe’s model works much like mobile versions of websites do: A publication’s server is set up to recognize when a swipe-enabled touch device such as the iPad is requesting a webpage, and redirects them to a different version of the site hosted by OnSwipe.

      1. The Third Tribe digs having their own content on their own site, so I’m curious as to how this dependency on someone else’s site for content distribution will strike them.

      2. How will this service monitize if it’s not an app or a plugin? Will ISPs pay for the added value they can provide (as they now do by saying they support WordPress), or will content providers pay so their sites operate as they should with OnSwipe functionality?

      • 1. It’s all your own branding, name, etc. It’s no different than relying upon someone like Rackspace or Amazon for infrastructure.

        2. We’re looking to monetize with beautiful advertising. ie- we help you make money and then get a small cut. Traditional numbers in line with iAds and other premium publishers.

        Hope this helps!

    8. I might be having kind of a dense day, but I’m confused this product. On the one hand it seems like it’s going to take your regular website and make it “app-like” on tablets, which is great. (More than great.) But then there’s this bit about unifying your social brand and pulling in all your content streams, and I’m just not seeing the picture you guys are trying to draw. Can you expand on how this side of things works?

      • Hi Joe –

        Yeah….as I understand it you are right on both accounts…so basically what will happen is that you can configure it pretty much anyway you want to initially…by having it capture aspects of your site and then you can choose to also bring in other areas such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram…etc. Jason mentioned that it’s infinitely customizable so I’m sure they have some cool stuff in store.

        Then, once you have it set how you want it, a visitor will be able to see that and interact with it once they reach your site…now imagine how amazing that would be from a content marketing standpoint and from the customer’s point of view?

        I hope that helps clarify?

        • That helps, Shane. Sounds like it’s a bit like some of the mobile website building tools, except without all the painful compromises. I’m looking forward to checking it out.

          • Exactly. It’s like the “less complicated” version of trying to build out your own platform…I’m super excited about it because I see the energy these guys have and their passion for the industry so I know that whatever comes of this will be good 🙂

    9. This is so promising to hear because print media gets annoying in the way that they will not feature certain companies or service providers without strong arming you to advertise in their magazine. I experience this in my wood floor contracting business where companies that are full of it post articles in popular home magazines that are misleading because they run ads all year round.

      I think that the really great part about this platform will be that it potentially will add accuracy to the content distributed online because more people can add input to fact check the charlatans

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