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    How to Become a Freelance Writer: First Dollar to Six Figures

    How to Become a Freelance Writer: First Dollar to Six Figures

    Reader Comments (17)

    1. Hey Stefanie!

      What an epic and super valuable post on freelance writing!

      I’ve learned a lot of new things here. Really enjoyed reading this.

      I think one of the most important things, when it comes to freelance work, is to realize your own potential and your skills so you know exactly and with confidence how you are going to help your customers.

      I think having a strong confidence in your skills can make or break your freelance career. Confidence in your writing can be sensed.

      Thank you for an amazing blog post!

      Cheers! 😀

    2. Hey Stefanie. Thanks for the great post. I signed up to be notified about openings a few months ago. I’m really excited that it’s going to be opening up soon.

      I was wondering if you have any tips on actually finding the publications that our ideal clients read. I guess this is part of figuring out who the ideal clients are (I’m making progress in this area thanks to other Copyblogger articles.)

      Also, I was wondering if you could clarify how to find people who are already looking for copywriters and content marketers. I just got done reading an article about Facebook advertising, so the first thing that came to mind was building specific audiences. Perhaps there is a way to target people who are looking to hire writers and marketers via Facebook ads?

      The other place that comes to mind is Upwork (where I used to find clients.) However, I find the quality of clients to be quite low there.

      Anyways, if you have any tips on how to accomplish this one, I would love to hear them.

      Thanks again!


      • Glad to hear you’re making progress narrowing down your ideal client, Shannon! 🙂

        Once you do that, I think both finding the publications your ideal clients read and finding people who are already looking for copywriters and content marketers are both a matter of having a content marketing strategy for yourself.

        An oversimplified version of what I’m talking about is consistently creating the right type of content for those people — blog posts, podcast episodes, videos, etc. — that helps them with the issues they struggle with.

        Part of getting to know your ideal client is having a deep understanding about their worldview and the problems they’re facing.

        When they’re looking for solutions online, the content you publish will show them what you’re about and how what you offer can help them.

        Here’s a post with some tips about guest posting and forming relationships with publications you want to contribute to:


        And once you’ve already created content you want to promote with advertising, here are some tips about getting started with social media ads:


        Thanks for reading!

    3. Stefanie–You rocked it with this post! Super helpful information for anyone creating a writing services business. These tips are spot on. I took the time to check out the link about pricing, too. Excellence there as well. I was encouraged to find that I was flowing in step with your guidance! Thanks so much for sharing more totally usable wisdom!

    4. Hi Stefanie,

      Thanks for writing such a helpful post. I’m approaching the end of my first year as a freelance copywriter and this has helped me to reflect on my progress so far and the areas I still need to work on.

      Point 4 really resonated – it can’t be just me who experiences the endless confusion between copywriting and copyright? I definitely didn’t go to Law School!

      • Oh yeah! Being a freelance copywriter has many perks, but ease of explaining what exactly you do is not always one of them. 😉

        Congratulations on your first year, Felicity!

    5. Hi Stefanie,

      Thanks for the valuable tips!

      I think especially point 2 is very important, as sometimes it’s kind of difficult to assess your own goals. Therefore goals need to be realistic and not just long-term goals but also short-term goals, as you mentioned. This is something I had to learn first.

      Once again, great article!
      Cheers, Abel

    6. Thank you for sharing valuable tips that I’m going to implement in my freelance journey to get more success. Point 10 is especially for me because I’m not very strong in communicating and convincing the clients to get projects even I have good writing skills.

    7. Thanks for the great tips! If I had known all this when I started my freelancing career, things would have been so much easier for me.

    8. Stefanie–You rocked it with this post! Super helpful information for anyone creating a writing services business. These tips are spot on. I took the time to check out the link about pricing, too. Excellence there as well. I was encouraged to find that I was flowing in step with your guidance! Thanks so much for sharing more totally usable wisdom!

    9. I Appreciate all 30 Key points for a freelance writer, but the most important for me where I am giving more attention are listed below.

      Learn content marketing strategy
      Deliver a return on investment to clients
      Organize your email inbox
      Assess short-term and long-term goals
      Recognize that your skillset helps businesses
      Demonstrate you’re dedicated to producing excellent work
      Present a compelling service proposal.
      Communicate that clients must agree to your terms of service and payment policy

      Thank you for sharing valuable content

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