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    Landing Page Makeover Clinic #5: HireAHelper.com

    Landing Page Makeover Clinic #5: HireAHelper.com

    Reader Comments (22)

    1. Awesome job Roberta,

      We are worried about doing a money back guarantee since we are only advertising for local college students and small businesses.

      Guaranteeing the service would be similar to the yellow pages guaranteeing the quality of the company that you select out of their listings. (We are only making 15% of the total sale, so a couple “jobs gone bad” would really kill our margins.)

      Same problem with a discount or sign up bonus… We make 15%, but 1/3 of that goes to credit card processing. So we could give a 10% discount and break even on the deal, or 5% and cut the margins even lower. Do you think its worth it considering that 98% of our customers (at least now) are first time users?

    2. Many companies “loss-leader” their introductory rates to attract new customers and focus on the LTV or lifetime value of those customers. There’s an old marketing “saw” – dollars to get ’em and pennies to keep ’em.”

      I didn’t get the initial sense that you were using a Yellow Pages model. If that’s the case, it strikes me you may want to further clarify your business model to eliminate any visitor confusion as to what they can/should expect from your service.

    3. They might consider changing out the clipart to photography that shows professional-looking “helpers” working on popularly-requested tasks. A picture is worth a thousand words, and the right image can help lend the credibility to augment the copy suggestions. As it stands right now, the clipart image isn’t adding any value.

    4. Any person can sign on as a helper, select the services they provide and get job requests.

      We process the credit card for them and then direct deposit the money, -15% commission when the job is completed.

      It isn’t exactly like the yellow pages, but its not exactly like a typical service provider either!

    5. Hey thanks for this one. Off topic – this site is exactly what I was looking for “HireAHelper.com” . . .

      On Topic I think the site is very well laid out complemented with nice comforting earth tones. The clip art is cute and it added to the comfort level. Really I wouldn’t change a thing. It’s a very nice site. So says all the others I forwarded the email to.

      Keep in mind I was not looking to critique any sites today. I just opened my email and saw the usual daily from CopyBlogger – FTW!

    6. having nightmare ‘contractor’ experience (work half done, drinking, theft etc. – we renovate our homes)…safety is Key. So is someone that speaks my language (english). Whatever you can do to make me feel secure (background check your people?) is a BIG thing. I picked my carpet cleaning service because they advertized all employees have background checks. Most people will spend a few dollars more to have this—-and to have someone show up ON TIME and not dressed like a bum. Dont sell you service short – it is HARD to get people to do the little things – the half day projects.

    7. I’m with Jacki on needing a bit of professional proof. Here in NC’s dirty armpit – known as the hub of IBX or Washington, NC – trying to find a clean & sober worker isn’t easy.

    8. 5% Credit Card Processing Fees ? Yeeouch ! You may want to shop around. I know that many of the affinity cards will carry a premium but the regular Visa & MC can be processed for a lot less. The thing is to negotiate every line item in the contract. Don’t accept the basic “one size fits all” approach.
      I would have figured that this was a cash only business as the workers certainly want to be paid right away.
      My hat’s off to you pal if you can make it on 10%, that’s some feat ! Email me if you want some help on merchant services.
      I can be reached at:

    9. First of all, I like the site. Mike there is something else that you should do. Establish good relationship with all truck rental companies(penske, budget and uhaul). When people rent trucks from those companies and for some reason the truck breaks down, those companies are responsible for replacing the broken truck and for the moving labor(load transer from one truck to another). You can offer them a moving labor in all states. I’m sure the rental companies would want to deal with one person/company instead of calling different moving companies every time.

    10. thank you for sharing!!

      First of all, I like the site. Mike there is something else that you should do. Establish good relationship with all truck rental companies(penske, budget and uhaul). When people rent trucks from those companies and for some reason the truck breaks down, those companies are responsible for replacing the broken truck and for the moving labor(load transer from one truck to another). You can offer them a moving labor in all states. I’m sure the rental companies would want to deal with one person/company instead of calling different moving companies every time.

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