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    The Return of Copyblogger Radio …

    The Return of Copyblogger Radio …

    Reader Comments (22)

    1. Seth Godin to open the season with? Robert, I must say I’m really thrilled. Guess I’ll be certainly doing the same Chris the traffic blogger will, but in Portuguese. Thx and welcome back, guys. And, please, tell Sonia I’m in love with the tips from the “50 Things Your Customers Wish You Knew” series.

    2. I love your audio blogs! I have really been missing them over the summer. They really inspire me and get me excited about positive things I can do for my biz!
      Thanks so much!

    3. For a second there, I thought I’d have to sue you guys because I just about fell out of my chair when I found out that Seth Godin would be on Internet Marketing for Smart People Radio!

      Mr. Godin could easily be considered one of the most intelligent marketers on the face of the planet today.

      Implementing some of the techniques described in his books has proved to be a key component in my “success” as an internet marketer (and, more importantly, as a person) thus far into my short career.

      I cannot wait to see what you have in store!

      – Jared Silver,
      The Teenage Internet Marketer

    4. This is great news as you deliver my favorite podcast by far =)

      It always seems like you have so much to say but always manage to stay on topic delivering the goods.

      I can’t wait to see…err hear what results from Seth’s interview 😉

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