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    3 Grim Realities about Online Authority that Will Make You Smile

    3 Grim Realities about Online Authority that Will Make You Smile

    Reader Comments (22)

    1. Hi Pamela,

      Nice post! I agree with you on the whole persistence and hard work thing. Most people don’t have those 2 things in order to build online authority. I myself have experienced those things before :), and I hope I can learn from it and continue my hard work!

      Thanks again for this post! Shared it on Twitter 😉


      • Iqbal, thanks for sharing!

        Persistence and hard work aren’t very glamorous, but when we commit to them our authority grows. It’s not easy but it works.

    2. Pamela, what an article, great solid advice, in a form of concentrated and digestible doze for any blogger or content marketer to be more precise.

      Yes, the noise has increased but there is always a demand for pure, clear and quality information to serve the readers. I would have really loved if you had said how long it takes to build an authority but you nicely didn’t. I fully appreciate that there is no easy answer to that. For those who are reading, if there is one key take away from this article, that will be “be persistent”.

      Thanks again.

    3. I have one site where I worked hard on it for years. I’m grateful for that because my articles from years ago have authority in the search engines and bring me a constant stream of visitors/leads. It does make me smile. 🙂

      But, for the past few months, I haven’t been very consistent on that site as I’ve been busy with ghostwriting, and I’m also grateful for that! Why? This past weekend I had a problem with my site and I had to restore to my last backup, which was 97 days ago! Thank god I didn’t have 97 days worth of articles lost. Although, I did lose some really good content that I worked hard on.

      The big lesson I learned is creating consistent and good content is great for business, but if you don’t backup your site and lose it all, it’s all for nothing.

    4. Hi Pamela!

      Thank you for this article! I loved the way you swerved our perspective from the grim and hopeless journey to one that is full of opportunities.

      Granted, nothing comes easy. Those who triumph have always been those who stuck around with their eyes laser focused on the target. Not many can endure the long, but those who hold on were never disappointed.

      Thank you, once again, Pamela. 🙂

    5. “Discernment” is an excellent word.

      Once upon a time, my biggest customer wrote blog posts for their customers. As I edited them daily, it occurred to me that we’d long since reached the point of shallow content and repetition, presumably targeted at bots and search engines that lacked in human discernment. They’ve since drifted away from that volume, which is fine by me.

      I’ve shared this article because I’d like to see all bloggers show that level of discernment. Plus, of course, sharing the good stuff makes me look like a great guy. I have discernment too. Sometimes I even use it.

    6. I’m glad content is changing. It’s because people are changing. More people realize that posting to create volume isn’t the same as posting for engagement (the proper goal). Now, if only the social tools would keep this in mind. Just the other day, I asked LinkedIn support (twitter) if they were throttling views (a la Facebook) as many stats have been dropping alarmingly since September. They claimed not…. yet when a group of LinkedIn users with many thousands of connections liked, shared and commented on each others’ posts, they didn’t see any real boost at all. #whatsupLinkedIn?

    7. Excellent article Pamela.

      The point that really resonated with me was the mere fact that building authority online takes time. So much truth in that statement.

      I have been writing my current blog for just 2 years now and I have seen people fall off the content creation wagon within a year or so of them starting – they did not give themselves the time they needed to succeed !

      Here’s to keep the fire lit no matter what happens.

      Enjoy the rest of your day.

      • Gee,

        It’s pretty amazing what pure persistence will get you. When I first started online, there were a lot of people I perceived as competitors. Most of them have moved on to something else now.

        Stick with it and good luck!

    8. This couldn’t not have come at a more perfect time. This completely reinforces what I’ve been telling people who feel like giving up. Change, experiment, learn your audience and most importantly stick with it. Perfect resource for reinforcement and education. Thank you!

    9. Consistence, persistence and time- three of the pillars of success. My biggest problem was (and still is) developing the patience to keep working and not expect immediate results. Great content and a great audience takes time and effort to develop and I really needed to be reminded of that this morning.

      Thanks for an incredible post, Pamela.

    10. Helpful article, Pamela. As a long time blogger, I agree that success takes time and that the rules are constantly changing. If I ran the same content as I did in 2005, when I started, my blog would be delisted in five minutes. Social media as we know it now didn’t exist then (remember MySpace 🙂 ). It was all about linking and how much you wanted to pay to have someone link to you. I cringe at the thought of that linking strategy now, but that was the way things worked in the early days. Thankfully Copyblogger has been updating us for over ten years on the proper strategies for success. I appreciate the 2016 update!

    11. Pamela, terrific post. True persistence is key, but equally, if not more importantly, is the ability to generate quality content consistently: Original thought, well researched content, clear business cases, creative and confidence in your own voice go along way. The trick is combining quality with persistence. Any magic formulas?

      • Hi Debbie,

        This is going to sound strange, but I think persistence is the answer. If you keep at it, and continue to learn and practice, the quality of your work should improve.

        And of course, keep reading Copyblogger. We’re here to inspire you!

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